Changesets: bareos

master ea1deed4

2014-11-16 16:48


Committer: mvwieringen

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Fix problems with autoexlude

- We now do not always create a new options block, only if none exists.

- Because of known wrong-formatted entry in FilesNotToBackup Registry
Key in W2k3/XP SP1 we check for single characters and skip them.

- We print an information output if we skip files because of an empty
options block.

Fixes 0000360: Incremental Backups with fd Version 14 fail to
include files
Affected Issues
mod - src/findlib/find.c Diff File
mod - src/win32/findlib/win32.c Diff File

bareos-14.2 91f97817

2014-11-16 16:48

Philipp Storz

Committer: Marco van Wieringen

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Fix problems with autoexlude

- We now do not always create a new options block, only if none exists.

- Because of known wrong-formatted entry in FilesNotToBackup Registry
Key in W2k3/XP SP1 we check for single characters and skip them.

- We print an information output if we skip files because of an empty
options block.

Fixes 0000360: Incremental Backups with fd Version 14 fail to
include files
mod - src/findlib/find.c Diff File
mod - src/win32/findlib/win32.c Diff File

master e07416f4

2014-11-16 12:55

Marco van Wieringen

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Tweak for some compiler warnings.
mod - src/dird/ndmp_dma.c Diff File
mod - src/stored/ndmp_tape.c Diff File

master eeabc645

2014-11-16 11:55


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Tweak for some compiler warnings.
mod - src/dird/ndmp_dma.c Diff File
mod - src/stored/ndmp_tape.c Diff File

bareos-14.2 c04d4dc8

2014-11-16 11:55


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Tweak for some compiler warnings.
mod - src/dird/ndmp_dma.c Diff File
mod - src/stored/ndmp_tape.c Diff File

master 2311ecac

2014-11-14 23:01

Marco van Wieringen

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Bump version date.
mod - src/include/version.h Diff File

master 3a1a1b8c

2014-11-14 22:01


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Bump version date.
mod - src/include/version.h Diff File

master c5b80cbd

2014-11-14 09:26

Philipp Storz

Committer: Marco van Wieringen

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Skip autoexcluding FilesNotToBackup if configured

If the autoexclude = no fileset option is set, we do
not automatically exclude entries form the FilesNotToBackup
Registry Key
mod - src/win32/findlib/win32.c Diff File

master f08fe11f

2014-11-14 08:26


Committer: mvwieringen

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Skip autoexcluding FilesNotToBackup if configured

If the autoexclude = no fileset option is set, we do
not automatically exclude entries form the FilesNotToBackup
Registry Key
mod - src/win32/findlib/win32.c Diff File

bareos-14.2 92a360c6

2014-11-14 08:26

Philipp Storz

Committer: Marco van Wieringen

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Skip autoexcluding FilesNotToBackup if configured

If the autoexclude = no fileset option is set, we do
not automatically exclude entries form the FilesNotToBackup
Registry Key
mod - src/win32/findlib/win32.c Diff File

master 990e6342

2014-11-13 21:26

Marco van Wieringen

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Fix syslog message destinations.

- Up until now every message send to syslog was logged as LOG_DAEMON and LOG_ERR
- This code adds the knowledge to use the right log level for things
like debug, notice, info, error and critical errors into syslog.
- The message destination parsing now also allows you to specifiy an
syslog facility that should be used to log the syslog messages against.

e.g. the following should now work:

syslog = local0 = all

To get all messages logged using the right log level to the LOG_LOCAL0 facility.
mod - src/lib/message.c Diff File
mod - src/lib/message.h Diff File
mod - src/lib/parse_conf.h Diff File
mod - src/lib/res.c Diff File
mod - src/win32/compat/compat.c Diff File
mod - src/win32/compat/include/syslog.h Diff File

master abf4fe8a

2014-11-13 20:26


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Fix syslog message destinations.

- Up until now every message send to syslog was logged as LOG_DAEMON and LOG_ERR
- This code adds the knowledge to use the right log level for things
like debug, notice, info, error and critical errors into syslog.
- The message destination parsing now also allows you to specifiy an
syslog facility that should be used to log the syslog messages against.

e.g. the following should now work:

syslog = local0 = all

To get all messages logged using the right log level to the LOG_LOCAL0 facility.
mod - src/lib/message.c Diff File
mod - src/lib/message.h Diff File
mod - src/lib/parse_conf.h Diff File
mod - src/lib/res.c Diff File
mod - src/win32/compat/compat.c Diff File
mod - src/win32/compat/include/syslog.h Diff File

bareos-14.2 e0ce2f38

2014-11-13 20:26


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Fix syslog message destinations.

