View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0001381bareos-corewebuipublic2024-05-15 15:38
Reporterjens Assigned Tofrank  
Status closedResolutionopen 
PlatformLinuxOSDebianOS Version10
Product Version19.2.10 
Summary0001381: Webui File selection list shows error when trying to restore
DescriptionBareOS version: 19.2.7-2

When selecting a backup client with lots of ( millions ) files and folders the File selection area shows following error.

{"id":"#","xhr":{"readyState":4,"responseText":"\n\n\n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n\n\n \n \n\n\n\n\n \n\n \n\n
\n \n\n
An error occurred
An error occurred during execution; please try again later.
Additional information:
Decoding failed: Syntax error
Stack trace:
#0 /usr/share/bareos-webui/module/Restore/src/Restore/Model/RestoreModel.php(54): Zend\\Json\\Json::decode('', 1)\n#1 /usr/share/bareos-webui/module/Restore/src/Restore/Controller/RestoreController.php(481): Restore\\Model\\RestoreModel->getDirectories(Object(Bareos\\BSock\\BareosBSock), '67', '#')\n#2 /usr/share/bareos-webui/module/Restore/src/Restore/Controller/RestoreController.php(555): Restore\\Controller\\RestoreController->getDirectories()\n#3 /usr/share/bareos-webui/module/Restore/src/Restore/Controller/RestoreController.php(466): Restore\\Controller\\RestoreController->buildSubtree()\n#4 /usr/share/bareos-webui/vendor/zendframework/zend-mvc/src/Controller/AbstractActionController.php(82): Restore\\Controller\\RestoreController->filebrowserAction()\n#5 [internal function]: Zend\\Mvc\\Controller\\AbstractActionController->onDispatch(Object(Zend\\Mvc\\MvcEvent))\n#6 /usr/share/bareos-webui/vendor/zendframework/zend-eventmanager/src/EventManager.php(444): call_user_func(Array, Object(Zend\\Mvc\\MvcEvent))\n#7 /usr/share/bareos-webui/vendor/zendframework/zend-eventmanager/src/EventManager.php(205): Zend\\EventManager\\EventManager->triggerListeners('dispatch', Object(Zend\\Mvc\\MvcEvent), Object(Closure))\n#8 /usr/share/bareos-webui/vendor/zendframework/zend-mvc/src/Controller/AbstractController.php(118): Zend\\EventManager\\EventManager->trigger('dispatch', Object(Zend\\Mvc\\MvcEvent), Object(Closure))\n#9 /usr/share/bareos-webui/vendor/zendframework/zend-mvc/src/DispatchListener.php(93): Zend\\Mvc\\Controller\\AbstractController->dispatch(Object(Zend\\Http\\PhpEnvironment\\Request), Object(Zend\\Http\\PhpEnvironment\\Response))\n#10 [internal function]: Zend\\Mvc\\DispatchListener->onDispatch(Object(Zend\\Mvc\\MvcEvent))\n#11 /usr/share/bareos-webui/vendor/zendframework/zend-eventmanager/src/EventManager.php(444): call_user_func(Array, Object(Zend\\Mvc\\MvcEvent))\n#12 /usr/share/bareos-webui/vendor/zendframework/zend-eventmanager/src/EventManager.php(205): Zend\\EventManager\\EventManager->triggerListeners('dispatch', Object(Zend\\Mvc\\MvcEvent), Object(Closure))\n#13 /usr/share/bareos-webui/vendor/zendframework/zend-mvc/src/Application.php(314): Zend\\EventManager\\EventManager->trigger('dispatch', Object(Zend\\Mvc\\MvcEvent), Object(Closure))\n#14 /usr/share/bareos-webui/public/index.php(24): Zend\\Mvc\\Application->run()\n#15 {main}
\n\n \n \n\n\n","status":500,"statusText":"Internal Server Error"}}
Steps To ReproduceIn restore tab select a client with a lot of files and folders ( File Server )
Additional InformationFrom Apache error log:

PHP Notice: compact(): Undefined variable: extras in /usr/share/bareos-webui/vendor/zend
framework/zend-view/src/Helper/HeadLink.php on line 403, referer:<client>&restoreclient=&restorejob=&where=&files

