bareos: master 0095ae82

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
joergs joergs master 2019-11-21 20:45 master f91424ad Pending
Changeset python-bareos: added convenience functions

The Director Console Protocol >= 18.2.4 offers a lot more connection parameters.
Add util functions to the classes to help providing the same set of parameters to all command line tools.

Allow password as string parameter. It will be converted to Bareos.Util.Password during initialization.

Also added a fallback to old Director Console protocol (12.4),
if authentication to Director fails.
If protocolversion is set exclipietly, there will be no automatic fallback.
mod - python-bareos/bareos/bsock/ Diff File
mod - python-bareos/bareos/bsock/ Diff File
mod - python-bareos/bareos/bsock/ Diff File
mod - python-bareos/bareos/bsock/ Diff File
mod - python-bareos/bareos/ Diff File
mod - python-bareos/bin/ Diff File
mod - python-bareos/bin/ Diff File
mod - python-bareos/bin/ Diff File
mod - python-bareos/bin/ Diff File