bareos: master f8f24c84

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
slederer slederer master 2024-02-15 21:23 master 36e38f98 Pending
Affected Issues  0001599: FD LDAP Plugin has broken dependencies on Debian 11+ (bareos-filedaemon-ldap-python-plugin -> python-ldap)
Changeset Bugfix: clean up error handling in LDAP plugin

- handle referrals in search results
- better error reporting when using incorrect base DN
- refactor reporting of LDAP exceptions
- replace old-style % operator with format()
- Debian package build: fix dependencies for python-ldap

Fixes: 0001599: FD LDAP Plugin has broken dependencies on Debian 11+
mod - core/src/plugins/filed/python/ldap/ Diff File
mod - debian/control Diff File
mod - debian/control.bareos-filedaemon-python-plugins-common Diff File