Changesets: bareos

master 9742c1cb

2013-07-21 13:30

mvwieringen adm

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Only have bpipe-fd.c once and use it for UNIX and Windows.
rm - src/win32/plugins/filed/bpipe-fd.c Diff File
mod - src/win32/plugins/filed/Makefile Diff File
mod - src/plugins/filed/bpipe-fd.c Diff File

bareos-13.2 0754c0cf

2013-07-21 13:30


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Only have bpipe-fd.c once and use it for UNIX and Windows.
mod - src/plugins/fd/bpipe-fd.c Diff File
mod - src/win32/plugins/fd/Makefile Diff File
rm - src/win32/plugins/fd/bpipe-fd.c Diff File

master f68ec309

2013-07-21 13:25

mvwieringen adm

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Cleanup plugins now we use fd_common.h
mod - src/plugins/filed/test-plugin-fd.c Diff File
mod - src/plugins/filed/test-deltaseq-fd.c Diff File
mod - src/plugins/filed/bpipe-fd.c Diff File

bareos-13.2 2886c3b5

2013-07-21 13:25


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Cleanup plugins now we use fd_common.h
mod - src/plugins/fd/bpipe-fd.c Diff File
mod - src/plugins/fd/test-deltaseq-fd.c Diff File
mod - src/plugins/fd/test-plugin-fd.c Diff File

master 3dd97595

2013-07-21 13:19

mvwieringen adm

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Upgrade all filed plugins to use fd_common.h
mod - src/plugins/filed/test-plugin-fd.c Diff File
mod - src/plugins/filed/example-plugin-fd.c Diff File
mod - src/plugins/filed/bpipe-fd.c Diff File

bareos-13.2 7f8965ec

2013-07-21 13:19


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Upgrade all filed plugins to use fd_common.h
mod - src/plugins/fd/bpipe-fd.c Diff File
mod - src/plugins/fd/example-plugin-fd.c Diff File
mod - src/plugins/fd/test-plugin-fd.c Diff File

bareos-13.2 b62c8cea

2013-07-18 12:59

Marco van Wieringen

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Cleanup win api compat layer.

Implemented str_2_BSTR and BSTR_2_str and reformated the code a bit.
mod - src/win32/compat/compat.c Diff File
mod - src/win32/include/winapi.h Diff File

master 8b7432f8

2013-07-18 11:15

mvwieringen adm

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
MINGW now supports SetThreadExecutionState

The MINGW version we compile with in OBS supports
SetThreadExecutionState so lets use it.
mod - src/win32/compat/compat.c Diff File
mod - src/filed/dir_cmd.c Diff File

master 5814e014

2013-07-18 10:59

mvwieringen adm

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Cleanup win api compat layer.

Implemented str_2_BSTR and BSTR_2_str and reformated the code a bit.
mod - src/win32/include/winapi.h Diff File
mod - src/win32/compat/compat.c Diff File

bareos-13.2 b2c4355c

2013-07-18 10:59


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Cleanup win api compat layer.

Implemented str_2_BSTR and BSTR_2_str and reformated the code a bit.
mod - src/win32/compat/compat.c Diff File
mod - src/win32/include/winapi.h Diff File

master eab3d7b0

2013-07-17 23:28

mvwieringen adm

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Fill the process environment with an BAREOS_CFGDIR

When we parse a configfile we push the directory we found it in into the
process environment as BAREOS_CFGDIR so you can use that same directory
as %BAREOS_CFGDIR% on windows and $BAREOS_CFGDIR on UNIX when
referencing an other configfile in that same directory.
mod - src/win32/compat/include/mingwconfig.h Diff File
mod - src/lib/parse_conf.c Diff File

master fa6a0548

2013-07-17 19:30

mvwieringen adm

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Implement a store_alist_dir function

We currently have the following functions:

- store_dir() (For storing a string with shell expansion to a dir/file)
- store_str() (For storing a string)
- store_alist_str() (For storing a list of strings)

we are missing a store_alist_dir() which stores a list of shell
expanded dirs/files.

