View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0001482bareos-coredirectorpublic2022-10-06 17:43
ReporterJacky44 Assigned Tobruno-at-bareos  
Status closedResolutionno change required 
PlatformLinuxOSDebianOS Version10
Product Version21.1.4 
Summary0001482: A restore job definition is not respected when restoring (Storage field)
I have a definition of a restore job, but this definition is not use to restore the job as you can see at the end of this message :
Storage: File-SC-CAP-samba-cap-sd1
instaed of : Storage = File-SC-DAF-samba-daf-sd1

Steps To Reproduce*rest
The defined Catalog resources are:
1: MyCatalog-1
2: MyCatalog-2
Select Catalog resource (1-2): 1
Using Catalog "MyCatalog-1"

First you select one or more JobIds that contain files
to be restored. You will be presented several methods
of specifying the JobIds. Then you will be allowed to
select which files from those JobIds are to be restored.

To select the JobIds, you have the following choices:
 1: List last 20 Jobs run
 2: List Jobs where a given File is saved
 3: Enter list of comma separated JobIds to select
 4: Enter SQL list command
 5: Select the most recent backup for a client
 6: Select backup for a client before a specified time
 7: Enter a list of files to restore
 8: Enter a list of files to restore before a specified time
 9: Find the JobIds of the most recent backup for a client
10: Find the JobIds for a backup for a client before a specified time
11: Enter a list of directories to restore for found JobIds
12: Select full restore to a specified Job date
13: Cancel
Select item: (1-13): 5
Defined Clients:
 1: SC-AC-samba-ac-fd 2: SC-ACN-samba-acn-fd
 3: SC-ARCHIVES-samba-archives-fd 4: SC-CAB-samba-cab-fd
 5: SC-CAP-samba-cap-fd 6: SC-CCP-samba-ccp-fd
 7: SC-CDP-samba-cdp-fd 8: SC-COM-samba-com-fd
 9: SC-CPUN-samba-cpun-fd 10: SC-CRSU-samba-crsu-fd
11: SC-DAF-samba-daf-fd 12: SC-DAJ-C2AI-samba-daj-c2ai-fd
13: SC-DCI-samba-dci-fd 14: SC-DDSPS-samba-ddsps-fd
15: SC-DEI-samba-dei-fd 16: SC-DEVU-samba-devu-fd
17: SC-DGS-samba-dgs-fd 18: SC-DIR-samba-dir-fd
19: SC-DPIL-samba-dpil-fd 20: SC-DRHDS-samba-drhds-fd
21: SC-DRPI-samba-drpi-fd 22: SC-DSIN-samba-dsin-fd
23: SC-DSIN-samba-ticem-fd 24: SC-DVE-samba-dve-fd
25: SC-MTE-samba-mte-fd 26: SC-NEXT-samba-next-fd
27: SC-REFORME-samba-reforme-fd 28: SC-SUAPS-samba-suaps-fd
29: SC-SUMPPS-samba-sumpps-fd 30: bareos-fd
31: bareos-webui-fd 32: samba-dsin.univ-nantes.prive-fd
33: samba-sumpps-fd
Select the Client (1-33): 11
Automatically selected FileSet: Set-SC-DAF-samba-daf
| jobid | level | jobfiles | jobbytes | starttime | volumename |
| 2,695 | F | 408,442 | 269,701,028,611 | 2022-09-16 23:55:01 | V_Complete-SC-DAF-samba-daf-1118 |
| 2,695 | F | 408,442 | 269,701,028,611 | 2022-09-16 23:55:01 | V_Complete-SC-DAF-samba-daf-1119 |
| 2,695 | F | 408,442 | 269,701,028,611 | 2022-09-16 23:55:01 | V_Complete-SC-DAF-samba-daf-1120 |
| 2,755 | I | 4 | 760,300 | 2022-09-18 23:55:01 | V_I-SC-DAF-samba-daf-1484 |
| 2,786 | I | 359 | 76,405,166 | 2022-09-19 23:55:00 | V_I-SC-DAF-samba-daf-1502 |
You have selected the following JobIds: 2695,2755,2786

Building directory tree for JobId(s) 2695,2755,2786 ... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
361,023 files inserted into the tree.

You are now entering file selection mode where you add (mark) and
remove (unmark) files to be restored. No files are initially added, unless
you used the "all" keyword on the command line.
Enter "done" to leave this mode.

cwd is: /
$ ls
$ cd /DATA/
cwd is: /DATA/
$ ls
$ ls
$ ls
Facturation Lignes Fixe-2014/
Facturation Lignes Fixes-2015/
Facturation Lignes Fixes-2016/
Facturation Lignes Fixes-2017/
Facturation Lignes Fixes-2018/
Facturation Lignes Fixes-2019/
$ cd "Facturation Lignes Fixe-2014/"
$ ls
$ ls
$ mark facture-c-2014.pdf
1 file marked.
$ done
The defined Restore Job resources are:
1: RestoreFiles
2: SET-SC-DAF-samba-daf-RestoreFiles
Select Restore Job (1-2): 2
Bootstrap records written to /var/lib/bareos/bareos-1-dir.restore.1.bsr

The job will require the following
   Volume(s) Storage(s) SD Device(s)
    V_Complete-SC-DAF-samba-daf-1120 File-SC-CAP-samba-cap-sd1 FileStorage-SC-CAP-samba-cap

Volumes marked with "*" are online.

1 file selected to be restored.

