bareos: master 5aea849d

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
Marco van Wieringen Marco van Wieringen master 2014-11-11 00:11 master 8c8b5b04 Pending
Changeset Tweak queries a bit.

Create a second query for finding the last full backup when no specific
pool is specified as then we don't need to JOIN the JobMedia and Media
table into the query as we don't select on the Media's PoolId.

Also drop the JOIN on Client as we don't select any column from that
table anyway and the query is also kind of clumbsy by specifying twice
the ClientId instead of using a single WHERE on the ClientId and use
an AND Client.ClientId = Job.ClientId.

Fixes 0000363: zero-byte Full backups are ignored for restore
mod - src/cats/sql_cmds.c Diff File
mod - src/cats/sql_cmds.h Diff File
mod - src/dird/ua_restore.c Diff File