bareos: master e69ae289

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
arogge arogge master 2020-04-27 14:25 master aa367252 Pending
Changeset core: use stdint.h where possible

Previously bc_types.h declared a lot of types itself. As of C99 the
compiler provides these types if they are available on the platform, so
we don't need any tricks for this anymore.
This patch removes most of the fixed-width integer aliasing in favor of
the standard-provided fixed-width types.
mod - core/CMakeLists.txt Diff File
rm - core/cmake/BareosTypeSizes.cmake Diff File
mod - core/src/include/bc_types.h Diff File
mod - core/src/include/ Diff File
mod - core/src/win32/compat/include/mingwconfig.h Diff File