View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0001567bareos-corestorage daemonpublic2023-11-08 08:32
Reporterpreussal Assigned Tobruno-at-bareos  
Status closedResolutionreopened 
OSUbuntuOS Versionfocal 
Product Version22.1.1 
Summary0001567: Storage / Director uses Wrong Volume from the pool scratch for a storage
DescriptionI have two storage.
muc_file_autochanger and ovh_file_autochanger
Both storages are files storages and set up as a media changer.
The free disk tape are pushed into the pool scratch after the recycle process and can then be picked out from there.

With all pools, the respective storage is defined for the respective location, and so far it has always worked well.

For a few weeks now I have had the phenomenon that the storage muc_file_autocochanger wants to use a disk_tape from the storage ovh_file_autochanger.
When I say "Label Media = No" on the drives, the job hangs forever and produces a lot of error state volumes.
These are then deleted again by a script and can then be used again.

As I said until a few weeks ago, the whole thing worked without any problems.
All pools in MUC on the sorage muc_file_autocochanger have only used volumes called muc-disk-tape (0001).
TagsNo tags attached.




2023-11-07 17:48

manager   ~0005503

Without any configuration sample, you really think we are that good enough to understand what is wrong in your setup ?

What is the difference in that "few weeks ago" in terms of configuration?

Did you correctly defined Scratch Pool and Recycle Pool pointing to the same location ?

Do you have a different media type for each storage ?

Did you ever realize that Scratch/Recycle can be multiple ?

Did you think about the following fact, you're using autochanger but you have 2 distincts library in which volumes are located, but you tell bareos that both library can pick in Scratch whatever volume they want, which is not possible.
In real world of tapes, with an autochanger with several lto type each lto drive will be able to pick the right media type tape in scratch because the mechanical arm can pick that tape. but no other external sd can.


2023-11-08 05:13

reporter   ~0005504

Last edited: 2023-11-08 08:11

Sorry I forgot the config to insert.

# What is the difference in that "few weeks ago" in terms of configuration?

As far as the storage is concerned, nothing has changed in the configuration in recent years.
The only thing that changes in the config is the new client and job deviations

Then of course the updates of the Community version.
But I test it in a few VMs beforehand and if backup technically everything works then I update the system.

As I said, the "mistake" has only been noticed now in the last weeks.

# Did you correctly defined Scratch Pool and Recycle Pool pointing to the same location ?

# Do you have a different media type for each storage ?

No, all medias are files

# Did you ever realize that Scratch/Recycle can be multiple ?

Yes, at the very beginning I had the Scratch Pools Seepeart per storage.
But I still had no pool config with storage = storage name.
And even there I can remember daring I had the problem that a tape from the other Librara was taken.
But I can also deceive me there, it was 3 years ago.

As you can see in the Pool Config, every pool is assigned to a storage.
There are no pools for me that are responsible for several Storages.

# Did you think about the following fact, you're using autochanger but you have 2 distincts library in which volumes are located, but you tell bareos that both library can pick in Scratch whatever volume they want, which is not possible.
# In real world of tapes, with an autochanger with several lto type each lto drive will be able to pick the right media type tape in scratch because the mechanical arm can pick that tape. but no other external sd can.

Yes, I've already thought about that.
But Bareos also knows from the config that he should access the storage = muc_file-autocochanger for the pool "muc_copy_atlassian_ differential".
And the tape in e.g. Slot 100 is the muc_file_tape-0100
And not the ovh_file_tape-0100 what is also in the slot100 but is in another library.

So when I know which tape library I use.
Then I also have to use a slot / tape from this library.
No matter what the pool or the scratch pool has on free tapes or not.
If there is no free tape in the library then there is none there.