PHP Notice: compact(): Undefined variable: extras in /usr/share/bareos-webui/vendor/zend
framework/zend-view/src/Helper/HeadLink.php on line 403, referer:

TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0001253 closedfrank Can't restore files from Webui 




2021-08-26 10:50


bareos_webui.png (84,832 bytes)   
bareos_webui.png (84,832 bytes)   


2021-08-26 10:59

manager   ~0004223

thanks for the report.
Could you try and reproduce this with the latest webui from the nightly-build? It can be installed on a different host or vm and will be able to talk to your 19.2 director.
Also if you can still reproduce the issue there it would really help if you could tell us how many jobs were merged here (i.e. how many incrementals are on top of your full) and how many files are in each of them. This would probably improve our chances to reproduce the problem.

Having said that, the workaround (that you probably already knew) is to restore from within bconsole.


2021-08-26 11:09

reporter   ~0004224

Thank you for the ultra fast response.
I will try my best to give the nightly build a try but it gonna take me some time to arrange in our environment.

Regarding your question this is the only single backup we took from that machine into a long term tape archive pool.
There are no incrementals on top.


2021-08-26 11:35

manager   ~0004225

Allright! Would you still share the exact amount of files in that backup job, so we can produce a test-case with the same amount of files?


2021-08-26 11:37

reporter   ~0004226

FD Files Written: 155,482,903
SD Files Written: 155,482,903
FD Bytes Written: 26,776,974,356,682 (26.77 TB)
SD Bytes Written: 26,805,737,848,974 (26.80 TB)


2021-08-27 12:03


bareos-webui-nightly.png (9,043 bytes)   
bareos-webui-nightly.png (9,043 bytes)   


2021-08-27 12:03

reporter   ~0004228

Last edited: 2021-08-27 12:20

So I tried the latest nightly built from here:
Unfortunately it does not want to connect to my director 19.2



2021-08-27 12:19

reporter   ~0004229

Also tried with the bareos-webui_20.0.1-3
It is able to connect to my 19.2 director but throws the exact same error as initially reported


2021-08-27 12:26

manager   ~0004230

Yes, sorry. That version check was introduced not too long ago, I simply forgot. Thanks for reproducing with 20.0.1 though, that should be recent enough.


2021-08-31 16:00

developer   ~0004241


It seems we are receiving malformed JSON from the director here as the decoding throws a syntax error.

We should have a look at the JSON result the director provides for the particular directory you are
trying to list in webui by using bvfs API commands ( in bconsole.

In bconsole please do the following:

1. Get the jobid of the job that causes the described issue. Replace the jobid from the example below with your specific jobid, e.g. the jobid of the full backup you mentioned.

*.bvfs_lsdirs path= jobid=142
38 0 0 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A .
37 0 0 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A /

2. Navigate to the folder which causes problems by using pathid, pathids will differ at yours.

*.bvfs_lsdirs pathid=37 jobid=142
37 0 0 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A .
38 0 0 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A ..
57 0 0 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A ceph/

*.bvfs_lsdirs pathid=57 jobid=142
57 0 0 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A .
37 0 0 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A ..
56 0 0 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A groups/

*.bvfs_lsdirs pathid=56 jobid=142
56 0 0 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A .
57 0 0 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A ..
51 11817 142 P0A V9T EHt CcR A A A 8AA BAA L4 BhLhQA BhLhP/ BhLhP/ A A C group_aa/

Let's pretend group_aa (pathid 51) is the folder we can not list properly in webui.

