bareos: master 398c483e

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
arogge arogge master 2023-11-20 11:19 master 61844478 Pending
Changeset cmake: set some baseline compile flags by default

Previously, if you built Bareos without setting any options yourself,
you would get an unoptimized build. With this patch, if you do not set
any C and C++ compiler flags and also did not select a CMake build-type,
we will automatically set the build-type to RelWithDebInfo (i.e.
some optimizations, but with full debugging symbols).
As we don't want to have assertions disabled in our builds, CMake will
now also filter out the flags -DNDEBUG and /DNDEBUG from all build-type
mod - CMakeLists.txt Diff File
add - cmake/RemoveNDebugFlag.cmake Diff File