bareos: master 864c93a2

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
Frank Bergkemper Frank Bergkemper master 2016-10-20 18:42 master b29f30dc Pending
Changeset Clickable jobnames

This commit makes jobnames clickable in the dashboard-, job- and client module.

Therefore some methods have been extended with a new parameter called

Existing links, query parameters and method calls have been
adjusted to fit those changes.

Also a new form element, labeled as job name, has been added to the job view,
to be able to filter for jobnames.
mod - module/Client/view/client/client/details.phtml Diff File
mod - module/Dashboard/src/Dashboard/Controller/DashboardController.php Diff File
mod - module/Dashboard/view/dashboard/dashboard/index.phtml Diff File
mod - module/Job/src/Job/Controller/JobController.php Diff File
mod - module/Job/src/Job/Form/JobForm.php Diff File
mod - module/Job/src/Job/Model/JobModel.php Diff File
mod - module/Job/view/job/job/actions.phtml Diff File
mod - module/Job/view/job/job/details.phtml Diff File
mod - module/Job/view/job/job/index.phtml Diff File