3. Switch to API mode 2 (JSON) now and list the content of folder group_aa (pathid 51) to get the JSON result.

*.api 2
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": null,
  "result": {
    "api": 2
}*.bvfs_lsdirs pathid=51 jobid=142
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": null,
  "result": {
    "directories": [
        "type": "D",
        "pathid": 51,
        "fileid": 11817,
        "jobid": 142,
        "lstat": "P0A V9T EHt CcR A A A 8AA BAA L4 BhLhQA BhLhP/ BhLhP/ A A C",
        "name": ".",
        "fullpath": ".",
        "stat": {
          "dev": 64768,
          "ino": 89939,
          "mode": 16877,
          "nlink": 10001,
          "uid": 0,
          "gid": 0,
          "user": "root",
          "group": "root",
          "rdev": 0,
          "size": 245760,
          "atime": 1630409728,
          "mtime": 1630409727,
          "ctime": 1630409727
        "linkfileindex": 0
        "type": "D",
        "pathid": 56,
        "fileid": 0,
        "jobid": 0,
        "lstat": "A A A A A A A A A A A A A A",
        "name": "..",
        "fullpath": "..",
        "stat": {
          "dev": 0,
          "ino": 0,
          "mode": 0,
          "nlink": 0,
          "uid": 0,
          "gid": 0,
          "user": "root",
          "group": "root",
          "rdev": 0,
          "size": 0,
          "atime": 0,
          "mtime": 0,
          "ctime": 0
        "linkfileindex": 0
        "type": "D",
        "pathid": 52,
        "fileid": 1813,
        "jobid": 142,
        "lstat": "P0A BAGIj EHt C A A A G BAA A BhLgvm Bg/+Bp Bg/+Bp A A C",
        "name": "d1/",
        "fullpath": "/ceph/groups/group_aa/d1/",
        "stat": {
          "dev": 64768,
          "ino": 16802339,
          "mode": 16877,
          "nlink": 2,
          "uid": 0,
          "gid": 0,
          "user": "root",
          "group": "root",
          "rdev": 0,
          "size": 6,
          "atime": 1630407654,
          "mtime": 1627381865,
          "ctime": 1627381865
        "linkfileindex": 0
        "type": "D",
        "pathid": 54,
        "fileid": 1814,
        "jobid": 142,
        "lstat": "P0A CCEkI EHt C A A A G BAA A BhLgvm Bg/+Bp Bg/+Bp A A C",
        "name": "d2/",
        "fullpath": "/ceph/groups/group_aa/d2/",
        "stat": {
          "dev": 64768,
          "ino": 34097416,
          "mode": 16877,
          "nlink": 2,
          "uid": 0,
          "gid": 0,
          "user": "root",
          "group": "root",
          "rdev": 0,
          "size": 6,
          "atime": 1630407654,
          "mtime": 1627381865,
          "ctime": 1627381865
        "linkfileindex": 0

Do you get valid JSON at this point as you can see in the example above?
Please provide the output you get in your case if possible.


You can substitue step 3 with sth. like following if the output is too big:

[root@centos7]# cat script
.api 2
.bvfs_lsdirs pathid=51 jobid=142

[root@centos7]# cat script | bconsole > out.txt

Remove everything except the JSON you received from the .bvfs_lsdirs command from the out.txt file.

Validate the JSON output with a tool like or for example.


2021-09-01 10:26

reporter   ~0004243

Hi Frank,

thanks for your feedback.
Please note, I receive the JSON error on top level already.
Meaning I am not able to select a folder at all, yet.

I will try to follow your instructions and see how far I can get.
Will keep you posted.

Thank you once again for your support.
Much appreciated.


2021-09-17 12:55


bconsole_api2_test_query_output.txt (53,111 bytes)   
Connecting to Director localhost:9101
 Encryption: TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256
1000 OK: bareos-dir Version: 19.2.7 (16 April 2020) build binary binaries are UNSUPPORTED by
Get official binaries and vendor support on
You are connected using the default console