Pool config

Pool {
    Name = "MUC_Copy_Atlassian_Differential"
    Action On Purge = Truncate
    Auto Prune = yes
    File Retention = 0
    Job Retention = 0
    Label Format = "MUC_Disk-Tape-"
    Label Type = bareos
    Maximum Block Size = 1048576
    Maximum Volume Bytes = 0
    Maximum Volume Files = 0
    Maximum Volume Jobs = 1
    Maximum Volumes = 0
    Migration High Bytes = 0
    Migration Low Bytes = 0
    Migration Time = 0
    Minimum Block Size = 1048576
    Pool Type = Backup
    Recycle = yes
    Recycle Pool = Scratch
    Storage = MUC_File-Autochanger
    Volume Retention = 4 weeks
    Volume Use Duration = 0
Pool {
    Name = "MUC_Copy_Atlassian_Full"
    Action On Purge = Truncate
    Auto Prune = yes
    File Retention = 0
    Job Retention = 0
    Label Format = "MUC_Disk-Tape-"
    Label Type = bareos
    Maximum Block Size = 1048576
    Maximum Volume Bytes = 0
    Maximum Volume Files = 0
    Maximum Volume Jobs = 1
    Maximum Volumes = 0
    Migration High Bytes = 0
    Migration Low Bytes = 0
    Migration Time = 0
    Minimum Block Size = 1048576
    Pool Type = Backup
    Recycle = yes
    Recycle Pool = Scratch
    Storage = MUC_File-Autochanger
    Volume Retention = 1 months
    Volume Use Duration = 0
Pool {
    Name = "MUC_Copy_Atlassian_Incremental"
    Action On Purge = Truncate
    Auto Prune = yes
    File Retention = 0
    Job Retention = 0
    Label Format = "MUC_Disk-Tape-"
    Label Type = bareos
    Maximum Block Size = 1048576
    Maximum Volume Bytes = 0
    Maximum Volume Files = 0
    Maximum Volume Jobs = 1
    Maximum Volumes = 0
    Migration High Bytes = 0
    Migration Low Bytes = 0
    Migration Time = 0
    Minimum Block Size = 1048576
    Pool Type = Backup
    Recycle = yes
    Recycle Pool = Scratch
    Storage = MUC_File-Autochanger
    Volume Retention = 1 weeks
    Volume Use Duration = 0

Storage Config
Storage {
    Name = "MUC_File-Autochanger"

    Address =
    Autochanger = yes
    Description = Virtual File Autochanger
    Device = MUC_File-Autochanger
    Enabled = yes
    Heartbeat Interval = 60
    Maximum Bandwidth Per Job = 0
    Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20
    Maximum Concurrent Read Jobs = 0
    Media Type = File
    Password =
    SD Port = 9103
Storage {
    Name = "OVH_File-Autochanger"

    Address =
    Autochanger = yes
    Description = Virtual File Autochanger
    Device = OVH_File-Autochanger
    Enabled = Yes
    Heartbeat Interval = 60
    Maximum Bandwidth Per Job = 0
    Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20
    Maximum Concurrent Read Jobs = 0
    Media Type = File
    Password =
    SD Port = 9103


Storage Config
# This file managed by Salt, do not edit by hand!!
# Modify the salt pillar for bareos, instead.
Autochanger {
    Name = "MUC_File-Autochanger"

    Changer Command = "/usr/lib/bareos/scripts/disk-changer %c %o %S %a %d %v"
    Changer Device = /var/lib/bareos/storage_muc/MUC-changer.conf

    Device = Disk_Drive000
    Device = Disk_Drive001
    Device = Disk_Drive002
    Device = Disk_Drive003
    Device = Disk_Drive004
    Device = Disk_Drive005
    Device = Disk_Drive006
    Device = Disk_Drive007
    Device = Disk_Drive008
    Device = Disk_Drive009
    Device = Disk_Drive010
Device {
    Name = "Disk_Drive000"

    Always Open = yes
    Archive Device = /var/lib/bareos/storage_muc/Disk_Drive000
    Auto Inflate = both
    Auto Select = yes
    Autochanger = yes
    Automatic Mount = yes
    Changer Device = /var/lib/bareos/storage_muc/MUC-changer.conf
    Description = Disk Drive 000
    Device Type = File
    Drive Crypto Enabled = no
    Drive Index = 0
    Drive Tape Alert Enabled = no
    Label Block Size = 131072
    Label Media = yes
    Label Type = bareos
    Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 1
    Maximum Network Buffer Size = 32768
    Media Type = File
    Query Crypto Status = no
    Random Access = yes
    Removable Media = no
    Volume Capacity = 0
Device {
    Name = "Disk_Drive001"