Using Catalog "MyCatalog-1"
Run Restore job
JobName: SET-SC-DAF-samba-daf-RestoreFiles
Bootstrap: /var/lib/bareos/bareos-1-dir.restore.1.bsr
Where: /DATA/tmp/bareos
Replace: Always
FileSet: Set-SC-DAF-samba-daf
Backup Client: SC-DAF-samba-daf-fd
Restore Client: SC-DAF-samba-daf-fd
Format: Native
Storage: File-SC-CAP-samba-cap-sd1
When: 2022-09-20 17:19:41
Catalog: MyCatalog-1
Priority: 20
Plugin Options: *None*
OK to run? (yes/mod/no):
Additional InformationJob {
  Name = "SET-SC-DAF-samba-daf-RestoreFiles"
  Description = "Standard Restore template. Only one such job is needed for all standard Jobs/Clients/Storage ..."
  Type = Restore
  Client = SC-DAF-samba-daf-fd
  FileSet = "Set-SC-DAF-samba-daf" # selftest fileset (0000013)
  Storage = File-SC-DAF-samba-daf-sd1
  Pool = Complete-SC-DAF-samba-daf
  Messages = Standard-JC
  Priority = 20
  Where = /DATA/tmp/bareos
Tagsrestore, storage




2022-09-21 15:05

manager   ~0004750

Hello, I'm sorry to inform you that there's no real restore definition like the jobdef resource.

There's one job restore defined by default to ease the selection and propose some default like a dummy fileset and the where to restore.
But most of all other field will be replaced by the one used during the backup.

It doesn't make sense either to force a storage, Bareos will use the one able to handle the media.
For example restoring the most recent for a client/job will often imply one Full media and several incremental that can be handle by different storage.

I hope this help you to better understand the software.


2022-09-22 14:54

reporter   ~0004765

I understand, but the problem is that it is possible to change the Storage with bconsole and restore command, but it is not possible with bareos-webui, because storage is not a proposed field.
$ done
The defined Restore Job resources are:
1: RestoreFiles
2: SET-SC-DAF-samba-daf-RestoreFiles
Select Restore Job (1-2): 2
Bootstrap records written to /var/lib/bareos/bareos-1-dir.restore.2.bsr

The job will require the following
   Volume(s) Storage(s) SD Device(s)
    V_Complete-SC-DAF-samba-daf-1120 File-SC-CAP-samba-cap-sd1 FileStorage-SC-CAP-samba-cap

Volumes marked with "*" are online.

16 files selected to be restored.

Using Catalog "MyCatalog-1"
Run Restore job
JobName: SET-SC-DAF-samba-daf-RestoreFiles
Bootstrap: /var/lib/bareos/bareos-1-dir.restore.2.bsr
Where: /DATA/tmp/bareos
Replace: Always
FileSet: Set-SC-DAF-samba-daf
Backup Client: SC-DAF-samba-daf-fd
Restore Client: SC-DAF-samba-daf-fd
Format: Native
Storage: File-SC-CAP-samba-cap-sd1
When: 2022-09-22 14:30:36
Catalog: MyCatalog-1
Priority: 20
Plugin Options: *None*
OK to run? (yes/mod/no):


2022-09-22 15:15

manager   ~0004766

Sorry I don't get your point,
Even with bconsole and restore command the storage that will be used is not the one you select DAF, it will be CAP as stated

V_Complete-SC-DAF-samba-daf-1120 File-SC-CAP-samba-cap-sd1 FileStorage-SC-CAP-samba-cap

Why simply because the important part is the volume where the data are.
For example you can also set another fileset, but it will be not be used for restore, fileset, storage are mandatory fields in the concept of job, that why they are here, but just not used.

Or is there something I can't see with the extract you made.


2022-09-22 15:33

reporter   ~0004767

You said : Even with bconsole and restore command the storage that will be used is not the one you select DAF, it will be CAP as stated

It's ok, and not a big problem, because it is possible to change this fiels in bconsole / rest, by doing mod and choose change Storage.

The problem for me is : it is not possible do do the same with bareos-webui, because this field is not showed in the interface as a possible field to be changed.

As result, it is not possible to use webui to restore in our configuration, only bconsole is possible, and it's a difficulty because ours restore users have an access to webui only.

I hope my Engish is clear enough to explain.


2022-09-22 17:05

manager   ~0004768

No problem for the english, we use the same accent ;-)

What seems to escape you, is that the storage you want to change, will not be used
so when you set DAF, as the volume belong to CAP the storage used will be CAP. So there's fundamentally no needs to change it, and that's why we were able to not propose it on the webui to simplify the UI.

What would be the use case of changing the storage?


2022-09-23 11:18

reporter   ~0004772

In my case use, I have these definitions :
Storage {
  Name = File-SC-DAF-samba-daf-sd1
  Address = bareos-sd1.dprv.univ-nantes.prive
  Password = "m..........................6"
  Device = FileStorage-SC-DAF-samba-daf
  Media Type = File
Storage {
  Name = File-SC-CAP-samba-cap-sd1
  Address = bareos-sd1.dprv.univ-nantes.prive # N.B. Use a fully qualified name here (do not use "localhost" here).
  Password = "m..........................6"
  Device = FileStorage-SC-CAP-samba-cap
  Media Type = File

So storgae DAF and CAP pointed to the same serveur : bareos-sd1.dprv.univ-nantes.prive
But with device defined like this :

Device {
  Name = FileStorage-SC-DAF-samba-daf
  Media Type = File
  Archive Device = /var/lib/bareos/storage/SC-DAF-samba-daf
  LabelMedia = yes; # lets Bareos label unlabeled media
  Random Access = yes;
  AutomaticMount = yes; # when device opened, read it
  RemovableMedia = no;
  AlwaysOpen = no;
  Description = "File device. A connecting Director must have the same Name and MediaType."
Device {
  Name = FileStorage-SC-CAP-samba-cap
  Media Type = File
  Archive Device = /var/lib/bareos/storage/SC-CAP-samba-cap
  LabelMedia = yes; # lets Bareos label unlabeled media
  Random Access = yes;
  AutomaticMount = yes; # when device opened, read it
  RemovableMedia = no;
  AlwaysOpen = no;
  Description = "File device. A connecting Director must have the same Name and MediaType."

