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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0001589bareos-coredirectorpublic2024-01-08 17:23
Reporterraschu Assigned Tobruno-at-bareos  
Status closedResolutionno change required 
Summary0001589: Critical - Always Incremental: Bareos purge volumes and destroy virtual full backups
DescriptionHi Bareos-Team,

I use Bareos version 23.0.1 and I set always incremental for some clients.
The example configuration (hostnames renamed):

Job {
      Name = host1
      Client = host1
      JobDefs = host1
      Enabled = yes
      AlwaysIncremental = yes
      AlwaysIncrementalJobRetention = 30 days
      Accurate = yes
      Pool = aincr30d-bsd02
      Full Backup Pool = aicons30d-bsd02
JobDefs {
      Name = host1
      Type = Backup
      Client = host1
      Fileset = host1
      Schedule = ai30d-4h00m
      Storage = bsd02
      Messages = host1
      Pool = Incremental
      Priority = 10
      Write Bootstrap = /var/lib/bareos/%c.bsr
Pool {
  Name = aicons30d-bsd02 # 30 days always incremental consolidated
  Pool Type = Backup
  Volume Retention = 31 days # How long should the always incremental consolidated Backups be kept? + 1 day buffer
  Maximum Volume Bytes = 50 g # Limit Volume size to something reasonable
  Volume Use Duration = 23 hours # defines the time period that the Volume can be written
  Maximum Volume Jobs = 1 # nur ein Job pro Volume, damit fehlgeschlagene Jobs besser gelöscht werden können
  Label Format = "aicons30d-bsd02-" # Volumes label
  Storage = bsd02
Job {
    Name = "Consolidate"
    Type = "Consolidate"
    Accurate = "yes"
    JobDefs = "Consolidate"
JobDefs {
  Name = "Consolidate"
  Type = Backup
  Level = Incremental
  Client = bareos-fd
  FileSet = "SelfTest"
  Schedule = "Consolidate"
  Storage = local
  Messages = Standard
  Priority = 10
  Write Bootstrap = "/var/lib/bareos/%c.bsr"
  Pool = Incremental
  Full Backup Pool = Full # write Full Backups into "Full" Pool
  Differential Backup Pool = Differential # write Diff Backups into "Differential" Pool
  Incremental Backup Pool = Incremental # write Incr Backups into "Incremental" Pool

After a runtime for 30 days the consolidate job created a first virtual full backup for host1. Works good.

07-Jan 08:00 bareos-dir JobId 8093: BAREOS 23.0.1~pre7.606b211eb (19Dec23): 07-Jan-2024 08:00:02
  JobId: 8093
  Job: Consolidate.2024-01-07_08.00.00_38
  Scheduled time: 07-Jan-2024 08:00:00
  Start time: 07-Jan-2024 08:00:02
  End time: 07-Jan-2024 08:00:02
  Bareos binary info: Bareos community build (UNSUPPORTED): Get professional support from
  Job triggered by: Scheduler
  Termination: Consolidate OK

