bareos: bareos-14.2 4bca80ec

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
mvwieringen joergs bareos-14.2 2015-01-27 10:38 bareos-14.2 07d764f7 Pending
Affected Issues  0000407: print_config_run() doesn't print months
 0000409: Console Shows Incorrect Schedule
Changeset Refactor pretty printer of schedules.

Seems the pretty printer had some problems with printing some schedules,
Given that this is almost a programming language this is not to
surprising. Changed the code to first determine if all bits are set so
we don't do hard work of finding intervals if we are not going to print
the interval at all.

Fixes 0000407: print_config_run() doesn't print months
Fixes 0000409: Console Shows Incorrect Schedule

mod - src/dird/dird_conf.c Diff File