    Always Open = yes
    Archive Device = /var/lib/bareos/storage_muc/Disk_Drive001
    Auto Inflate = both
    Auto Select = yes
    Autochanger = yes
    Automatic Mount = yes
    Changer Device = /var/lib/bareos/storage_muc/MUC-changer.conf
    Description = Disk Drive 001
    Device Type = File
    Drive Crypto Enabled = no
    Drive Index = 1
    Drive Tape Alert Enabled = no
    Label Block Size = 131072
    Label Media = yes
    Label Type = bareos
    Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 1
    Maximum Network Buffer Size = 32768
    Media Type = File
    Query Crypto Status = no
    Random Access = yes
    Removable Media = no
    Volume Capacity = 0
Device {
    Name = "Disk_Drive002"

    Always Open = yes
    Archive Device = /var/lib/bareos/storage_muc/Disk_Drive002
    Auto Inflate = both
    Auto Select = yes
    Autochanger = yes
    Automatic Mount = yes
    Changer Device = /var/lib/bareos/storage_muc/MUC-changer.conf
    Description = Disk Drive 002
    Device Type = File
    Drive Crypto Enabled = no
    Drive Index = 2
    Drive Tape Alert Enabled = no
    Label Block Size = 131072
    Label Media = yes
    Label Type = bareos
    Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 1
    Maximum Network Buffer Size = 32768
    Media Type = File
    Query Crypto Status = no
    Random Access = yes
    Removable Media = no
    Volume Capacity = 0
Device {
    Name = "Disk_Drive003"

    Always Open = yes
    Archive Device = /var/lib/bareos/storage_muc/Disk_Drive003
    Auto Inflate = both
    Auto Select = yes
    Autochanger = yes
    Automatic Mount = yes
    Changer Device = /var/lib/bareos/storage_muc/MUC-changer.conf
    Description = Disk Drive 003
    Device Type = File
    Drive Crypto Enabled = no
    Drive Index = 3
    Drive Tape Alert Enabled = no
    Label Block Size = 131072
    Label Media = yes
    Label Type = bareos
    Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 1
    Maximum Network Buffer Size = 32768
    Media Type = File
    Query Crypto Status = no
    Random Access = yes
    Removable Media = no
    Volume Capacity = 0
Device {
    Name = "Disk_Drive004"

    Always Open = yes
    Archive Device = /var/lib/bareos/storage_muc/Disk_Drive004
    Auto Inflate = both
    Auto Select = yes
    Autochanger = yes
    Automatic Mount = yes
    Changer Device = /var/lib/bareos/storage_muc/MUC-changer.conf
    Description = Disk Drive 004
    Device Type = File
    Drive Crypto Enabled = no
    Drive Index = 4
    Drive Tape Alert Enabled = no
    Label Block Size = 131072
    Label Media = yes
    Label Type = bareos
    Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 1
    Maximum Network Buffer Size = 32768
    Media Type = File
    Query Crypto Status = no
    Random Access = yes
    Removable Media = no
    Volume Capacity = 0
Device {
    Name = "Disk_Drive005"

    Always Open = yes
    Archive Device = /var/lib/bareos/storage_muc/Disk_Drive005
    Auto Inflate = both
    Auto Select = yes
    Autochanger = yes
    Automatic Mount = yes
    Changer Device = /var/lib/bareos/storage_muc/MUC-changer.conf
    Description = Disk Drive 005
    Device Type = File
    Drive Crypto Enabled = no
    Drive Index = 5
    Drive Tape Alert Enabled = no
    Label Block Size = 131072
    Label Media = yes
    Label Type = bareos
    Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 1
    Maximum Network Buffer Size = 32768
    Media Type = File
    Query Crypto Status = no
    Random Access = yes
    Removable Media = no
    Volume Capacity = 0
Device {
    Name = "Disk_Drive006"

