Changesets: bareos

master 3d43771b

2016-05-12 20:42

Frank Bergkemper

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Adds missing hyperlink to fileset
mod - module/Client/view/client/client/details.phtml Diff File

master 6af83db6

2016-05-12 20:25


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Denormalized Filename Table

- For increased DB performance, the File and Filename tables were
denormalized, that means the Name column of the Filename table is now
in the File table. Thus when inserting from the batch table, joins
with the Filename table are no longer necesary. Also no more exclusive
locking of the Filename table which allow parallization.
- The changes were made for PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite, but most
testing has been done with PostgreSQL. However, regressions should
work for all DBs.
- The DB version string is still 2004, it must be changed to
distinguish from current 16.2 with non-normalized DB structure.
- The DB update script must be adapted to do the denormalization.
mod - po/bareos.pot Diff File
mod - po/de.po Diff File
mod - po/es.po Diff File
mod - po/fr.po Diff File
mod - po/it.po Diff File
mod - po/nl.po Diff File
mod - po/pl.po Diff File
mod - po/sv.po Diff File
mod - po/uk.po Diff File
mod - src/cats/bvfs.c Diff File
mod - src/cats/bvfs.h Diff File
mod - src/cats/cats.h Diff File
mod - src/cats/ddl/creates/ingres.sql Diff File
mod - src/cats/ddl/creates/mysql.sql Diff File
mod - src/cats/ddl/creates/postgresql.sql Diff File
mod - src/cats/ddl/creates/sqlite3.sql Diff File
mod - src/cats/ddl/drops/postgresql.sql Diff File
mod - src/cats/ddl/grants/postgresql.sql Diff File
mod - src/cats/sql_cmds.c Diff File
mod - src/cats/sql_create.c Diff File
mod - src/cats/sql_get.c Diff File
mod - src/cats/sql_list.c Diff File
mod - src/dird/fd_cmds.c Diff File
mod - src/dird/migrate.c Diff File
mod - src/dird/query.sql Diff File
mod - src/dird/ua_cmds.c Diff File
mod - src/dird/ua_dotcmds.c Diff File
mod - src/dird/verify.c Diff File
mod - src/tests/bvfs_test.c Diff File

master 5fea60fc

2016-05-12 18:10

Frank Bergkemper

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Displays the last n dird messages
mod - module/Dashboard/view/dashboard/dashboard/index.phtml Diff File
mod - module/Director/src/Director/Controller/DirectorController.php Diff File
mod - module/Director/src/Director/Model/DirectorModel.php Diff File
mod - module/Director/view/director/director/messages.phtml Diff File

master 5634af7c

2016-05-12 00:41

Joerg Steffens

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
don't specify config file

as behavior to find the config file have changed, when config file is
relative and contains a "/".
Now, reletive config file are always treated relative to the build time
configured config directory.
mod - tests/bextract-test Diff File
mod - tests/bscan-test Diff File

master cc90c49a

2016-05-11 20:36

Frank Bergkemper

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
adds a dird msg ticker to dashboard
mod - module/Dashboard/src/Dashboard/Controller/DashboardController.php Diff File
mod - module/Dashboard/src/Dashboard/Model/DashboardModel.php Diff File
mod - module/Dashboard/view/dashboard/dashboard/index.phtml Diff File

master e8cf81e7

2016-05-11 14:59


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Fix typo Scedules -> Schedules
mod - src/dird/ua_output.c Diff File

bareos-14.2 0c758e69

2016-05-11 14:59


Committer: mvwieringen

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Fix typo Scedules -> Schedules
mod - src/dird/ua_output.c Diff File

master 2742a826

2016-05-10 21:23


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
lib: Fix compile problem.
mod - src/lib/bsys.c Diff File

master 023a8da2

2016-05-10 12:14

Joerg Steffens

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
mod - manuals/en/main/director-resource-job-definitions.tex Diff File

master 14d068f3

2016-05-10 11:23


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Set VERSION to current sprint
mod - src/include/version.h Diff File

master 2f3b6764

2016-05-10 10:24


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
mod - src/dird/dird_conf.c Diff File

master 85885b11

2016-05-09 19:25

Marco van Wieringen

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Show also files for Copy Jobs.
mod - module/Job/view/job/job/index.phtml Diff File

master 5cbb2554

2016-05-09 17:28


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
lib: Fix expansion of %B jobcode.

We need to add a B suffix to the Job Bytes in human readable format
printing routine.
mod - src/lib/util.c Diff File

bareos-14.2 ee3e0eb3

2016-05-09 17:28


Committer: joergs

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
lib: Fix expansion of %B jobcode.

We need to add a B suffix to the Job Bytes in human readable format
printing routine.
mod - src/lib/util.c Diff File

master aea99330

2016-05-09 14:06

Frank Bergkemper

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Display jobs last run status on dashboard
mod - module/Dashboard/src/Dashboard/Controller/DashboardController.php Diff File
mod - module/Dashboard/src/Dashboard/Model/DashboardModel.php Diff File
mod - module/Dashboard/view/dashboard/dashboard/index.phtml Diff File

master 37b2bd81

2016-05-08 18:43


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
dird: Fix memory leak with configure usage string.

As the old buffer was defined as static inside the
get_configure_parameter() function it means its scope is still active at
the time the daemon ends and it will never be freed and as such
smartalloc whines in the following way:

bareos-dir: smartall.c:414-0 Orphaned buffer: bareos-dir 10016 bytes at
6e6b68 from mem_pool.c:242

The new approach is to use a static global variable and a dynamic
allocate of the POOL_MEM buffer and an extra cleanup function
destroy_configure_usage_string() which is called from terminate_dird().
I also renamed the original function from get_configure_parameter() to
get_configure_usage_string() which describes the function a bit better.
mod - src/dird/dird.c Diff File
mod - src/dird/dird_conf.c Diff File
mod - src/dird/protos.h Diff File
mod - src/dird/ua_cmds.c Diff File

master 6544312a

2016-05-07 22:15


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
lib: Use POOL_MEM in ini serialize function.

