bareos: bareos-16.2 22206874

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
joergs stephand bareos-16.2 2017-10-05 23:31 bareos-16.2 7afb66df Pending
Changeset Windows installer: bug fix, allows to silently upgrade Bareos again.

Without this change, trying to upgrade Bareos by
winbareos-*.exe /S /SILENTKEEPCONFIG
failed silently.

This change also shortens and rearranges the help string,
as NSIS supports only strings up to 1024 characters and important
information have been missing. The help string is still truncated,
however, it it truncates less important information.

When the /WRITELOGS parameter is used, a log file will be generated.
This change starts logging as soon as possible and much earlier than
before. It also adds some log messages.
mod - platforms/win32/winbareos.nsi Diff File