- Up until now every message send to syslog was logged as LOG_DAEMON and LOG_ERR
- This code adds the knowledge to use the right log level for things
like debug, notice, info, error and critical errors into syslog.
- The message destination parsing now also allows you to specifiy an
syslog facility that should be used to log the syslog messages against.

e.g. the following should now work:

syslog = local0 = all

To get all messages logged using the right log level to the LOG_LOCAL0 facility.
mod - src/lib/message.c Diff File
mod - src/lib/message.h Diff File
mod - src/lib/parse_conf.h Diff File
mod - src/lib/res.c Diff File
mod - src/win32/compat/compat.c Diff File
mod - src/win32/compat/include/syslog.h Diff File

master 5e0b0d5d

2014-11-13 14:43

Joerg Steffens

Committer: Marco van Wieringen

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
travis: reintegrate Coverity service

Signed-off-by: Philipp Storz <>
mod - .travis.yml Diff File

master a07283a9

2014-11-13 13:43


Committer: pstorz

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
travis: reintegrate Coverity service

Signed-off-by: Philipp Storz <>
mod - .travis.yml Diff File

master 9044cfca

2014-11-12 20:06

Marco van Wieringen

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Make python-fd work with new flags bitmap.
mod - src/plugins/filed/python-fd.c Diff File
mod - src/plugins/filed/python-fd.h Diff File

master 41a45022

2014-11-12 19:06


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Make python-fd work with new flags bitmap.
mod - src/plugins/filed/python-fd.c Diff File
mod - src/plugins/filed/python-fd.h Diff File

bareos-14.2 8322f08c

2014-11-12 19:06

Marco van Wieringen

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Make python-fd work with new flags bitmap.
mod - src/plugins/filed/python-fd.c Diff File
mod - src/plugins/filed/python-fd.h Diff File

master 50a20ee9

2014-11-12 16:37


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Cleanup bscan code.

- Use bool instead of int for return value.
- Tweak layout.
mod - src/stored/bscan.c Diff File

master 0710f16a

2014-11-11 15:42

Philipp Storz

Committer: Marco van Wieringen

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Fix regression problems with weird-files tests

Fixes 0000362: regression tests using the "weird files" are failing on
solaris and Ubuntu 12.4 and 14.4
mod - src/dird/catreq.c Diff File

bareos-12.4 627e1555

2014-11-11 15:42

Philipp Storz

Committer: Marco van Wieringen

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Fix regression problems with weird-files tests

Fixes 0000362: regression tests using the "weird files" are failing on
solaris and Ubuntu 12.4 and 14.4
mod - src/dird/catreq.c Diff File

bareos-13.2 f432658b

2014-11-11 15:42

Philipp Storz

Committer: Marco van Wieringen

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Fix regression problems with weird-files tests

Fixes 0000362: regression tests using the "weird files" are failing on
solaris and Ubuntu 12.4 and 14.4
mod - src/dird/catreq.c Diff File

master 6853a9d9

2014-11-11 14:58

Marco van Wieringen

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Use an enum and bit fields for File Option flags.

We will run out of bits for the fileopts on 32 bits so switch to a
proper bitmap and use the set_bit/clear_bit/bit_is_set macros.
mod - src/dird/dird_conf.c Diff File
mod - src/dird/inc_conf.c Diff File
mod - src/dird/inc_conf.h Diff File
mod - src/dird/testfind.c Diff File
mod - src/filed/accurate.c Diff File
mod - src/filed/backup.c Diff File
mod - src/filed/compression.c Diff File
mod - src/filed/crypto.c Diff File
mod - src/filed/dir_cmd.c Diff File
mod - src/filed/estimate.c Diff File
mod - src/filed/fd_plugins.c Diff File
mod - src/filed/fd_plugins.h Diff File
mod - src/filed/fileset.c Diff File
mod - src/filed/protos.h Diff File
mod - src/filed/restore.c Diff File
mod - src/filed/restore.h Diff File
mod - src/filed/verify.c Diff File
mod - src/findlib/attribs.c Diff File
mod - src/findlib/find.c Diff File
mod - src/findlib/find.h Diff File
mod - src/findlib/find_one.c Diff File
mod - src/findlib/match.c Diff File
mod - src/findlib/shadowing.c Diff File
mod - src/findlib/xattr.c Diff File
mod - src/include/fileopts.h Diff File
mod - src/lib/bits.h Diff File
mod - src/plugins/filed/fd_common.h Diff File
mod - src/plugins/filed/test-deltaseq-fd.c Diff File
mod - src/win32/findlib/win32.c Diff File

master 7878fbad

2014-11-11 14:42


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Fix regression problems with weird-files tests

Fixes 0000362: regression tests using the "weird files" are failing on
solaris and Ubuntu 12.4 and 14.4
Affected Issues
mod - src/dird/catreq.c Diff File

bareos-13.2 bba17e4b

2014-11-11 14:42


Committer: mvwieringen

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Fix regression problems with weird-files tests

Fixes 0000362: regression tests using the "weird files" are failing on
solaris and Ubuntu 12.4 and 14.4
Affected Issues
mod - src/dird/catreq.c Diff File
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