We see thet Archive Device are different.
If I can't change to the right storgae, and by the way the right device, and the right archive device, bareos answers when I try to restore :
Could not open: /var/lib/bareos/storage/SC-CAP-samba-cap/V_Complete-SC-DAF-samba-daf
23-sept. 11:11 bareos-sd1-sd JobId 2905: Please mount read Volume "V_Complete-SC-DAF-samba-daf-1120" for:
    Job: SET-SC-DAF-samba-daf-RestoreFiles.2022-09-23_11.11.54_26
    Storage: "FileStorage-SC-CAP-samba-cap" (/var/lib/bareos/storage/SC-CAP-samba-cap)
    Pool: Complete-SC-DAF-samba-daf
    Media type: File
I hope my case use is well explained to show you I need to change the storage (not possible in webui).


2022-09-26 14:11

manager   ~0004774

The problem you have is the following
When Bareos tell that it will need the following

The job will require the following
   Volume(s) Storage(s) SD Device(s)
    V_Complete-SC-DAF-samba-daf-1120 File-SC-CAP-samba-cap-sd1 FileStorage-SC-CAP-samba-cap

The following should be where the software has store it (volume,storage,device) because it knows where the data are.

From you last example it look like some volume are moved (outside of Bareos?) to another place.

list media, pools definition and llist media=V_Complete-SC-DAF-samba-daf-1120 will give more clue about that mix.


2022-09-26 18:40

reporter   ~0004778

Effectively, all volumes are moved to others storages (I have the same with others jobs), and it's append inside bareos.
Because, from a long time, bacula is started with these definitions below.
Pehaps confusion because sd bareos is always bareos-sd1.dprv.univ-nantes.prive ?

I hope it's not because of my organisation, similar that those I had in bacula, with this include in bareos-dir.conf :
############################ INCLUDE #############################

################## Serveurs samba centraux ######################

Storage {
  Name = File-SC-DAF-samba-daf-sd1
  Address = bareos-sd1.dprv.univ-nantes.prive
  Password = "m...6"
  Device = FileStorage-SC-DAF-samba-daf
  Media Type = File

Pool {
  Name = Complete-SC-DAF-samba-daf
  Volume Use Duration = 3 weeks
  Pool Type = Backup
  Recycle = yes # Bareos can automatically recycle Volumes
  AutoPrune = yes # Prune expired volumes
  Volume Retention = 2 months # How long should the Full Backups be kept? (0000006)
  Maximum Volume Bytes = 100G # Limit Volume size to something reasonable
  Maximum Volumes = 100 # Limit number of Volumes in Pool
  Label Format = "V_Complete-SC-DAF-samba-daf-" # Volumes will be labeled "Full-<volume-id>"
Pool {
  Name = Diff-SC-DAF-samba-daf
  Volume Use Duration = 5 days
  Pool Type = Backup
  Recycle = yes # Bareos can automatically recycle Volumes
  AutoPrune = yes # Prune expired volumes
  Volume Retention = 2 months # How long should the Differential Backups be kept? (0000009)
  Maximum Volume Bytes = 100G # Limit Volume size to something reasonable
  Maximum Volumes = 100 # Limit number of Volumes in Pool
  Label Format = "V_Diff-SC-DAF-samba-daf-" # Volumes will be labeled "Differential-<volume-id>"
Pool {
  Name = I-SC-DAF-samba-daf
  Volume Use Duration = 20 hours
  Pool Type = Backup
  Recycle = yes # Bareos can automatically recycle Volumes
  AutoPrune = yes # Prune expired volumes
  Volume Retention = 2 months # How long should the Incremental Backups be kept? (0000012)
  Maximum Volume Bytes = 100G # Limit Volume size to something reasonable
  Maximum Volumes = 100 # Limit number of Volumes in Pool
  Label Format = "V_I-SC-DAF-samba-daf-" # Volumes will be labeled "Incremental-<volume-id>"

*list media=V_Complete-SC-DAF-samba-daf-1120
| mediaid | volumename | volstatus | enabled | volbytes | volfiles | volretention | recycle | slot | inchanger | mediatype | lastwritten | storage |
| 1,120 | V_Complete-SC-DAF-samba-daf-1120 | Append | 1 | 55,260,062,182 | 12 | 5,184,000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | File | 2022-09-17 04:13:42 | File-SC-CAP-samba-cap-sd1 |

*llist media=V_Complete-SC-DAF-samba-daf-1120
          mediaid: 1,120
       volumename: V_Complete-SC-DAF-samba-daf-1120
             slot: 0
           poolid: 62
             pool: Complete-SC-DAF-samba-daf
        mediatype: File
     firstwritten: 2022-09-16 23:55:01
      lastwritten: 2022-09-17 04:13:42
        labeldate: 2022-09-16 23:55:01
          voljobs: 1
         volfiles: 12
        volblocks: 856,586
        volmounts: 1
         volbytes: 55,260,062,182
        volerrors: 0
        volwrites: 856,587
 volcapacitybytes: 0
        volstatus: Append
          enabled: 1
          recycle: 1
     volretention: 5,184,000
   voluseduration: 1,814,400
       maxvoljobs: 0
      maxvolfiles: 0
      maxvolbytes: 107,374,182,400
        inchanger: 0
          endfile: 12
         endblock: 3,720,454,629
        labeltype: 0
        storageid: 20
         deviceid: 0
       locationid: 0
     recyclecount: 0
    scratchpoolid: 0
    recyclepoolid: 0
          storage: File-SC-CAP-samba-cap-sd1

