bareos: master 599adc0b

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
tigerfoot bruno-at-bareos master 2024-02-20 17:13 master 58034276 Pending
Changeset github issues: introduce templates and workflow

- add ISSUE_TEMPLATE/config.yaml
- add ISSUE_TEMPLATE/10-issue_report.yaml for bugs
- add ISSUE_TEMPLATE/20-feature_request.yaml for feature
- add workflows/no-response.yaml no-response action

- we don't do line wrap so they will adapt to github rendering page
- we use labels of predefined defaults: beside `needs triage`,
  we prefill with `bug` or `enhancement` as it is easier to remove
  a label than adding one
- we use `render: sh` for log,trace textareas so there's no need
  to use backtick syntax

Signed-off-by: Bruno Friedmann <>
add - .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/10-issue_report.yaml Diff File
add - .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/20-feature_request.yaml Diff File
add - .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/config.yml Diff File
add - .github/workflows/no-response.yaml Diff File