bareos: master 920da622

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
mvwieringen mvwieringen master 2016-06-03 16:47 master 71634be8 Pending
Changeset ndmp: Add some media hook functions.

We want to be able to hook into the loading of media by an NDMP session
so analog to the already existing callbacks this adds some so called
media callbacks which are called from the Media handling code of the
NDMP libray. Currently we have hooks for the following :

- load_first()
   Called before the NDMP library tries to load the first medium
   specified in the job->media_tab.
- load_next()
   Called before the NDMP library tries to load the next medium
   specified in the job->media_tab.
- unload_current()
   Called after the NDMP library tried to unload the medium from the
mod - src/ndmp/ndma_ctrl_media.c Diff File
mod - src/ndmp/ndmagents.h Diff File