*list pools definition
| poolid | name | numvols | maxvols | pooltype | labelformat |
| 1 | Full | 2 | 100 | Backup | Full- |
| 2 | Differential | 0 | 100 | Backup | Differential- |
| 3 | Incremental | 0 | 100 | Backup | Incremental- |
| 4 | Scratch | 0 | 0 | Scratch | * |
| 38 | Complete-SC-CAP-samba-cap | 3 | 100 | Backup | V_Complete-SC-CAP-samba-cap- |
| 39 | Diff-SC-CAP-samba-cap | 7 | 100 | Backup | V_Diff-SC-CAP-samba-cap- |
| 40 | I-SC-CAP-samba-cap | 50 | 100 | Backup | V_I-SC-CAP-samba-cap- |
| 62 | Complete-SC-DAF-samba-daf | 20 | 100 | Backup | V_Complete-SC-DAF-samba-daf- |
| 63 | Diff-SC-DAF-samba-daf | 4 | 100 | Backup | V_Diff-SC-DAF-samba-daf- |
| 64 | I-SC-DAF-samba-daf | 21 | 100 | Backup | V_I-SC-DAF-samba-daf- |


2022-09-28 16:28

manager   ~0004781

Hello sorry I'm getting confused by that sentence

> Effectively, all volumes are moved to others storages (I have the same with others jobs), and it's append inside bareos.

How and what definition or job allow that ?


2022-09-28 18:18

reporter   ~0004782

These definitions delow allow that for example.
But in fact all of them for this server bareos-1 : all definitions are defined on the same model.
I have others bareos : 2 until 6 that don't have the problem.

bareos@bareos-1:/etc/bareos$ cat bareos-dir.d/include/SC-DAF-samba-daf.conf
JobDefs {
  Name = "Job-SC-DAF-samba-daf"
  Type = Backup
  Level = Full
  Client = SC-DAF-samba-daf-fd
  FileSet = "Set-SC-DAF-samba-daf" # selftest fileset (0000013)
  Schedule = "WeeklyCycle-SC-DAF-samba-daf"
  Storage = File-SC-DAF-samba-daf-sd1
  Messages = Standard-JC
  Pool = Complete-SC-DAF-samba-daf
  Priority = 20
  Write Bootstrap = "/var/lib/bareos/%c.bsr"
  Full Backup Pool = Complete-SC-DAF-samba-daf # write Full Backups into "Full" Pool (0000005)
  Differential Backup Pool = Diff-SC-DAF-samba-daf # write Diff Backups into "Differential" Pool (0000008)
  Incremental Backup Pool = I-SC-DAF-samba-daf # write Incr Backups into "Incremental" Pool (0000011)
Schedule {
  Name = "WeeklyCycle-SC-DAF-samba-daf"
  Run = Level=Full Pool=Complete-SC-DAF-samba-daf Messages=Standard-JC 3rd fri at 23:55
  Run = Level=Differential Pool=Diff-SC-DAF-samba-daf Messages=Standard-JC 1st 2nd 4th 5th fri at 23:55
  Run = Level=Incremental Pool=I-SC-DAF-samba-daf Messages=Standard-JC sat-thu at 23:55
Job {
  Name = SC-DAF-samba-daf-job
  Client = SC-DAF-samba-daf-fd
  JobDefs = Job-SC-DAF-samba-daf
FileSet {
  Name = "Set-SC-DAF-samba-daf"
# Description = "fileset just to backup some files for selftest"
  Include {
    Options {
      signature = MD5;
# compression = GZIP;