07-Jan 08:00 bareos-dir JobId 8094: Start Virtual Backup JobId 8094, Job=host1.2024-01-07_08.00.02_39
07-Jan 08:00 bareos-dir JobId 8094: Bootstrap records written to /var/lib/bareos/bareos-dir.restore.1.bsr
07-Jan 08:00 bareos-dir JobId 8094: Consolidating JobIds 6589,6629 containing 165170 files
07-Jan 08:00 bareos-dir JobId 8094: Connected Storage daemon at storagehost:9103, encryption: TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256 TLSv1.3
07-Jan 08:00 bareos-dir JobId 8094: Encryption: TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256 TLSv1.3
07-Jan 08:00 bareos-dir JobId 8094: Using Device "bstore02-vd01" to read.
07-Jan 08:00 bareos-dir JobId 8094: There are no more Jobs associated with Volume "aicons30d-bsd02-1743". Marking it purged.
07-Jan 08:00 bareos-dir JobId 8094: All records pruned from Volume "aicons30d-bsd02-1743"; marking it "Purged"
07-Jan 08:00 bareos-dir JobId 8094: Recycled volume "aicons30d-bsd02-1743"
07-Jan 08:00 bareos-dir JobId 8094: Using Device "bstore02-vd02" to write.
07-Jan 08:00 bareos-sd JobId 8094: Recycled volume "aicons30d-bsd02-1743" on device "bstore02-vd02" (/bstore02), all previous data lost.
07-Jan 08:00 bareos-dir JobId 8094: Max Volume jobs=1 exceeded. Marking Volume "aicons30d-bsd02-1743" as Used.
07-Jan 08:00 bareos-sd JobId 8094: Ready to read from volume "aicons30d-bsd02-1739" on device "bstore02-vd01" (/bstore02).
07-Jan 08:00 bareos-sd JobId 8094: Forward spacing Volume "aicons30d-bsd02-1739" to file:block 0:239.
07-Jan 08:01 bareos-sd JobId 8094: End of Volume at file 2 on device "bstore02-vd01" (/bstore02), Volume "aicons30d-bsd02-1739"
07-Jan 08:01 bareos-sd JobId 8094: Ready to read from volume "aincr30d-bsd02-1784" on device "bstore02-vd01" (/bstore02).
07-Jan 08:01 bareos-sd JobId 8094: Forward spacing Volume "aincr30d-bsd02-1784" to file:block 0:237.
07-Jan 08:01 bareos-sd JobId 8094: End of Volume at file 0 on device "bstore02-vd01" (/bstore02), Volume "aincr30d-bsd02-1784"
07-Jan 08:01 bareos-sd JobId 8094: End of all volumes.
07-Jan 08:01 bareos-sd JobId 8094: Elapsed time=00:01:12, Transfer rate=156.3 M Bytes/second
07-Jan 08:01 bareos-sd JobId 8094: Releasing device "bstore02-vd02" (/bstore02).
07-Jan 08:01 bareos-sd JobId 8094: Releasing device "bstore02-vd01" (/bstore02).
07-Jan 08:01 bareos-dir JobId 8094: Insert of attributes batch table with 165170 entries start
07-Jan 08:01 bareos-dir JobId 8094: Insert of attributes batch table done
07-Jan 08:01 bareos-dir JobId 8094: Joblevel was set to joblevel of first consolidated job: Full
07-Jan 08:01 bareos-dir JobId 8094: Replicating deleted files from jobids 6589,6629 to jobid 8094
07-Jan 08:01 bareos-dir JobId 8094: Bareos bareos-dir 23.0.1~pre7.606b211eb (19Dec23):
  Build OS: Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)
  JobId: 8094
  Job: host1.2024-01-07_08.00.02_39
  Backup Level: Virtual Full
  Client: "host1" 23.0.0~pre1266.75ca8a396 (24Nov23) Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.9 (Maipo),redhat
  FileSet: "host1" 2023-12-01 04:00:02
  Pool: "aicons30d-bsd02" (From Job Pool's NextPool resource)
  Catalog: "MyCatalog" (From Client resource)
  Storage: "bsd02" (From Storage from Pool's NextPool resource)
  Scheduled time: 07-Jan-2024 08:00:02
  Start time: 08-Dez-2023 04:00:13
  End time: 08-Dez-2023 04:00:34
  Elapsed time: 21 secs
  Priority: 10
  Allow Mixed Priority: no
  SD Files Written: 165,170
  SD Bytes Written: 11,257,248,106 (11.25 GB)
  Rate: 536059.4 KB/s
  Volume name(s): aicons30d-bsd02-1743
  Volume Session Id: 31
  Volume Session Time: 1704452670
  Last Volume Bytes: 11,269,963,089 (11.26 GB)
  SD Errors: 0
  SD termination status: OK
  Accurate: yes
  Bareos binary info: Bareos community build (UNSUPPORTED): Get professional support from
  Job triggered by: User
  Termination: Backup OK

07-Jan 08:01 bareos-dir JobId 8094: purged JobIds 6589,6629 as they were consolidated into Job 8094

Next day, Bareos run the consolidation again and find a other host (host2) for the first virtual full:

08-Jan 08:00 bareos-dir JobId 8140: BAREOS 23.0.1~pre7.606b211eb (19Dec23): 08-Jan-2024 08:00:02
  JobId: 8140
  Job: Consolidate.2024-01-08_08.00.00_28
  Scheduled time: 08-Jan-2024 08:00:00
  Start time: 08-Jan-2024 08:00:02
  End time: 08-Jan-2024 08:00:02
  Bareos binary info: Bareos community build (UNSUPPORTED): Get professional support from
  Job triggered by: Scheduler
  Termination: Consolidate OK