Enter a period (.) to cancel a command.
.api 2
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": null,
  "result": {
    "api": 2
}.bvfs_lsdirs pathid=4332 jobid=67
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": null,
  "result": {
    "directories": [
        "type": "D",
        "pathid": 4332,
        "fileid": 139925669,
        "jobid": 67,
        "lstat": "P4R MLzi5u EX9 Jk Tk Cdf A FAA BAA BI BbF+0o Be6gLi Be6gLi A A C",
        "name": ".",
        "fullpath": ".",
        "stat": {
          "dev": 65041,
          "ino": 13082963566,
          "mode": 17917,
          "nlink": 612,
          "user": "1252",
          "group": "10079",
          "rdev": 0,
          "size": 20480,
          "atime": 1528294696,
          "mtime": 1592394466,
          "ctime": 1592394466
        "linkfileindex": 0
        "type": "D",
        "pathid": 3037697,
        "fileid": 0,
        "jobid": 0,
        "lstat": "A A A A A A A A A A A A A A",
        "name": "..",
        "fullpath": "..",
        "stat": {
          "dev": 0,
          "ino": 0,
          "mode": 0,
          "nlink": 0,
          "user": "root",
          "group": "root",
          "rdev": 0,
          "size": 0,
          "atime": 0,
          "mtime": 0,
          "ctime": 0
        "linkfileindex": 0
        "type": "D",
        "pathid": 4127,
        "fileid": 530005,
        "jobid": 67,
        "lstat": "P4R QZWD3c EXt H Tk Pr A BAA BAA I Ba0MdB BW1bVH BdrxH/ A A C",
        "name": "xxxxxxxxxxxx/",
        "fullpath": "/imgrep/images/xxxxxxxxxxxx/",
        "stat": {
          "dev": 65041,
          "ino": 17605082588,
          "mode": 17901,
          "nlink": 7,
          "user": "1252",
          "group": "1003",
          "rdev": 0,
          "size": 4096,
          "atime": 1523631937,
          "mtime": 1456846151,
          "ctime": 1571754495
        "linkfileindex": 0
        "type": "D",
        "pathid": 2900718,
        "fileid": 137066301,
        "jobid": 67,
        "lstat": "P4R BPfbUP9 EXt F Tk Cdf A 9 BAA A BdwC0g BdwC0s BdwC6d A A C",
        "name": "xxxxxxxxxxxx/",
        "fullpath": "/imgrep/images/xxxxxxxxxxxx/",
        "stat": {
          "dev": 65041,
          "ino": 85352858621,
          "mode": 17901,
          "nlink": 5,
          "user": "1252",
          "group": "10079",
          "rdev": 0,
          "size": 61,
          "atime": 1572875552,
          "mtime": 1572875564,
          "ctime": 1572875933
        "linkfileindex": 0
        "type": "D",
        "pathid": 3761,
        "fileid": 530099,
        "jobid": 67,
        "lstat": "P4R QmvfI EXt i Tk Pr A BAA BAA I Ba0Mde BWj6vJ BdrxIX A A C",
        "name": "xxxxxxxxxxxx/",
        "fullpath": "/imgrep/images/xxxxxxxxxxxx/",
        "stat": {
          "dev": 65041,
          "ino": 278591432,
          "mode": 17901,
          "nlink": 34,
          "user": "1252",
          "group": "1003",
          "rdev": 0,
          "size": 4096,
          "atime": 1523631966,
          "mtime": 1452256201,
          "ctime": 1571754519
        "linkfileindex": 0
        "type": "D",
        "pathid": 3011,
        "fileid": 530427,
        "jobid": 67,
        "lstat": "P4R 0T4TdD EXt G Tk Pr A BAA BAA I Ba0Mdc BWQ0/M BdrxIY A A C",
        "name": "xxxxxxxxxxxx/",
        "fullpath": "/imgrep/images/xxxxxxxxxxxx/",
        "stat": {
          "dev": 65041,
          "ino": 56168101699,
          "mode": 17901,
          "nlink": 6,
          "user": "1252",
          "group": "1003",
          "rdev": 0,
          "size": 4096,
          "atime": 1523631964,
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          "ctime": 1571754520