#Rem JCA : If enabled, tells the Client that the selection of files during Incremental and Differential backups should based only on the st_mtime value in the stat() packet. The default is no which means that the selection of files to be backed up will be based on both the st_mtime and the st_ctime values.
      mtimeonly = yes;
    File = /DATA/DAF
  Exclude {
Client {
  Name = SC-DAF-samba-daf-fd
  Address = 172...58
  Password = "F...6"
  Catalog = MyCatalog-1
  File Retention = 2 months
  Job Retention = 2 months
  AutoPrune = yes # Prune expired Jobs/Files
Storage {
  Name = File-SC-DAF-samba-daf-sd1
  Address = bareos-sd1.dprv.univ-nantes.prive # N.B. Use a fully qualified name here (do not use "localhost" here).
  Password = "m...6"
  Device = FileStorage-SC-DAF-samba-daf
  Media Type = File
Pool {
  Name = Complete-SC-DAF-samba-daf
  Volume Use Duration = 3 weeks
  Pool Type = Backup
  Recycle = yes # Bareos can automatically recycle Volumes
  AutoPrune = yes # Prune expired volumes
  Volume Retention = 2 months # How long should the Full Backups be kept? (0000006)
  Maximum Volume Bytes = 100G # Limit Volume size to something reasonable
  Maximum Volumes = 100 # Limit number of Volumes in Pool
  Label Format = "V_Complete-SC-DAF-samba-daf-" # Volumes will be labeled "Full-<volume-id>"
Pool {
  Name = Diff-SC-DAF-samba-daf
  Volume Use Duration = 5 days
  Pool Type = Backup
  Recycle = yes # Bareos can automatically recycle Volumes
  AutoPrune = yes # Prune expired volumes
  Volume Retention = 2 months # How long should the Differential Backups be kept? (0000009)
  Maximum Volume Bytes = 100G # Limit Volume size to something reasonable
  Maximum Volumes = 100 # Limit number of Volumes in Pool
  Label Format = "V_Diff-SC-DAF-samba-daf-" # Volumes will be labeled "Differential-<volume-id>"
Pool {
  Name = I-SC-DAF-samba-daf
  Volume Use Duration = 20 hours
  Pool Type = Backup
  Recycle = yes # Bareos can automatically recycle Volumes
  AutoPrune = yes # Prune expired volumes
  Volume Retention = 2 months # How long should the Incremental Backups be kept? (0000012)
  Maximum Volume Bytes = 100G # Limit Volume size to something reasonable
  Maximum Volumes = 100 # Limit number of Volumes in Pool
  Label Format = "V_I-SC-DAF-samba-daf-" # Volumes will be labeled "Incremental-<volume-id>"
Profile {
  Name = webui-SC-DAF-samba-daf
  CommandACL = !.bvfs_clear_cache, !.exit, !.sql, !configure, !create, !delete, !purge, !sqlquery, !umount, !unmount, *all*
  Job ACL = RestoreFiles, SC-DAF-samba-daf-job
  Schedule ACL = WeeklyCycle-SC-DAF-samba-daf
  Catalog ACL = MyCatalog-1
  Pool ACL = Complete-SC-DAF-samba-daf, Diff-SC-DAF-samba-daf, I-SC-DAF-samba-daf
  Storage ACL = File-SC-DAF-samba-daf-sd1
  Client ACL = SC-DAF-samba-daf-fd
  FileSet ACL = Set-SC-DAF-samba-daf
  Where ACL = *all*
  Plugin Options ACL = *all*

############################# Restore #########################
Job {
  Name = "SET-SC-DAF-samba-daf-RestoreFiles"
  Description = "Standard Restore template. Only one such job is needed for all standard Jobs/Clients/Storage ..."
  Type = Restore
  Client = SC-DAF-samba-daf-fd
  FileSet = "Set-SC-DAF-samba-daf" # selftest fileset (0000013)
  Storage = File-SC-DAF-samba-daf-sd1
  Pool = Complete-SC-DAF-samba-daf
  Messages = Standard-JC
  Priority = 20
  Where = /DATA/tmp/bareos


with this general file :
bareos@bareos-1:/etc/bareos$ cat bareos-dir.conf
Director { # define myself
  Name = bareos-1-dir
  QueryFile = "/usr/lib/bareos/scripts/query.sql"
  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 10
  Password = "7...U" # Console password
  Messages = Daemon
  Auditing = yes

  # Enable the Heartbeat if you experience connection losses
  # (eg. because of your router or firewall configuration).
  # Additionally the Heartbeat can be enabled in bareos-sd and bareos-fd.
  # Heartbeat Interval = 1 min

  # remove comment in next line to load dynamic backends from specified directory
  # Backend Directory = /usr/lib/bareos/backends

  # remove comment from "Plugin Directory" to load plugins from specified directory.
  # if "Plugin Names" is defined, only the specified plugins will be loaded,
  # otherwise all director plugins (* from the "Plugin Directory".
  # Plugin Directory = /usr/lib/bareos/plugins
  # Plugin Names = ""

JobDefs {
  Name = "DefaultJob"
  Type = Backup
  Level = Incremental
  Client = bareos-fd
  FileSet = "SelfTest" # selftest fileset (0000013)
  Schedule = "WeeklyCycle"
  Storage = File
  Messages = Standard
  Pool = Incremental
  Priority = 20
  Write Bootstrap = "/var/lib/bareos/%c.bsr"
  Full Backup Pool = Full # write Full Backups into "Full" Pool (0000005)
  Differential Backup Pool = Differential # write Diff Backups into "Differential" Pool (0000008)
  Incremental Backup Pool = Incremental # write Incr Backups into "Incremental" Pool (0000011)

Job {
  Name = "RestoreFiles"
  Description = "Standard Restore template. Only one such job is needed for all standard Jobs/Clients/Storage ..."
  Type = Restore
  Client = bareos-fd
  FileSet = "LinuxAll"
# Storage = File
  Storage = File-sd1
  Pool = Incremental
  Messages = Standard
# Where = /tmp/bareos-restores
  Where = /BAREOS-DATA/bareos-restores

Job {
  Name = "BackupCatalog"
  Description = "Backup the catalog database (after the nightly save)"
  JobDefs = "DefaultJob"
  Level = Full
  Schedule = "WeeklyCycleAfterBackup"

  # This creates an ASCII copy of the catalog
  # Arguments to are:
  # <catalog-name>
#Rem JCA 24/03/22 : RunBeforeJob = "/usr/lib/bareos/scripts/ MyCatalog-1"

  # This deletes the copy of the catalog
#Rem JCA 24/03/22 : RunAfterJob = "/usr/lib/bareos/scripts/delete_catalog_backup"

  # This sends the bootstrap via mail for disaster recovery.
  # Should be sent to another system, please change recipient accordingly
  Write Bootstrap = "|/usr/bin/bsmtp -h localhost -f \"\(Bareos\) \" -s \"Bootstrap for Job %j\" root@localhost" # (0000001)
  Priority = 20 # run after main backup

