bareos: master 7860b88c

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
pstorz pstorz master 2021-12-20 22:54 master 77e649aa Pending
Changeset systemtests: run diff with LANG=C during recovery check

In the test set of files we have a file with a filename that is not
utf8. On Solaris diff crashes if the language is set to something with
utf8 but a filename appears that cannot be encoded in utf8:

  diff: cannot compare file names 'filename-with-non-utf8-bytestring->C�N' and \
       'filename-with-non-utf8-bytestring->C�N': Illegal byte sequence
  diff: program error
  exit(134) is called. Set test to failure and end test.

This commit makes sure that diff is called with LANG=C.
mod - systemtests/scripts/functions Diff File