Fixes 0000209: Implement a store_alist_dir function
Affected Issues
mod - src/lib/parse_conf.h Diff File
mod - src/lib/parse_conf.c Diff File
mod - src/filed/filed_conf.c Diff File

bareos-13.2 75930b2c

2013-07-17 19:16

Marco van Wieringen

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
do_shell_expansion for default string only when it does not starts with a |
mod - src/lib/parse_conf.c Diff File

bareos-13.2 9521defe

2013-07-17 17:16

mvwieringen adm

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
do_shell_expansion for default string only when it does not starts with a |
mod - src/lib/parse_conf.c Diff File

bareos-12.4 8d34863f

2013-07-17 17:16

mvwieringen adm

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
do_shell_expansion for default string only when it does not starts with a |
mod - src/lib/parse_conf.c Diff File

master ab22605c

2013-07-17 17:16

mvwieringen adm

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
do_shell_expansion for default string only when it does not starts with a |
mod - src/lib/parse_conf.c Diff File

bareos-13.2 7c1006b2

2013-07-13 19:29

Marco van Wieringen

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Implement plugin options passing.

Implement a new feature to pass plugin option as part of the restore process.
Most of the plugin options input was already implemented but for the restore
the options were never pushed to the file daemon. We should pass it to the
filed and raise a bEventPluginCommand event. This way a user can pass in extra
hints to the plugin for the restore process. Currently the plugin only gets
passed in the plugin options that were defined at the moment the backup was made.

The options defined by the user at restore time are passed before the actual
options saved at backup time are passed so the plugin should take care to ignore
any of the options passed in as part of the backup stream being restored
when it already got a override at restore time.

We increased the FD protocol number to 52 to be able to detect if the file daemon
understand the new protocol keyword.

Along the way we tweaked the layout of fileset traversal code somewhat. Added
some spaces and fixed the scoping of the variables somewhat. So you understand
what is going on. And fixed the comments in the filed plugin code.

Fixes 0000207: Implement plugin options passing.
mod - src/dird/dird.h Diff File
mod - src/dird/fd_cmds.c Diff File
mod - src/dird/protos.h Diff File
mod - src/dird/restore.c Diff File
mod - src/dird/ua_run.c Diff File
mod - src/filed/authenticate.c Diff File
mod - src/filed/dir_cmd.c Diff File
mod - src/filed/fd_plugins.c Diff File

master 73e72117

2013-07-13 17:29

mvwieringen adm

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Implement plugin options passing.

Implement a new feature to pass plugin option as part of the restore process.
Most of the plugin options input was already implemented but for the restore
the options were never pushed to the file daemon. We should pass it to the
filed and raise a bEventPluginCommand event. This way a user can pass in extra
hints to the plugin for the restore process. Currently the plugin only gets
passed in the plugin options that were defined at the moment the backup was made.

The options defined by the user at restore time are passed before the actual
options saved at backup time are passed so the plugin should take care to ignore
any of the options passed in as part of the backup stream being restored
when it already got a override at restore time.

We increased the FD protocol number to 52 to be able to detect if the file daemon
understand the new protocol keyword.

Along the way we tweaked the layout of fileset traversal code somewhat. Added
some spaces and fixed the scoping of the variables somewhat. So you understand
what is going on. And fixed the comments in the filed plugin code.

Fixes 0000207: Implement plugin options passing.
Affected Issues
mod - src/filed/fd_plugins.c Diff File
mod - src/filed/dir_cmd.c Diff File
mod - src/filed/authenticate.c Diff File
mod - src/dird/ua_run.c Diff File
mod - src/dird/restore.c Diff File
mod - src/dird/protos.h Diff File
mod - src/dird/fd_cmds.c Diff File
mod - src/dird/dird.h Diff File

bareos-13.2 7e8e3983

2013-07-13 17:29


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Implement plugin options passing.

