Changesets: bareos

bareos-12.4 b3b744e3

2013-05-04 13:14


Committer: mvwieringen adm

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
travis: update to preinst script modified by configure

Signed-off-by: Marco van Wieringen <>
mod - .travis.yml Diff File

bareos-12.4 7dfcb332

2013-05-04 13:14


Committer: mvwieringen adm

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
automatically open the windows firewall

During installation, we now open the firewallport 9102 for bareos-fd.exe
per default. This can be disabled during installation.

During uninstall, this firewallrule is removed again.

Fixes 0000079: configure Windows firewall with package installation

Signed-off-by: Marco van Wieringen <>
Affected Issues
mod - platforms/win32/winbareos.nsi Diff File

bareos-12.4 0d372260

2013-05-04 13:14


Committer: mvwieringen adm

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
text format

Signed-off-by: Marco van Wieringen <>
mod - Diff File

bareos-12.4 1bd5e5ed

2013-05-04 13:14


Committer: mvwieringen adm

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
travis build status

Signed-off-by: Marco van Wieringen <>
mod - Diff File

bareos-12.4 a01a6e09

2013-05-04 13:14

mvwieringen adm

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Add copies to the allowed keyword for restore.

Its seems that you can use a set of copy jobs to do a restore when you
specify the copies keyword on the restore commandline.

e.g. restore copies will select instead of the normal
full/differential/incremental jobs the copies of those Jobs. When doing
offsite SD-SD replication this can be a good selection criteria when you
lost your primay storage daemon but can restore from the secondary
or standby storage daemon. As long as you have a working database this
is a good DR procedure. You still need a working director and database
but as the database can be replicated as an HA solution and a director
also have a cold standby this could be part of a solution.

Fixes 0000036: Implementation of restore using a set of copies of an original job
Affected Issues
mod - src/dird/ua_cmds.c Diff File

bareos-12.4 57bfbdb1

2013-05-04 13:14


Committer: mvwieringen adm

Ported: N/A

Details Diff

Signed-off-by: Marco van Wieringen <>
add - platforms/deb/bareos-xUbuntu_10.04.dsc Diff File

bareos-12.4 6ebd4d2e

2013-05-04 13:14


Committer: mvwieringen adm

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
apt-get install: automatic configure

always assume "no" when updating packages.
Also add a workaround of sending carrage returns,
because of a problem with updating the mysql-common package.

Signed-off-by: Marco van Wieringen <>
mod - .travis.yml Diff File

bareos-12.4 01704e2f

2013-05-04 13:14


Committer: mvwieringen adm

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Mostly cosmetic enhancements of windows installer

- using the right icons in the dialogs
- cleanup of text formatting
- added help text for /D, /S and /? params
- commented out catalog directive in generated config
this is also described in a comment
- fixes uninstall problem on win64

Fixes: 0000049 : Install Parameters and Helptext for cmd installation
Fixes: 0000121 : Deinstallation of windows installer works, but is not removed from the software list in windows.

Signed-off-by: Marco van Wieringen <>
mod - platforms/win32/winbareos.nsi Diff File

bareos-12.4 17cf9a32

2013-05-04 13:14

mvwieringen adm

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Rebuild configure.
mod - configure Diff File

bareos-12.4 28c00602

2013-05-04 13:14

mvwieringen adm

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Fix some bugs in non supported sql pooling code.
mod - src/cats/sql_pooling.c Diff File
mod - src/dird/dird.c Diff File

bareos-12.4 007a5ce3

2013-05-04 13:14

mvwieringen adm

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Bump version for second public beta.
mod - configure Diff File
mod - debian/changelog Diff File
mod - platforms/deb/bareos-Debian_6.0.dsc Diff File
mod - platforms/deb/bareos-xUbuntu_12.04.dsc Diff File
mod - platforms/rpms/bareos.spec Diff File
mod - platforms/win32/winbareos-nsi.spec Diff File
mod - platforms/win32/winbareos32.spec Diff File
mod - platforms/win32/winbareos64.spec Diff File
mod - src/include/version.h Diff File

bareos-12.4 4a2cf33d

2013-05-04 13:14

mvwieringen adm

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Fix using default but not setting ITEM_DEFAULT flag.
mod - src/dird/dird_conf.c Diff File
mod - src/filed/filed_conf.c Diff File
mod - src/stored/stored_conf.c Diff File

bareos-12.4 9a86c906

2013-05-04 13:14

mvwieringen adm

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Make default intialization somewhat more robust.