    Always Open = yes
    Archive Device = /var/lib/bareos/storage_muc/Disk_Drive006
    Auto Inflate = both
    Auto Select = yes
    Autochanger = yes
    Automatic Mount = yes
    Changer Device = /var/lib/bareos/storage_muc/MUC-changer.conf
    Description = Disk Drive 006
    Device Type = File
    Drive Crypto Enabled = no
    Drive Index = 6
    Drive Tape Alert Enabled = no
    Label Block Size = 131072
    Label Media = yes
    Label Type = bareos
    Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 1
    Maximum Network Buffer Size = 32768
    Media Type = File
    Query Crypto Status = no
    Random Access = yes
    Removable Media = no
    Volume Capacity = 0
Device {
    Name = "Disk_Drive007"

    Always Open = yes
    Archive Device = /var/lib/bareos/storage_muc/Disk_Drive007
    Auto Inflate = both
    Auto Select = yes
    Autochanger = yes
    Automatic Mount = yes
    Changer Device = /var/lib/bareos/storage_muc/MUC-changer.conf
    Description = Disk Drive 007
    Device Type = File
    Drive Crypto Enabled = no
    Drive Index = 7
    Drive Tape Alert Enabled = no
    Label Block Size = 131072
    Label Media = yes
    Label Type = bareos
    Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 1
    Maximum Network Buffer Size = 32768
    Media Type = File
    Query Crypto Status = no
    Random Access = yes
    Removable Media = no
    Volume Capacity = 0
Device {
    Name = "Disk_Drive008"

    Always Open = yes
    Archive Device = /var/lib/bareos/storage_muc/Disk_Drive008
    Auto Inflate = both
    Auto Select = yes
    Autochanger = yes
    Automatic Mount = yes
    Changer Device = /var/lib/bareos/storage_muc/MUC-changer.conf
    Description = Disk Drive 008
    Device Type = File
    Drive Crypto Enabled = no
    Drive Index = 8
    Drive Tape Alert Enabled = no
    Label Block Size = 131072
    Label Media = yes
    Label Type = bareos
    Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 1
    Maximum Network Buffer Size = 32768
    Media Type = File
    Query Crypto Status = no
    Random Access = yes
    Removable Media = no
    Volume Capacity = 0
Device {
    Name = "Disk_Drive009"

    Always Open = yes
    Archive Device = /var/lib/bareos/storage_muc/Disk_Drive009
    Auto Inflate = both
    Auto Select = yes
    Autochanger = yes
    Automatic Mount = yes
    Changer Device = /var/lib/bareos/storage_muc/MUC-changer.conf
    Description = Disk Drive 009
    Device Type = File
    Drive Crypto Enabled = no
    Drive Index = 9
    Drive Tape Alert Enabled = no
    Label Block Size = 131072
    Label Media = yes
    Label Type = bareos
    Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 1
    Maximum Network Buffer Size = 32768
    Media Type = File
    Query Crypto Status = no
    Random Access = yes
    Removable Media = no
    Volume Capacity = 0
Device {
    Name = "Disk_Drive010"

    Always Open = yes
    Archive Device = /var/lib/bareos/storage_muc/Disk_Drive010
    Auto Inflate = both
    Auto Select = yes
    Autochanger = yes
    Automatic Mount = yes
    Changer Device = /var/lib/bareos/storage_muc/MUC-changer.conf
    Description = Disk Drive 010
    Device Type = File
    Drive Crypto Enabled = no
    Drive Index = 10
    Drive Tape Alert Enabled = no
    Label Block Size = 131072
    Label Media = yes
    Label Type = bareos
    Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 1
    Maximum Network Buffer Size = 32768
    Media Type = File
    Query Crypto Status = no
    Random Access = yes
    Removable Media = no
    Volume Capacity = 0
Director {

    Description = Director, who is permitted to contact this storage daemon.
    Maximum Bandwidth Per Job = 0
    Monitor = False
    Name =
    Password =
Director {
    Name = "bareos-mon"