FileSet {
  Name = "Catalog"
  Description = "Backup the catalog dump and Bareos configuration files."
  Include {
    Options {
      signature = MD5
#Rem JCA 24/03/22 : File = "/var/lib/bareos/bareos.sql" # database dump
    File = "/etc/bareos" # configuration
FileSet {
  Name = "LinuxAll"
  Description = "Backup all regular filesystems, determined by filesystem type."
  Include {
    Options {
      Signature = MD5 # calculate md5 checksum per file
      One FS = No # change into other filessytems
      FS Type = btrfs
      FS Type = ext2 # filesystems of given types will be backed up
      FS Type = ext3 # others will be ignored
      FS Type = ext4
      FS Type = reiserfs
      FS Type = jfs
      FS Type = xfs
      FS Type = zfs
    File = /
  # Things that usually have to be excluded
  # You have to exclude /var/lib/bareos/storage
  # on your bareos server
  Exclude {
    File = /var/lib/bareos
    File = /var/lib/bareos/storage
    File = /proc
    File = /tmp
    File = /var/tmp
    File = /.journal
    File = /.fsck
FileSet {
  Name = "SelfTest"
  Description = "fileset just to backup some files for selftest"
  Include {
    Options {
      Signature = MD5 # calculate md5 checksum per file
    File = "/usr/sbin"
FileSet {
  Name = "Windows All Drives"
  Enable VSS = yes
  Include {
    Options {
      Signature = MD5
      Drive Type = fixed
      IgnoreCase = yes
      WildFile = "[A-Z]:/pagefile.sys"
      WildDir = "[A-Z]:/RECYCLER"
      WildDir = "[A-Z]:/$RECYCLE.BIN"
      WildDir = "[A-Z]:/System Volume Information"
      Exclude = yes
    File = /

Schedule {
  Name = "WeeklyCycleAfterBackup"
  Description = "This schedule does the catalog. It starts after the WeeklyCycle."
  Run = Full mon-fri at 21:10
Schedule {
  Name = "WeeklyCycle"
  Run = Full 1st sat at 21:00 # (0000004)
  Run = Differential 2nd-5th sat at 21:00 # (0000007)
  Run = Incremental mon-fri at 21:00 # (0000010)

Client {
  Name = bareos-fd
  Description = "Client resource of the Director itself."
  Address = localhost
  Password = "J...s" # password for FileDaemon
  Catalog = MyCatalog-1

Storage {
  Name = File
# Address = bareos # N.B. Use a fully qualified name here (do not use "localhost" here).
  Address = bareos-1.dprv.univ-nantes.prive # N.B. Use a fully qualified name here (do not use "localhost" here).
  Password = "m...6"
  Device = FileStorage
  Media Type = File

Storage {
  Name = File-sd1
# Address = bareos # N.B. Use a fully qualified name here (do not use "localhost" here).
  Address = bareos-sd1.dprv.univ-nantes.prive # N.B. Use a fully qualified name here (do not use "localhost" here).
  Password = "m...6"
  Device = FileStorage
  Media Type = File

Catalog {
  Name = MyCatalog-1
  # Uncomment the following lines if you want the dbi driver
  # dbdriver = "dbi:postgresql"; dbaddress =; dbport =
  #dbdriver = "postgresql"
  dbname = "bareos"
  dbuser = "bareos"
# dbuser = "root"
  dbpassword = "xxx"

Catalog {

#Catalog {
# Name=MyCatalog-3
# #dbdriver=postgresql
# dbname=bareos
# dbuser=bareos
# dbpassword=xxx
# #dbaddress=bareos-3.dprv.univ-nantes.prive
# #dbport=5432

Messages {
  Name = Daemon
  Description = "Message delivery for daemon messages (no job)."
  mailcommand = "/usr/bin/bsmtp -h smtp.univ-nantes.prive -f \"\(Bareos\) \<%r\>\" -s \"Bareos-1 daemon message\" %r"
  # mail = root@localhost = all, !skipped, !audit # (0000002)
  mail = = all, !skipped, !audit # (0000002)
  console = all, !skipped, !saved, !audit
  append = "/var/log/bareos/bareos.log" = all, !skipped, !audit
  append = "/var/log/bareos/bareos-audit.log" = audit
Messages {
  Name = Standard
  Description = "Reasonable message delivery -- send most everything to email address and to the console."
# operatorcommand = "/usr/bin/bsmtp -h localhost -f \"\(Bareos\) \<%r\>\" -s \"Bareos: Intervention needed for %j\" %r"
  operatorcommand = "/usr/bin/bsmtp -h smtp.univ-nantes.prive -f \"\(Bareos\) \<\>\" -s \"Bareos-1: Intervention needed for %j\" %r"
# mailcommand = "/usr/bin/bsmtp -h localhost -f \"\(Bareos\) \<%r\>\" -s \"Bareos: %t %e of %c %l\" %r"
  mailcommand = "/usr/bin/bsmtp -h smtp.univ-nantes.prive -f \"\(Bareos\) \<\>\" -s \"Bareos-1: %t %e of %c %l\" %r"
# operator = root@localhost = mount # (0000003)
  operator = = mount # (0000003)
# mail = root@localhost = all, !skipped, !saved, !audit # (0000002)
  mail = = all, !skipped, !saved, !audit # (0000002)
  console = all, !skipped, !saved, !audit
  append = "/var/log/bareos/bareos.log" = all, !skipped, !saved, !audit
  catalog = all, !skipped, !saved, !audit
Messages {
  Name = Standard-JC
  Description = "Reasonable message delivery -- send most everything to email address and to the console."
# operatorcommand = "/usr/bin/bsmtp -h localhost -f \"\(Bareos\) \<%r\>\" -s \"Bareos: Intervention needed for %j\" %r"
  operatorcommand = "/usr/bin/bsmtp -h smtp.univ-nantes.prive -f \"\(Bareos\) \<\>\" -s \"Bareos-1: Intervention needed for %j\" %r"
# mailcommand = "/usr/bin/bsmtp -h localhost -f \"\(Bareos\) \<%r\>\" -s \"Bareos: %t %e of %c %l\" %r"
  mailcommand = "/usr/bin/bsmtp -h smtp.univ-nantes.prive -f \"\(Bareos\) \<\>\" -s \"Bareos-1: %t %e of %c %l\" %r"
# operator = root@localhost = mount # (0000003)
  operator = = mount # (0000003)
# mail = root@localhost = all, !skipped, !saved, !audit # (0000002)
  mail = = all, !skipped, !saved, !audit # (0000002)
  console = all, !skipped, !saved, !audit
  append = "/var/log/bareos/bareos.log" = all, !skipped, !saved, !audit
  catalog = all, !skipped, !saved, !audit