Implement a new feature to pass plugin option as part of the restore process.
Most of the plugin options input was already implemented but for the restore
the options were never pushed to the file daemon. We should pass it to the
filed and raise a bEventPluginCommand event. This way a user can pass in extra
hints to the plugin for the restore process. Currently the plugin only gets
passed in the plugin options that were defined at the moment the backup was made.

The options defined by the user at restore time are passed before the actual
options saved at backup time are passed so the plugin should take care to ignore
any of the options passed in as part of the backup stream being restored
when it already got a override at restore time.

We increased the FD protocol number to 52 to be able to detect if the file daemon
understand the new protocol keyword.

Along the way we tweaked the layout of fileset traversal code somewhat. Added
some spaces and fixed the scoping of the variables somewhat. So you understand
what is going on. And fixed the comments in the filed plugin code.

Fixes 0000207: Implement plugin options passing.
Affected Issues
mod - src/dird/dird.h Diff File
mod - src/dird/fd_cmds.c Diff File
mod - src/dird/protos.h Diff File
mod - src/dird/restore.c Diff File
mod - src/dird/ua_run.c Diff File
mod - src/filed/authenticate.c Diff File
mod - src/filed/dir_cmd.c Diff File
mod - src/filed/fd_plugins.c Diff File

bareos-13.2 41288bd1

2013-07-12 19:37

Marco van Wieringen

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Drop from systemd service definitions.

Newer systemd versions implement a internal binary journalling system
which replaces syslog so the is no longer available in
newer versions of systemd. So we dropped the dependency on it and hope
that our other dependencies make sure the syslogging is available.

Fixes 0000203: systemctl start bareos-fd.service fails on Fedora 19
mod - platforms/systemd/ Diff File
mod - platforms/systemd/ Diff File
mod - platforms/systemd/ Diff File

bareos-13.2 7d1da986

2013-07-12 17:37

mvwieringen adm

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Drop from systemd service definitions.

Newer systemd versions implement a internal binary journalling system
which replaces syslog so the is no longer available in
newer versions of systemd. So we dropped the dependency on it and hope
that our other dependencies make sure the syslogging is available.

Fixes 0000203: systemctl start bareos-fd.service fails on Fedora 19
Affected Issues
mod - platforms/systemd/ Diff File
mod - platforms/systemd/ Diff File
mod - platforms/systemd/ Diff File

bareos-12.4 519d2f14

2013-07-12 17:37

mvwieringen adm

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Drop from systemd service definitions.

Newer systemd versions implement a internal binary journalling system
which replaces syslog so the is no longer available in
newer versions of systemd. So we dropped the dependency on it and hope
that our other dependencies make sure the syslogging is available.

Fixes 0000203: systemctl start bareos-fd.service fails on Fedora 19
Affected Issues
mod - platforms/systemd/ Diff File
mod - platforms/systemd/ Diff File
mod - platforms/systemd/ Diff File

master 54e868a0

2013-07-12 17:37

mvwieringen adm

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Drop from systemd service definitions.

Newer systemd versions implement a internal binary journalling system
which replaces syslog so the is no longer available in
newer versions of systemd. So we dropped the dependency on it and hope
that our other dependencies make sure the syslogging is available.

Fixes 0000203: systemctl start bareos-fd.service fails on Fedora 19
Affected Issues
mod - platforms/systemd/ Diff File
mod - platforms/systemd/ Diff File
mod - platforms/systemd/ Diff File

bareos-13.2 ac8d0f8c

2013-07-12 16:58

Philipp Storz

Committer: Marco van Wieringen

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Trace file to c:/ if working_directory is empty

When the working directory is empty, we now write the
trace file to c:/ instead of ./

When running as service, the workingdirectory seems to empty ,so
that the trace file is written to C:/windows/system32

This has different implications and makes it difficult to watch the
trace file.

Signed-off-by: Marco van Wieringen <>
mod - src/lib/message.c Diff File

bareos-13.2 fbc3e99c

2013-07-12 15:43

Marco van Wieringen

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Refactor windows version detection code.

Added Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 and use a switch on major and
minor number instead of a set of ifs.
mod - src/win32/filed/main.c Diff File
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