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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000760bareos-coredirectorpublic2017-01-23 18:14
ReporterScheve Assigned Tomaik  
Status closedResolutionno change required 
PlatformLinuxOSOpenSuseOS VersionLeap 42.1
Product Version16.2.4 
Summary0000760: Consolidate Job stucks in the following VirtualFull in status Queued

I tried to implement the AlwaysIncremental with following Consolidate Job.
After I have started the AI-Job 8 times manually by the webui, I started the Consolidate-Job even manually. The Consolidate-Job finish and initiate a VirtualFull, which stays in status Queued until manually terminated.

I can't see, that the Consolidate-Job found the 7 AI-Jobs.
Steps To ReproduceI have done this with different periods of waiting between AI-Job and C-Job.
Additional InformationOutput of the Consolidate Job:
2017-01-08 13:58:56 bareos-dir JobId 25: BAREOS 16.2.4 (01Jul16): 08-Jan-2017 13:58:55
JobId: 25
Job: Consolidate.2017-01-08_13.58.53_31
Scheduled time: 08-Jan-2017 13:58:53
Start time: 08-Jan-2017 13:58:54
End time: 08-Jan-2017 13:58:55
Termination: Consolidate OK

2017-01-08 13:58:55 bareos-dir JobId 25: BackupAI-XXXXXX: considering jobs older than 08-Jan-2017 12:58:54 for consolidation.
2017-01-08 13:58:55 bareos-dir JobId 25: BackupAI-XXXXXX: Start new consolidation
2017-01-08 13:58:55 bareos-dir JobId 25: Using Catalog "MyCatalog"
2017-01-08 13:58:55 bareos-dir JobId 25: Job queued. JobId=26
2017-01-08 13:58:55 bareos-dir JobId 25: Consolidating JobId 26 started.
2017-01-08 13:58:54 bareos-dir JobId 25: Start Consolidate JobId 25, Job=Consolidate.2017-01-08_13.58.53_31
2017-01-08 13:58:54 bareos-dir JobId 25: Looking at always incremental job BackupAI-XXXXXX

Output of Virtual Full:

The jobs are defined similar to the Bareos-Manual.

Job {
  Name = "BackupAI-XXXXXX"
  JobDefs = "DefaultJob"
  Schedule = AlIncCycle
    # Always incremental settings
    AlwaysIncremental = yes
# AlwaysIncrementalJobRetention = 7 days
    AlwaysIncrementalJobRetention = 1 hour
    Always Incremental Keep Number = 7
    Accurate = no
    Pool = AI-Incremental
    Full Backup Pool = AI-Consolidated

Job {
    Name = "Consolidate"
    Type = "Consolidate"
    Schedule = ConsCycle
    Accurate = "no"
    JobDefs = "DefaultJob"
Tagsalways incremental, support




2017-01-17 09:03

reporter   ~0002508

Same issue here. VirtualFull remains Queued forever.


2017-01-23 13:30

reporter   ~0002523

Not sure if I'm having the same issue or a different one. My VirtualFull jobs do manage to get out of the "Queued" state, but they never actually do anything. My logs look like:

23-Jan 12:25 thog-dir JobId 706: Start Consolidate JobId 706, Job=Consolidate.2017-01-23_12.25.31_28
23-Jan 12:25 thog-dir JobId 706: Looking at always incremental job
23-Jan 12:25 thog-dir JobId 706: considering jobs older than 16-Jan-2017 12:25:33 for consolidation.
23-Jan 12:25 thog-dir JobId 706: less than two jobs to consolidate found, doing nothing.
23-Jan 12:25 thog-dir JobId 706: Looking at always incremental job
23-Jan 12:25 thog-dir JobId 706: considering jobs older than 16-Jan-2017 12:25:33 for consolidation.
23-Jan 12:25 thog-dir JobId 706: before ConsolidateFull: jobids: 582,620,601,603,606,609,612,615,618,621,624,628,661,665,669
23-Jan 12:25 thog-dir JobId 706: check full age: full is 21-Dec-2016 01:28:18, allowed is 24-Dec-2016 12:25:33
23-Jan 12:25 thog-dir JobId 706: Full is older than AlwaysIncrementalMaxFullAge -> also consolidating Full jobid 582
23-Jan 12:25 thog-dir JobId 706: after ConsolidateFull: jobids: 582,620,601,603,606,609,612,615,618,621,624,628,661,665,669
23-Jan 12:25 thog-dir JobId 706: Start new consolidation
23-Jan 12:25 thog-dir JobId 706: Using Catalog "MyCatalog"
23-Jan 12:25 thog-dir JobId 706: Job queued. JobId=707
23-Jan 12:25 thog-dir JobId 706: Consolidating JobId 707 started.
23-Jan 12:25 thog-dir JobId 706: BAREOS 16.2.4 (01Jul16): 23-Jan-2017 12:25:34
  JobId: 706
  Job: Consolidate.2017-01-23_12.25.31_28
  Scheduled time: 23-Jan-2017 12:25:29
  Start time: 23-Jan-2017 12:25:33
  End time: 23-Jan-2017 12:25:34
  Termination: Consolidate OK

23-Jan 12:25 thog-dir JobId 707: Start Virtual Backup JobId 707,
23-Jan 12:25 thog-dir JobId 707: Consolidating JobIds 582,620,601,603,606,609,612,615,618,621,624,628,661,665,669

And then nothing (even after a few days of waiting).


2017-01-23 18:14

administrator   ~0002525

Please seek help on mailinglist or contact support. Generally: without full configuration and joblogs, people will most likely not able to help.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2017-01-08 14:13 Scheve New Issue
2017-01-17 09:03 daftu Note Added: 0002508
2017-01-23 13:30 chrisbzc Note Added: 0002523
2017-01-23 18:09 maik Tag Attached: always incremental
2017-01-23 18:09 maik Tag Attached: support
2017-01-23 18:14 maik Note Added: 0002525
2017-01-23 18:14 maik Status new => closed
2017-01-23 18:14 maik Assigned To => maik
2017-01-23 18:14 maik Resolution open => no change required