Pool {
  Name = Full
  Pool Type = Backup
  Recycle = yes # Bareos can automatically recycle Volumes
  AutoPrune = yes # Prune expired volumes
  Volume Retention = 365 days # How long should the Full Backups be kept? (0000006)
  Maximum Volume Bytes = 50G # Limit Volume size to something reasonable
  Maximum Volumes = 100 # Limit number of Volumes in Pool
  Label Format = "Full-" # Volumes will be labeled "Full-<volume-id>"

Pool {
  Name = Differential
  Pool Type = Backup
  Recycle = yes # Bareos can automatically recycle Volumes
  AutoPrune = yes # Prune expired volumes
  Volume Retention = 90 days # How long should the Differential Backups be kept? (0000009)
  Maximum Volume Bytes = 10G # Limit Volume size to something reasonable
  Maximum Volumes = 100 # Limit number of Volumes in Pool
  Label Format = "Differential-" # Volumes will be labeled "Differential-<volume-id>"

Pool {
  Name = Incremental
  Pool Type = Backup
  Recycle = yes # Bareos can automatically recycle Volumes
  AutoPrune = yes # Prune expired volumes
  Volume Retention = 30 days # How long should the Incremental Backups be kept? (0000012)
  Maximum Volume Bytes = 1G # Limit Volume size to something reasonable
  Maximum Volumes = 100 # Limit number of Volumes in Pool
  Label Format = "Incremental-" # Volumes will be labeled "Incremental-<volume-id>"

Pool {
  Name = Scratch
  Pool Type = Scratch

Console {
  Name = bareos-mon
  Description = "Restricted console used by tray-monitor to get the status of the director."
  Password = "7...Z"
  CommandACL = status, .status
  JobACL = *all*
Console {
  Name = "PamConsole"
  Password = "Q...i"
  UsePamAuthentication = yes
  TlsEnable = false
# Profile = "webui-admin"
  CommandACL = status, .status
  JobACL = *all*
Console {
  Name = "pam-webui"
  Password = "Q...i"
  UsePamAuthentication = yes
  TlsEnable = false
  #TLS Enable = no
  #Profile = "webui-admin"

Profile {
   Name = operator
   Description = "Profile allowing normal Bareos operations."

   Command ACL = !.bvfs_clear_cache, !.exit, !.sql
   Command ACL = !configure, !create, !delete, !purge, !sqlquery, !umount, !unmount
   Command ACL = *all*

   Catalog ACL = *all*
   Client ACL = *all*
   FileSet ACL = *all*
   Job ACL = *all*
   Plugin Options ACL = *all*
   Pool ACL = *all*
   Schedule ACL = *all*
   Storage ACL = *all*
   Where ACL = *all*
Profile {
  Name = webui-admin
  CommandACL = !.bvfs_clear_cache, !.exit, !.sql, !configure, !create, !delete, !purge, !sqlquery, !umount, !unmount, *all*
  Job ACL = *all*
  Schedule ACL = *all*
  Catalog ACL = *all*
  Pool ACL = *all*
  Storage ACL = *all*
  Client ACL = *all*
  FileSet ACL = *all*
  Where ACL = *all*
  Plugin Options ACL = *all*
#Profile {
# Name = webui-admin-catalog1
# CommandACL = !.bvfs_clear_cache, !.exit, !.sql, !configure, !create, !delete, !purge, !sqlquery, !umount, !unmount, *all*
# Job ACL = *all*
# Schedule ACL = *all*
# Catalog ACL = MyCatalog-1
# Pool ACL = *all*
# Storage ACL = *all*
# Client ACL = *all*
# FileSet ACL = *all*
# Where ACL = *all*
# Plugin Options ACL = *all*
#Profile {
# Name = webui-admin-catalog2
# CommandACL = !.bvfs_clear_cache, !.exit, !.sql, !configure, !create, !delete, !purge, !sqlquery, !umount, !unmount, *all*
# Job ACL = *all*
# Schedule ACL = *all*
# Catalog ACL = MyCatalog-2
# Pool ACL = *all*
# Storage ACL = *all*
# Client ACL = *all*
# FileSet ACL = *all*
# Where ACL = *all*
# Plugin Options ACL = *all*

############################## User ###########################

############################## DSIN ###########################

User {
   Name = "xxx-j"
# Profile = "webui-admin"
   Profile = "webui-SC-DVE-samba-dve"
# Profile = "webui-SC-SUMPPS-samba-sumpps"
# Profile = "webui-admin-catalog1"
# Profile = "webui-admin-catalog2"
# Profile = "webui-samba"
# CommandACL = status, .status
# JobACL = *all*

############################ INCLUDE #############################

########################### Serveurs infra ######################

################## Serveurs samba centraux ######################


2022-09-29 10:51

manager   ~0004784

Thanks for your configuration but there's no explanation about the following fact

When the restore will be triggered Bareos is wanting volume V_Complete-SC-DAF-samba-daf-1120
to be present on SD device File-SC-CAP-samba-cap-sd1 and storage definition FileStorage-SC-CAP-samba-cap

not DAF


2022-09-29 11:04

reporter   ~0004785

If I well understand, my configuration is or seems ok, but the bareos behavior is not the one expected, with no explanation.
Is it or seems to be a bug ?
At least, have you an advise to have no more this situation : purge all database, reinstall on another server bareos from scratch, change my configuration, etc...