08-Jan 08:00 bareos-dir JobId 8141: Start Virtual Backup JobId 8141, Job=host2.2024-01-08_08.00.02_29
08-Jan 08:01 bareos-dir JobId 8141: Bootstrap records written to /var/lib/bareos/bareos-dir.restore.2.bsr
08-Jan 08:01 bareos-dir JobId 8141: Consolidating JobIds 6592,6653 containing 3401249 files
08-Jan 08:01 bareos-dir JobId 8141: Connected Storage daemon at storagehost:9103, encryption: TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256 TLSv1.3
08-Jan 08:01 bareos-dir JobId 8141: Encryption: TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256 TLSv1.3
08-Jan 08:01 bareos-dir JobId 8141: Using Device "bstore02" to read.
08-Jan 08:01 bareos-dir JobId 8141: There are no more Jobs associated with Volume "aicons30d-bsd02-1739". Marking it purged.
08-Jan 08:01 bareos-dir JobId 8141: All records pruned from Volume "aicons30d-bsd02-1739"; marking it "Purged"
08-Jan 08:01 bareos-dir JobId 8141: Recycled volume "aicons30d-bsd02-1739"
08-Jan 08:01 bareos-dir JobId 8141: Using Device "bstore02-vd01" to write.
08-Jan 08:01 bareos-sd JobId 8141: Recycled volume "aicons30d-bsd02-1739" on device "bstore02-vd01" (/bstore02), all previous data lost.
08-Jan 08:01 bareos-dir JobId 8141: Max Volume jobs=1 exceeded. Marking Volume "aicons30d-bsd02-1739" as Used.
08-Jan 08:01 bareos-sd JobId 8141: Ready to read from volume "aicons30d-bsd02-1742" on device "bstore02" (/bstore02).
08-Jan 08:01 bareos-sd JobId 8141: Forward spacing Volume "aicons30d-bsd02-1742" to file:block 0:239.
08-Jan 08:07 bareos-sd JobId 8141: End of Volume at file 12 on device "bstore02" (/bstore02), Volume "aicons30d-bsd02-1742"
08-Jan 08:07 bareos-sd JobId 8141: Ready to read from volume "aicons30d-bsd02-1756" on device "bstore02" (/bstore02).
08-Jan 08:07 bareos-sd JobId 8141: Forward spacing Volume "aicons30d-bsd02-1756" to file:block 0:239.
08-Jan 08:07 bareos-sd JobId 8141: User defined maximum volume capacity 53,687,091,200 exceeded on device "bstore02-vd01" (/bstore02).
08-Jan 08:07 bareos-sd JobId 8141: End of medium on Volume "aicons30d-bsd02-1739" Bytes=53,686,042,747 Blocks=51,199 at 08-Jan-2024 08:07.
08-Jan 08:07 bareos-dir JobId 8141: Volume "aicons30d-bsd02-1743" has Volume Retention of 2678400 sec. and has 1 jobs that will be pruned
08-Jan 08:07 bareos-dir JobId 8141: Purging the following 1 JobIds: 8094
08-Jan 08:07 bareos-dir JobId 8141: There are no more Jobs associated with Volume "aicons30d-bsd02-1743". Marking it purged.
08-Jan 08:07 bareos-dir JobId 8141: All records pruned from Volume "aicons30d-bsd02-1743"; marking it


08-Jan 08:07 bareos-dir JobId 8141: Volume "aicons30d-bsd02-1743" has Volume Retention of 2678400 sec. and has 1 jobs that will be pruned
08-Jan 08:07 bareos-dir JobId 8141: Purging the following 1 JobIds: 8094
08-Jan 08:07 bareos-dir JobId 8141: There are no more Jobs associated with Volume "aicons30d-bsd02-1743". Marking it purged.
08-Jan 08:07 bareos-dir JobId 8141: All records pruned from Volume "aicons30d-bsd02-1743"; marking it

"aicons30d-bsd02-1743" with JobId 8094 still contains the backup from host1 and destroy them with this operation!

IN CONSEQUENCE the next virtual full from host1 will crashed and the backup is lost:

08-Jan 09:22 bareos-dir JobId 8142: Start Virtual Backup JobId 8142, Job=host1.2024-01-08_08.00.02_30
08-Jan 09:22 bareos-dir JobId 8142: Error: JobId 8094 is not present in the catalog
08-Jan 09:22 bareos-dir JobId 8142: Fatal error: Jobs missing from catalog. Cannot continue.
08-Jan 09:22 bareos-dir JobId 8142: Replicating deleted files from jobids 8094,6676 to jobid 8142
08-Jan 09:22 bareos-dir JobId 8142: Error: Bareos bareos-dir 23.0.1~pre7.606b211eb (19Dec23):

Is this a configuration failure or a bareos bug?

Thank you very much!

Bye Ralf
TagsNo tags attached.




2024-01-08 16:38

manager   ~0005672

Bareos is just doing what your configuration allow: Volume expired to early compared to your needs.

Volume 1743
Job being on it is tagged with the oldest job timestamp (not the rewrite of 7 January)
  Start time: 08-Dez-2023 04:00:13
  End time: 08-Dez-2023 04:00:34

So after 30 days it expires.

As mentioned into the documentation, it is highly recommended that pool retention is far over maximum virtual full. so only consolidation will expire jobid.


2024-01-08 17:12

reporter   ~0005674

Hi Bruno, thanks.

I assumed that the last written date would be checked :-(.

Bye Ralf


2024-01-08 17:22

manager   ~0005675

There's no need to assume, just read and apply documentation ;-)

At the end of this section there's a prominent WARNING


2024-01-08 17:23

manager   ~0005676

Bareos works as documented. Pay attention to warning section, we place them for a good reason ;-)

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-01-08 15:59 raschu New Issue
2024-01-08 16:38 bruno-at-bareos Note Added: 0005672
2024-01-08 17:12 raschu Note Added: 0005674
2024-01-08 17:22 bruno-at-bareos Note Added: 0005675
2024-01-08 17:23 bruno-at-bareos Assigned To => bruno-at-bareos
2024-01-08 17:23 bruno-at-bareos Status new => closed
2024-01-08 17:23 bruno-at-bareos Resolution open => no change required
2024-01-08 17:23 bruno-at-bareos Note Added: 0005676