View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0001602bareos-corewebuipublic2024-02-27 13:23
Reporterjsi Assigned Tobruno-at-bareos  
Status closedResolutionno change required 
Platformamd64OSGentoo LinuxOS Versioncurrent
Product Version23.0.1 
Summary0001602: Bareos WebUI unable to login after upgrade to 23.0.1
DescriptionAfter upgrade to Bareos 23.0.1 I had to compile the webui separately since there was no new ebuild for webui 23.0.1.
I tried disabling TLS, but it seems that the webui still tries to connect via TLS. (See config and trace files below)

I launched
Steps To Reproduce- Upgrade Bareos via Portage to 23.0.1
- Pull source from Github and checkout
  - master
  - Release/23.0.1
  - Release/23.0.0
(doesn't matter)

Compile the webui separately:
cd /usr/src/bareos/webui
cmake --install-prefix=/usr .
make install

Try to login and get "Sorry, cannot authenticate. Wrong username, password or SSL/TLS handshake failed."
Additional InformationLaunched bareos-dir with "bareos-dir -fd200" to catch the error when I try to login via webconsole:
areos-dir (200): dird/ Scheduler: WaitForJobsToRun is sleeping for 60 seconds. Next job: JSIIT-LSRV00-System.bareos-dir (100): lib/ Construct BareosSocket
bareos-dir (100): lib/ Error occured when trying to peek cleartext hello
bareos-dir (100): lib/ Destruct BareosSocket

*╰─➤ cat /etc/bareos/bareos-dir.d/console/admin.conf*
# Restricted console used by bareos-webui
Console {
  Name = "jsi"
  Password = "test"
  Profile = "webui-admin"
# changed the password to "test" for testing-purpose...

  # As php does not support TLS-PSK,
  # and the director has TLS enabled by default,
  # we need to either disable TLS or setup
  # TLS with certificates.
  # For testing purposes we disable it here
  TLS Enable = No

*/etc/bareos-webui/directors.ini contains the following:*

; TLS verify peer
; Possible values: true or false
tls_verify_peer = false

; Server can do TLS
; Possible values: true or false
server_can_do_tls = false

; Server requires TLS
; Possible values: true or false
server_requires_tls = false

; Client can do TLS
; Possible values: true or false
client_can_do_tls = false

; Client requires TLS
; Possible value: true or false
client_requires_tls = false
TagsNo tags attached.




2024-02-25 01:48


admin.conf (350 bytes)   
# Restricted console used by bareos-webui
Console {
  Name = "jsi"
  Password = "some.secret"
  Profile = "webui-admin"

  # As php does not support TLS-PSK,
  # and the director has TLS enabled by default,
  # we need to either disable TLS or setup
  # TLS with certificates.
  # For testing purposes we disable it here
  TLS Enable = No
admin.conf (350 bytes)   
directors.ini (2,291 bytes)   
; Bareos WebUI Configuration File
; File: /etc/bareos-webui/directors.ini

; Section localhost-dir

; Enable or disable section. Possible values are "yes" or "no", the default is "yes".
enabled = "yes"

; Fill in the IP-Address or FQDN of you director.
; E.g., or [::1]
diraddress = "localhost"

; Default value is 9101
dirport	= 9101

; Set catalog to explicit value if you have multiple catalogs
;catalog = "MyCatalog"

; Set the console name and password for a dedicated pam console.
; Make sure, that "UsePamAuthentication = yes" is set in the
; counterpart Director console configuration.
;pam_console_name = "username"
;pam_console_password = "password"

; TLS verify peer
; Possible values: true or false
tls_verify_peer = false

; Server can do TLS
; Possible values: true or false
server_can_do_tls = false

; Server requires TLS
; Possible values: true or false
server_requires_tls = false

; Client can do TLS
; Possible values: true or false
client_can_do_tls = false

; Client requires TLS
; Possible value: true or false
client_requires_tls = false

; Path to the certificate authority file
; E.g. ca_file = "/etc/bareos/tls/BareosCA.crt"
;ca_file = ""

; Path to the cert file which needs to contain the client certificate and the key in PEM encoding
; E.g. ca_file = "/etc/bareos/tls/restricted-named-console.pem"
;cert_file = ""

; Passphrase needed to unlock the above cert file if set
;cert_file_passphrase = ""

; Allowed common names
; E.g. allowed_cns = ""
;allowed_cns = ""

; Section another-host-dir
enabled = "no"
diraddress = ""
dirport = 9101
;catalog = "MyCatalog"
;pam_console_name = "username"
;pam_console_password = "password"
;tls_verify_peer = false
;server_can_do_tls = false
;server_requires_tls = false
;client_can_do_tls = false
;client_requires_tls = false
;ca_file = ""
;cert_file = ""
;cert_file_passphrase = ""
;allowed_cns = ""
directors.ini (2,291 bytes)   


2024-02-27 13:23

manager   ~0005812

You missed the TLS Require = No

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-02-25 01:48 jsi New Issue
2024-02-25 01:48 jsi File Added: admin.conf
2024-02-25 01:48 jsi File Added: directors.ini
2024-02-27 13:23 bruno-at-bareos Assigned To => bruno-at-bareos
2024-02-27 13:23 bruno-at-bareos Status new => closed
2024-02-27 13:23 bruno-at-bareos Resolution open => no change required
2024-02-27 13:23 bruno-at-bareos Note Added: 0005812