bareos: master f47196b4

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
frank joergs master 2023-03-17 13:47 master e678933b Pending
Changeset webui: add a new section to the `configuration.ini`

Adds a new section named `experimental` to the `configuration.ini`
where experimental features can be enabled and disabled.

All experimental features are and should be disabled (`false`)
by default.

First item in this new section is the configuration resource graph,
which is located in the analytics module and reachable via the
navigation tab `Configuration`.

The navigation tab `Configuration` is hidden if the newly introduced
`configuration.ini` parameter `configuration_resource_graph`
is not set or set to `false`.
mod - webui/config/autoload/ Diff File
mod - webui/install/ Diff File
mod - webui/module/Analytics/view/analytics/analytics/index.phtml Diff File
mod - webui/module/Auth/src/Auth/Controller/AuthController.php Diff File