bareos2015: bareos-13.2 aabf1aab

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
mvwieringen mvwieringen bareos-13.2 2013-07-04 17:45 bareos-13.2 ac8d0f8c Pending
Affected Issues  0000174: "Status slots"says "0 slots" the first time after tapes were removed. Rerunning "status slots" then is correct.
Changeset Retry autochanger query for slots

In essence this is a bug in the firmware but it seems there are quite
some libraries which seem to be affected. We now retry the query one
more time when we get a zero slots returned.

Fixes 0000174: "status slots" says "0 slots" the first time after tapes
            were removed. Rerunning "status slots" then is correct.
mod - src/stored/autochanger.c Diff File