    Description = Restricted Director, used by tray-monitor to get the status of this storage daemon.
    Maximum Bandwidth Per Job = 0
    Monitor = True
    Password =
Messages {
    Name = "Standard"

    director = = all
Storage {

    AbsoluteJobTimeout = 0
    HeartbeatInterval = 60
    MaximumBandwidthPerJob = 0
    MaximumConcurrentJobs = 20
    MaximumNetworkBufferSize = 0
    Name =
    PluginDirectory = /usr/lib/bareos/plugins
    SDPort = 9103


Storage Config
# This file managed by Salt, do not edit by hand!!
# Modify the salt pillar for bareos, instead.
Autochanger {
    Name = "OVH_File-Autochanger"

    Changer Command = "/usr/lib/bareos/scripts/disk-changer %c %o %S %a %d %v"
    Changer Device = /var/lib/bareos/storage_ovh/OVH-changer.conf

    Device = Disk_Drive000
    Device = Disk_Drive001
    Device = Disk_Drive002
    Device = Disk_Drive003
    Device = Disk_Drive004
    Device = Disk_Drive005
    Device = Disk_Drive006
    Device = Disk_Drive007
    Device = Disk_Drive008
    Device = Disk_Drive009
    Device = Disk_Drive010
Device {
    Name = "Disk_Drive000"

    Always Open = yes
    Archive Device = /var/lib/bareos/storage_ovh/Disk_Drive000
    Auto Inflate = both
    Auto Select = yes
    Autochanger = yes
    Automatic Mount = yes
    Block Checksum = yes
    Changer Device = /var/lib/bareos/storage_ovh/OVH-changer.conf
    Description = Disk Drive 000
    Device Type = File
    Drive Crypto Enabled = no
    Drive Index = 0
    Drive Tape Alert Enabled = no
    Label Block Size = 131072
    Label Media = yes
    Label Type = bareos
    Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 1
    Maximum Network Buffer Size = 32768
    Media Type = File
    Query Crypto Status = no
    Random Access = yes
    Removable Media = no
    Volume Capacity = 0
Device {
    Name = "Disk_Drive001"

    Always Open = yes
    Archive Device = /var/lib/bareos/storage_ovh/Disk_Drive001
    Auto Inflate = both
    Auto Select = yes
    Autochanger = yes
    Automatic Mount = yes
    Block Checksum = yes
    Changer Device = /var/lib/bareos/storage_ovh/OVH-changer.conf
    Description = Disk Drive 001
    Device Type = File
    Drive Crypto Enabled = no
    Drive Index = 1
    Drive Tape Alert Enabled = no
    Label Block Size = 131072
    Label Media = yes
    Label Type = bareos
    Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 1
    Maximum Network Buffer Size = 32768
    Media Type = File
    Query Crypto Status = no
    Random Access = yes
    Removable Media = no
    Volume Capacity = 0
Device {
    Name = "Disk_Drive002"

    Always Open = yes
    Archive Device = /var/lib/bareos/storage_ovh/Disk_Drive002
    Auto Inflate = both
    Auto Select = yes
    Autochanger = yes
    Automatic Mount = yes
    Block Checksum = yes
    Changer Device = /var/lib/bareos/storage_ovh/OVH-changer.conf
    Description = Disk Drive 002
    Device Type = File
    Drive Crypto Enabled = no
    Drive Index = 2
    Drive Tape Alert Enabled = no
    Label Block Size = 131072
    Label Media = yes
    Label Type = bareos
    Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 1
    Maximum Network Buffer Size = 32768
    Media Type = File
    Query Crypto Status = no
    Random Access = yes
    Removable Media = no
    Volume Capacity = 0
Device {
    Name = "Disk_Drive003"

    Always Open = yes
    Archive Device = /var/lib/bareos/storage_ovh/Disk_Drive003
    Auto Inflate = both
    Auto Select = yes
    Autochanger = yes
    Automatic Mount = yes
    Block Checksum = yes
    Changer Device = /var/lib/bareos/storage_ovh/OVH-changer.conf
    Description = Disk Drive 003
    Device Type = File
    Drive Crypto Enabled = no
    Drive Index = 3
    Drive Tape Alert Enabled = no
    Label Block Size = 131072
    Label Media = yes
    Label Type = bareos
    Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 1
    Maximum Network Buffer Size = 32768
    Media Type = File
    Query Crypto Status = no
    Random Access = yes
    Removable Media = no
    Volume Capacity = 0
Device {
    Name = "Disk_Drive004"

