bareos: master 2ff3b471

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
pstorz arogge master 2022-11-14 09:08 master ebebb266 Pending
Changeset systemtests: fix bconsole comments

Change every wrong use of "#" to comment out a bconsole command to the
correct "@#" that will actually comment out the command and will not
produce the error message "#: is an invalid command."
mod - systemtests/tests/py2plug-fd-contrib-bareos_tasks_mysql/testrunner Diff File
mod - systemtests/tests/py2plug-fd-mariabackup/testrunner Diff File
mod - systemtests/tests/py2plug-fd-percona-xtrabackup/testrunner Diff File
mod - systemtests/tests/py3plug-fd-contrib-mysql_dump/testrunner Diff File