bareos: master b5f2eb18

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
bruno-at-bareos bruno-at-bareos master 2024-01-09 14:12 master e3fd3d53 Pending
Affected Issues  0001584: Incremental PostgreSQL backup will log an warning on the database server
Changeset plugins: postgresql fix missing pg_backup_stop() call

- pg_backup_stop() is called in all job level depending of the
  `backup_running` status. This allow a better support of
  incremental with no changes.
- add in testrunner-default checks of WARNING or ERROR in cluster
- is_backup_running boolean true if pg_backup_start has been run
- is_backup_full boolean true if backup level is Full
- apply black formatting suggestion

Fixes 0001584: Incremental PostgreSQL backup will log an warning on
             the database server

Signed-off-by: Bruno Friedmann <>
mod - core/src/plugins/filed/python/postgresql/ Diff File
mod - systemtests/tests/py3plug-fd-postgresql/testrunner-default Diff File