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        "jobid": 67,
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        "name": "xxxxxxxxxxxx/",
        "fullpath": "/imgrep/images/xxxxxxxxxxxx/",
        "stat": {
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        "name": "xxxxxxxxxxxx/",
        "fullpath": "/imgrep/images/xxxxxxxxxxxx/",
        "stat": {
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          "mode": 17901,
          "nlink": 5,
          "user": "1252",
          "group": "1003",
          "rdev": 0,
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          "atime": 1523631964,
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          "ctime": 1571755977
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        "jobid": 67,
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        "name": "xxxxxxxxxxxx/",
        "fullpath": "/imgrep/images/xxxxxxxxxxxx/",
        "stat": {
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        "name": "xxxxxxxxxxxx/",
        "fullpath": "/imgrep/images/xxxxxxxxxxxx/",
        "stat": {
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          "nlink": 20,
          "user": "1252",
          "group": "1003",
          "rdev": 0,
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          "atime": 1523631967,
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        "name": "xxxxxxxxxxxx/",
        "fullpath": "/imgrep/images/xxxxxxxxxxxx/",
        "stat": {
          "dev": 65041,
          "ino": 13085627302,
          "mode": 17901,
          "nlink": 2,
          "user": "1252",
          "group": "1003",
          "rdev": 0,
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          "atime": 1523631968,
          "mtime": 1250256655,
          "ctime": 1571756116
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        "name": "xxxxxxxxxxxx/",
        "fullpath": "/imgrep/images/xxxxxxxxxxxx/",
        "stat": {
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          "mode": 17901,
          "nlink": 2,
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        "name": "xxxxxxxxxxxx/",
        "fullpath": "/imgrep/images/xxxxxxxxxxxx/",
        "stat": {
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        "name": "xxxxxxxxxxxx/",
        "fullpath": "/imgrep/images/xxxxxxxxxxxx/",
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        "fileid": 17188238,
        "jobid": 67,
        "lstat": "P4R 8aWB7C EXt G Tk Pr A BS BAA A BbF+YN BYd6QA Bdr/V9 A A C",
        "name": "xxxxxxxxxxxx/",
        "fullpath": "/imgrep/images/xxxxxxxxxxxx/",
        "stat": {
          "dev": 65041,
          "ino": 64866492098,
          "mode": 17901,
          "nlink": 6,
          "user": "1252",
          "group": "1003",
          "rdev": 0,
          "size": 82,
          "atime": 1528292877,
          "mtime": 1484235776,
          "ctime": 1571812733
        "linkfileindex": 0
        "type": "D",
        "pathid": 109032,
        "fileid": 17354205,
        "jobid": 67,
        "lstat": "P4R oixI2F EXt C Tk Pr A CAA BAA Y Ba0McL BCVtGP Bdr/Zb A A C",
        "name": "xxxxxxxxxxxx/",
        "fullpath": "/imgrep/images/xxxxxxxxxxxx/",
        "stat": {
          "dev": 65041,
          "ino": 43532979589,
          "mode": 17901,
          "nlink": 2,
          "user": "1252",
          "group": "1003",
          "rdev": 0,
          "size": 8192,
          "atime": 1523631883,
          "mtime": 1112985999,
          "ctime": 1571812955
        "linkfileindex": 0
        "type": "D",
        "pathid": 2941705,
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2021-09-17 12:55