    Always Open = yes
    Archive Device = /var/lib/bareos/storage_ovh/Disk_Drive004
    Auto Inflate = both
    Auto Select = yes
    Autochanger = yes
    Automatic Mount = yes
    Block Checksum = yes
    Changer Device = /var/lib/bareos/storage_ovh/OVH-changer.conf
    Description = Disk Drive 004
    Device Type = File
    Drive Crypto Enabled = no
    Drive Index = 4
    Drive Tape Alert Enabled = no
    Label Block Size = 131072
    Label Media = yes
    Label Type = bareos
    Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 1
    Maximum Network Buffer Size = 32768
    Media Type = File
    Query Crypto Status = no
    Random Access = yes
    Removable Media = no
    Volume Capacity = 0
Device {
    Name = "Disk_Drive005"

    Always Open = yes
    Archive Device = /var/lib/bareos/storage_ovh/Disk_Drive005
    Auto Inflate = both
    Auto Select = yes
    Autochanger = yes
    Automatic Mount = yes
    Block Checksum = yes
    Changer Device = /var/lib/bareos/storage_ovh/OVH-changer.conf
    Description = Disk Drive 005
    Device Type = File
    Drive Crypto Enabled = no
    Drive Index = 5
    Drive Tape Alert Enabled = no
    Label Block Size = 131072
    Label Media = yes
    Label Type = bareos
    Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 1
    Maximum Network Buffer Size = 32768
    Media Type = File
    Query Crypto Status = no
    Random Access = yes
    Removable Media = no
    Volume Capacity = 0
Device {
    Name = "Disk_Drive006"

    Always Open = yes
    Archive Device = /var/lib/bareos/storage_ovh/Disk_Drive006
    Auto Inflate = both
    Auto Select = yes
    Autochanger = yes
    Automatic Mount = yes
    Block Checksum = yes
    Changer Device = /var/lib/bareos/storage_ovh/OVH-changer.conf
    Description = Disk Drive 006
    Device Type = File
    Drive Crypto Enabled = no
    Drive Index = 6
    Drive Tape Alert Enabled = no
    Label Block Size = 131072
    Label Media = yes
    Label Type = bareos
    Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 1
    Maximum Network Buffer Size = 32768
    Media Type = File
    Query Crypto Status = no
    Random Access = yes
    Removable Media = no
    Volume Capacity = 0
Device {
    Name = "Disk_Drive007"

    Always Open = yes
    Archive Device = /var/lib/bareos/storage_ovh/Disk_Drive007
    Auto Inflate = both
    Auto Select = yes
    Autochanger = yes
    Automatic Mount = yes
    Block Checksum = yes
    Changer Device = /var/lib/bareos/storage_ovh/OVH-changer.conf
    Description = Disk Drive 007
    Device Type = File
    Drive Crypto Enabled = no
    Drive Index = 7
    Drive Tape Alert Enabled = no
    Label Block Size = 131072
    Label Media = yes
    Label Type = bareos
    Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 1
    Maximum Network Buffer Size = 32768
    Media Type = File
    Query Crypto Status = no
    Random Access = yes
    Removable Media = no
    Volume Capacity = 0
Device {
    Name = "Disk_Drive008"

    Always Open = yes
    Archive Device = /var/lib/bareos/storage_ovh/Disk_Drive008
    Auto Inflate = both
    Auto Select = yes
    Autochanger = yes
    Automatic Mount = yes
    Block Checksum = yes
    Changer Device = /var/lib/bareos/storage_ovh/OVH-changer.conf
    Description = Disk Drive 008
    Device Type = File
    Drive Crypto Enabled = no
    Drive Index = 8
    Drive Tape Alert Enabled = no
    Label Block Size = 131072
    Label Media = yes
    Label Type = bareos
    Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 1
    Maximum Network Buffer Size = 32768
    Media Type = File
    Query Crypto Status = no
    Random Access = yes
    Removable Media = no
    Volume Capacity = 0
Device {
    Name = "Disk_Drive009"