On master we changed the code from POOLMEM ** to POOLMEM *&
but the new Solaris Studio 12.5beta runs into thye following error.

"ini.c", line 426: Error: Overloading ambiguity between
"ConfigFile::serialize(const char*)" and

We now switched to using POOL_MEM which is a proper class and as such
doesn't give an overloading ambiguity. The POOLMEM type is a typedef of
a char pointer and does with this compiler. Strange thing is that it
does not with any earlier versions of the Solaris studio compiler.
mod - src/include/baconfig.h Diff File
mod - src/lib/ini.c Diff File
mod - src/lib/ini.h Diff File
mod - src/lib/mem_pool.c Diff File
mod - src/lib/mem_pool.h Diff File
mod - src/lib/message.c Diff File
mod - src/lib/unittests/ini_test.c Diff File
mod - src/plugins/filed/test-plugin-fd.c Diff File

master 050a7024

2016-05-07 22:12


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
win32: First preparations for having better VSS hooks.

This adds some changes to the core to allow the plugins to
interact better with the VSS subsystem. It updates the protocol
version for the plugins and removes some events that are not
available anyway.
mod - src/filed/backup.c Diff File
mod - src/filed/dir_cmd.c Diff File
mod - src/filed/fd_plugins.c Diff File
mod - src/filed/fd_plugins.h Diff File
mod - src/plugins/filed/ Diff File
mod - src/plugins/filed/example-plugin-fd.c Diff File
mod - src/plugins/filed/test-plugin-fd.c Diff File
mod - src/win32/filed/vss.c Diff File
mod - src/win32/filed/vss_generic.c Diff File
mod - src/win32/include/vss.h Diff File

master d09cf9cd

2016-05-07 22:12


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
plugins: Python overhaul.

- Implement new and missing callback methods for FD python plugins:
- CheckChanges
- AcceptFile
- SetSeenBitmap
- ClearSeenBitmap
- For all plugins:
- UnregisterEvents
- GetInstanceCount
- Return bRC as part of most callbacks that used to
return None so the caller can check if things went ok.
mod - src/plugins/dird/python-dir.c Diff File
mod - src/plugins/dird/python-dir.h Diff File
mod - src/plugins/filed/python-fd.c Diff File
mod - src/plugins/filed/python-fd.h Diff File
mod - src/plugins/stored/python-sd.c Diff File
mod - src/plugins/stored/python-sd.h Diff File

master c4f6b260

2016-05-07 22:12


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
plugins: Enhance plugin interface.

Added new callback method for retrieving the number of
instances of a certain plugin. This mehod was added to all plugins.

This method can be used by the plugin to see if it is the first plugin
being loaded and as such initialize some subsystem that only
should be initialized once per program.

This method can also be used to see if a plugin is the last one being
used and as such needs to call some generic global cleanup hook
for some subsystem.
mod - src/dird/dir_plugins.c Diff File
mod - src/dird/dir_plugins.h Diff File
mod - src/filed/fd_plugins.c Diff File
mod - src/filed/fd_plugins.h Diff File
mod - src/stored/sd_plugins.c Diff File
mod - src/stored/sd_plugins.h Diff File

master ea343444

2016-05-07 22:12


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
plugins: Enhance plugin interface.

Added an callback method for unregistering a set of events.
This callback is analog to the existing function that registers
certain events and is added to all plugins.

This way a plugin can disable certain events if it doesn't want
to be called for them.
mod - src/dird/dir_plugins.c Diff File
mod - src/dird/dir_plugins.h Diff File
mod - src/filed/fd_plugins.c Diff File
mod - src/filed/fd_plugins.h Diff File
mod - src/stored/sd_plugins.c Diff File
mod - src/stored/sd_plugins.h Diff File

master eca0d3f8

2016-05-07 22:12


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
plugins: Enhance fd-plugin interface.

Added two new methods in the Bareos FD callback methods:

- SetSeenBitmap to Set a bit in the seen bitmap for a specific file or
for all files in a backup.
- ClearSeenBitmap to Clear a bit in the seen bitmap for a specific file
or for all files in a backup.
mod - src/filed/accurate.c Diff File
mod - src/filed/accurate.h Diff File
mod - src/filed/fd_plugins.c Diff File
mod - src/filed/fd_plugins.h Diff File
mod - src/filed/protos.h Diff File

master 58ed3ddb

2016-05-07 22:12


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
plugins: Implement missing plugin code.

The original plugin design promised a lot more than it really
delivered. This tries adding some of the missing features e.g. respond
in a proper way to certain return values as promised in the header file
but never implemented in the core.
mod - src/dird/dir_plugins.c Diff File
mod - src/dird/dir_plugins.h Diff File
mod - src/filed/fd_plugins.c Diff File
mod - src/filed/fd_plugins.h Diff File
mod - src/lib/plugins.c Diff File
mod - src/lib/plugins.h Diff File
mod - src/stored/sd_plugins.c Diff File
mod - src/stored/sd_plugins.h Diff File

master 819c91ea

2016-05-07 12:03


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
lmdb: Sync to upstream.
mod - src/lmdb/mdb.c Diff File

master 13c8e62b

2016-05-07 11:47


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Coverity: Fix newly raised defects.
mod - src/lib/bsys.c Diff File
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