reporter   ~0004267

Hi Frank,

I found some time to go over your instruction and did some intense testing.

First I queried the top 2 folder levels for the jobid in question.
*.bvfs_lsdirs path= jobid=67
Automatically selected Catalog: MyCatalog
Using Catalog "MyCatalog"
32 0 0 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A .
31 0 0 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A /

*.bvfs_lsdirs pathid=31 jobid=67
31 0 0 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A .
32 0 0 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A ..
3037697 0 0 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A imgrep/
3037699 0 0 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A storage/

Since the issue in webgui already occurs on this level I switched to api level 2 already
but couldn't find anything obvious regarding malformatted output.
*.api 2
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": null,
  "result": {
    "api": 2
*.bvfs_lsdirs pathid=31 jobid=67
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": null,
  "result": {
    "directories": [
        "type": "D",
        "pathid": 31,
        "fileid": 0,
        "jobid": 0,
        "lstat": "A A A A A A A A A A A A A A",
        "name": ".",
        "fullpath": ".",
        "stat": {
          "dev": 0,
          "ino": 0,
          "mode": 0,
          "nlink": 0,
          "user": "root",
          "group": "root",
          "rdev": 0,
          "size": 0,
          "atime": 0,
          "mtime": 0,
          "ctime": 0
        "linkfileindex": 0
        "type": "D",
        "pathid": 32,
        "fileid": 0,
        "jobid": 0,
        "lstat": "A A A A A A A A A A A A A A",
        "name": "..",
        "fullpath": "..",
        "stat": {
          "dev": 0,
          "ino": 0,
          "mode": 0,
          "nlink": 0,
          "user": "root",
          "group": "root",
          "rdev": 0,
          "size": 0,
          "atime": 0,
          "mtime": 0,
          "ctime": 0
        "linkfileindex": 0
        "type": "D",
        "pathid": 3037697,
        "fileid": 0,
        "jobid": 0,
        "lstat": "A A A A A A A A A A A A A A",
        "name": "imgrep/",
        "fullpath": "/imgrep/",
        "stat": {
          "dev": 0,
          "ino": 0,
          "mode": 0,
          "nlink": 0,
          "user": "root",
          "group": "root",
          "rdev": 0,
          "size": 0,
          "atime": 0,
          "mtime": 0,
          "ctime": 0
        "linkfileindex": 0
        "type": "D",
        "pathid": 3037699,
        "fileid": 0,
        "jobid": 0,
        "lstat": "A A A A A A A A A A A A A A",
        "name": "storage/",
        "fullpath": "/storage/",
        "stat": {
          "dev": 0,
          "ino": 0,
          "mode": 0,
          "nlink": 0,
          "user": "root",
          "group": "root",
          "rdev": 0,
          "size": 0,
          "atime": 0,
          "mtime": 0,
          "ctime": 0
        "linkfileindex": 0

So I went one level deeper on the imgrep folder but still everything seem to work fine and look valid.
-> see attachment ( please note I've shortened the output to a few thousand lines and anonymized all the folder names )

Interesting to me is that this is the only machine we are having trouble with.
Maybe it is something with the filesystem layouts there.
Therefor and to give you a better picture this is what the backup client looks like:

Distributor ID: Debian
Description: Debian GNU/Linux 8.7 (jessie)
Release: 8.7
Codename: jessie

Storage mounts:
/dev/vdc1 on /storage/bucket-00 type xfs (rw,noatime,nodiratime,attr2,inode64,noquota)
/dev/vdb1 on /imgrep type xfs (rw,noatime,nodiratime,attr2,inode64,noquota)

Disk Free status:
/dev/vdc1 5.0T 4.8T 293G 95% /storage/bucket-00
/dev/vdb1 23T 23T 348G 99% /imgrep

Client Fileset:
FileSet {
  Name = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
  Include {
    Options {
      Signature = SHA1
      One FS = No
      Checkfilechanges = yes
    File = /imgrep/images
    File = /storage/bucket-00/images

Please let me know if you need any additional information or contribution.

Best, Jens


2024-05-15 15:38

manager   ~0005929

This was reported for an end-of-life (EOL) version of Bareos.

If you can reproduce this bug against a currently maintained version of
Bareos please feel free to open a new issue against that version at

Thank you for reporting this bug and we are sorry it could not be fixed.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2021-08-26 10:50 jens New Issue
2021-08-26 10:50 jens File Added: bareos_webui.png
2021-08-26 10:59 arogge Assigned To => arogge
2021-08-26 10:59 arogge Status new => feedback
2021-08-26 10:59 arogge Note Added: 0004223
2021-08-26 11:09 jens Note Added: 0004224
2021-08-26 11:09 jens Status feedback => assigned
2021-08-26 11:35 arogge Status assigned => feedback
2021-08-26 11:35 arogge Note Added: 0004225
2021-08-26 11:37 jens Note Added: 0004226
2021-08-26 11:37 jens Status feedback => assigned
2021-08-27 12:03 jens File Added: bareos-webui-nightly.png
2021-08-27 12:03 jens Note Added: 0004228
2021-08-27 12:19 jens Note Added: 0004229
2021-08-27 12:20 jens Note Edited: 0004228
2021-08-27 12:26 arogge Note Added: 0004230
2021-08-30 11:53 frank Assigned To arogge => frank
2021-08-31 11:38 frank Relationship added related to 0001253
2021-08-31 12:28 frank Status assigned => acknowledged
2021-08-31 16:00 frank Note Added: 0004241
2021-09-01 10:26 jens Note Added: 0004243
2021-09-17 12:55 jens File Added: bconsole_api2_test_query_output.txt
2021-09-17 12:55 jens Note Added: 0004267
2024-05-15 15:38 arogge Note Added: 0005929
2024-05-15 15:38 arogge Status acknowledged => closed