    Always Open = yes
    Archive Device = /var/lib/bareos/storage_ovh/Disk_Drive009
    Auto Inflate = both
    Auto Select = yes
    Autochanger = yes
    Automatic Mount = yes
    Block Checksum = yes
    Changer Device = /var/lib/bareos/storage_ovh/OVH-changer.conf
    Description = Disk Drive 009
    Device Type = File
    Drive Crypto Enabled = no
    Drive Index = 9
    Drive Tape Alert Enabled = no
    Label Block Size = 131072
    Label Media = yes
    Label Type = bareos
    Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 1
    Maximum Network Buffer Size = 32768
    Media Type = File
    Query Crypto Status = no
    Random Access = yes
    Removable Media = no
    Volume Capacity = 0
Device {
    Name = "Disk_Drive010"

    Always Open = yes
    Archive Device = /var/lib/bareos/storage_ovh/Disk_Drive010
    Auto Inflate = both
    Auto Select = yes
    Autochanger = yes
    Automatic Mount = yes
    Block Checksum = yes
    Changer Device = /var/lib/bareos/storage_ovh/OVH-changer.conf
    Description = Disk Drive 010
    Device Type = File
    Drive Crypto Enabled = no
    Drive Index = 10
    Drive Tape Alert Enabled = no
    Label Block Size = 131072
    Label Media = yes
    Label Type = bareos
    Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 1
    Maximum Network Buffer Size = 32768
    Media Type = File
    Query Crypto Status = no
    Random Access = yes
    Removable Media = no
    Volume Capacity = 0
Director {

    Description = Director, who is permitted to contact this storage daemon.
    Maximum Bandwidth Per Job = 0
    Monitor = False
    Name =
    Password =
Director {
    Name = "bareos-mon"

    Description = Restricted Director, used by tray-monitor to get the status of this storage daemon.
    Maximum Bandwidth Per Job = 0
    Monitor = True
    Password =
Messages {
    Name = "Standard"

    director = = all
Storage {

    Absolute Job Timeout = 0
    Heartbeat Interval = 60
    Maximum Bandwidth Per Job = 0
    Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20
    Maximum Network Buffer Size = 32768
    Name =
    Plugin Directory = /usr/lib/bareos/plugins
    SD Port = 9103

update 0000001
I have now created a situation that probably occurred on the night when the backups run.

In the Scratch Pool I once deposited 5 free tapes for MUC, and 20 free tapes for ovh.
And then started 10 jobs for MUC.

Expectation: he does 5 jobs and then breaks off. Or complain.
Result. He does 5 jobs with MUC Tabes and 5 jobs with OVH Tapes

Then I turned the game around. 5 Free Ovh Tapes and 20 Free Muc Tapes

Expectation: He does all 10 jobs
Result: He does all 10 jobs with exclusively muc tapes

So this only seems to appear if there are no free tapes available for the respective storage.


2023-11-08 08:32

manager   ~0005505

As said before not a bug, wrong configuration you are using two different storage so you need 2 different media type (one per location) so for you a fileMUC and fileOVH ...
like it is explained in and

With one Media Type like you have both set to File, bareos expect both storage will be able to use them in all location.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2023-11-07 16:03 preussal New Issue
2023-11-07 17:48 bruno-at-bareos Assigned To => bruno-at-bareos
2023-11-07 17:48 bruno-at-bareos Status new => closed
2023-11-07 17:48 bruno-at-bareos Resolution open => no change required
2023-11-07 17:48 bruno-at-bareos Note Added: 0005503
2023-11-08 05:13 preussal Status closed => new
2023-11-08 05:13 preussal Resolution no change required => reopened
2023-11-08 05:13 preussal Note Added: 0005504
2023-11-08 08:11 preussal Note Edited: 0005504
2023-11-08 08:32 bruno-at-bareos Status new => closed
2023-11-08 08:32 bruno-at-bareos Note Added: 0005505