A config entry with a default value but without the ITEM_DEFAULT
flag is almost always an error so just warn about it and set the flag so
we no longer get nasty surprises. Also found one additional error.
mod - src/lib/parse_conf.c Diff File
mod - src/stored/stored_conf.c Diff File

bareos-12.4 ffbda489

2013-05-04 13:14

mvwieringen adm

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Fix database detection macros.

Some platforms have a lying mysql_config which says libs are somewhere
they are not. Also did some reindenting of the text and now only set
that we have a certain backend if we really found a libdir with some
mod - autoconf/bareos/db.m4 Diff File

bareos-12.4 06230016

2013-05-04 13:14

mvwieringen adm

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Try using mysql_config if its available.

As there are different versions of mysql_config depending on the version
we test to see what works. This seems to be mostly ok for the current
platforms we build on but we hope for a somewhat stable ABI of the
mysql_config program in the future. This should hopefully save us from
needing to do lots of maintenance on configure for the exotic
distributions out there who put libs in the most exotic places.
mod - autoconf/bareos/db.m4 Diff File

bareos-12.4 54fa809e

2013-05-04 13:14

mvwieringen adm

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Rebuild configure.
mod - configure Diff File

bareos-12.4 c9518cf0

2013-05-04 13:14

mvwieringen adm

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Fix floating point exception.

dev->max_file_size = 2 * num_recs * dev->max_block_size;

max_block_size can be 0

which gives a max_file_size which is 0

when you then calculate

write_eof = dev->max_file_size / REC_SIZE; /*compute when we add EOF*/

then write_eof = 0 and when you then do

if ((block->BlockNumber % write_eof) == 0) {

You get a nice Floating Point Execption.

We now set max_file_size to something more appropriate and assert on
write_eof being bigger then 0 so we never do a divide by zero again.

Fixes 0000096: btape crashes using multiple tape test when tape was written by a fill test before.
Affected Issues
mod - src/stored/btape.c Diff File

bareos-12.4 dcd7a2dd

2013-05-04 13:14


Committer: mvwieringen adm

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
added check for mtx program

Signed-off-by: Marco van Wieringen <>
mod - scripts/ Diff File

bareos-12.4 71f23562

2013-05-04 13:14

mvwieringen adm

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Rebuild configure.
mod - configure Diff File

bareos-12.4 5c344e23

2013-05-04 13:14

mvwieringen adm

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
test -e is not portable.

-e file True if file exists. (Not available in sh.)
mod - scripts/ Diff File

bareos-12.4 9fa530c3

2013-05-04 13:14


Committer: mvwieringen adm

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
adapted configure to debian configure (bat, tray-monitor)

Signed-off-by: Marco van Wieringen <>
mod - .travis.yml Diff File

bareos-12.4 fcf725cc

2013-05-04 13:14

mvwieringen adm

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Fix segmentation fault when running fill multiple times.

Code frees block but doesn't set the pointer to NULL so a next run of
the code thinks that everything is already allocated but all pointers
point to already freed memory which gives some firework.

Fixes 0000096: Running fill test twice leads to segmentation violation.
Affected Issues
mod - src/stored/btape.c Diff File

bareos-12.4 3f147764

2013-05-04 13:14


Committer: mvwieringen adm

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
check for windows version (32 or 64 Bits)

Starting the wrong installer will create a warning and
abort the installation.

Fixes 0000087: Winbareos installer 64 bit does not check, if windows is 64 bit

This patch should also set the right installation dir
for the different windows Versions.
( Program Files / Program Files (x86)

Signed-off-by: Marco van Wieringen <>
Affected Issues
mod - platforms/win32/winbareos-nsi.spec Diff File
mod - platforms/win32/winbareos.nsi Diff File

bareos-12.4 5c6b2cb2

2013-05-04 13:14


Committer: mvwieringen adm

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
configure finds mtx also at /usr/sbin/mtx

some distribution store mtx under /usr/sbin/mtx.
As configure runs as normal user, this path is not set.
This patch let configure also look at sbin paths.

fixes 0000101: variable MTX is not defined

Signed-off-by: Marco van Wieringen <>
Affected Issues
mod - autoconf/ Diff File

bareos-12.4 78c7b812

2013-05-04 13:14


Committer: mvwieringen adm

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
keep permissions on var/log/bareos/

Signed-off-by: Marco van Wieringen <>
mod - debian/rules Diff File
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