bareos: master 2bc6f7fc

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
joergs joergs master 2022-01-13 14:16 master 2c1d0d97 Pending
Changeset docs: cleanup Python Plugin API sections

Only keep general information about Python Plugins in the "Tasks and Concepts" chapter,
moving the implentation details to the Development Guide chapter.

Change the ordering in the Developement chapter to start with the current version of the Python Plugin:
* Python Plugins for Bareos >= 20
* Python Plugins for Bareos < 20
* Migrating Python Plugins to Bareos >= 20
mod - docs/manuals/source/DeveloperGuide.rst Diff File
mod - docs/manuals/source/TasksAndConcepts/Plugins.rst Diff File
mod - docs/manuals/source/TasksAndConcepts/Plugins/DirectorPlugins/ Diff File
mod - docs/manuals/source/TasksAndConcepts/Plugins/FileDaemonPlugins/ Diff File
mod - docs/manuals/source/TasksAndConcepts/Plugins/StorageDaemonPlugins/ Diff File