2022-09-29 15:21

manager   ~0004786

I will not be allowed to do a full consulting session here (for free) and I think this can be understable.

What I would advise is the following, maybe in the past those media where located in a pool which was using CAF storage. and now they are handled by DAF storage.
I will check all incriminated volumes, and update their storage attributes in the database to their actual real usable.

in case of
*list media=V_Complete-SC-DAF-samba-daf-1120
| mediaid | volumename | volstatus | enabled | volbytes | volfiles | volretention | recycle | slot | inchanger | mediatype | lastwritten | storage |
| 1,120 | V_Complete-SC-DAF-samba-daf-1120 | Append | 1 | 55,260,062,182 | 12 | 5,184,000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | File | 2022-09-17 04:13:42 | File-SC-CAP-samba-cap-sd1 |

*llist media=V_Complete-SC-DAF-samba-daf-1120
          mediaid: 1,120
       volumename: V_Complete-SC-DAF-samba-daf-1120
             slot: 0
           poolid: 62
             pool: Complete-SC-DAF-samba-daf
        mediatype: File
     firstwritten: 2022-09-16 23:55:01
      lastwritten: 2022-09-17 04:13:42
        labeldate: 2022-09-16 23:55:01
          voljobs: 1
         volfiles: 12
        volblocks: 856,586
        volmounts: 1
         volbytes: 55,260,062,182
        volerrors: 0
        volwrites: 856,587
 volcapacitybytes: 0
        volstatus: Append
          enabled: 1
          recycle: 1
     volretention: 5,184,000
   voluseduration: 1,814,400
       maxvoljobs: 0
      maxvolfiles: 0
      maxvolbytes: 107,374,182,400
        inchanger: 0
          endfile: 12
         endblock: 3,720,454,629
        labeltype: 0
        storageid: 20
         deviceid: 0
       locationid: 0
     recyclecount: 0
    scratchpoolid: 0
    recyclepoolid: 0
          storage: File-SC-CAP-samba-cap-sd1

update volume=V_Complete-SC-DAF-samba-daf-1120 storage=File-SC-DAF-samba-daf-sd1

With this during a restore the right storage will be use and call, so normally you shouldn't have to change it when you want to do a restore and then will close the need to have it in webui ;-)

It is a simple change to do, then you can report a restore try with bconsole and webui.


2022-09-29 17:01

reporter   ~0004789

I understand and agree with yours explanations.
Thanks for your attention during all these last days.


2022-10-04 18:31

reporter   ~0004806

After speaking here, a question about consulting session : do you have a catalog of offers of maintenance consulting or audit for our bareos ?
Terms and prices ?


2022-10-05 10:28

manager   ~0004810

Hello, consulting and audit are often very tailored to the end user needs, so I'm not sure we have a catalog for that.

I invite you to contact M. Frank Kohler with to have a direct contact and process to the best of your needs.
Maybe we can eventually propose something with native french speakers.


2022-10-06 17:43

manager   ~0004817

Volumes needed by restore are usually linked to corresponding storage, need to change the storage is normally required.
From that webui doesn't implement this possibility.
Additional paid development can ordered to add the field so extreme case can also be covered.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2022-09-20 17:35 Jacky44 New Issue
2022-09-20 17:35 Jacky44 Tag Attached: restore
2022-09-20 17:35 Jacky44 Tag Attached: storage
2022-09-21 15:05 bruno-at-bareos Note Added: 0004750
2022-09-22 14:54 Jacky44 Note Added: 0004765
2022-09-22 14:54 Jacky44 File Added: Capture du 2022-09-22 14-33-06.png
2022-09-22 15:15 bruno-at-bareos Note Added: 0004766
2022-09-22 15:33 Jacky44 Note Added: 0004767
2022-09-22 17:05 bruno-at-bareos Note Added: 0004768
2022-09-23 11:18 Jacky44 Note Added: 0004772
2022-09-26 14:11 bruno-at-bareos Note Added: 0004774
2022-09-26 18:40 Jacky44 Note Added: 0004778
2022-09-28 16:28 bruno-at-bareos Note Added: 0004781
2022-09-28 18:18 Jacky44 Note Added: 0004782
2022-09-29 10:51 bruno-at-bareos Note Added: 0004784
2022-09-29 11:04 Jacky44 Note Added: 0004785
2022-09-29 15:21 bruno-at-bareos Note Added: 0004786
2022-09-29 17:01 Jacky44 Note Added: 0004789
2022-10-04 18:31 Jacky44 Note Added: 0004806
2022-10-05 10:28 bruno-at-bareos Note Added: 0004810
2022-10-06 17:43 bruno-at-bareos Assigned To => bruno-at-bareos
2022-10-06 17:43 bruno-at-bareos Status new => closed
2022-10-06 17:43 bruno-at-bareos Resolution open => no change required
2022-10-06 17:43 bruno-at-bareos Note Added: 0004817