Changesets: bareos-vmware

master 40b75280

2018-05-07 18:22

Jörg Steffens

Committer: GitHub

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
mod - Diff File

master ca778ad2

2018-05-07 12:40


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
This repository has been merged into

The Bareos project consists of several sub projects. While these subprojects
have been kept in different git repositories until bareos <= 17.2, we decided
to merge them all into

* (core, daemons) repository hasn't changed,
but its content has been moved to the core subdirectory
* (master) =>
* (master) =>
* (master) =>
* (master) =>
* (master) =>

We only merged the master branches, so all those plus all future branches from
bareos-18.2 onwards can be found there. The old branches (bareos <= 17.2) will
be kept and maintained in the old repositories.
rm - AUTHORS Diff File
rm - CMakeLists.txt Diff File
rm - LICENSE Diff File
rm - LICENSE.vadp Diff File
mod - Diff File
rm - debian/bareos-vadp-dumper.install Diff File
rm - debian/bareos-vmware-plugin-compat.install Diff File
rm - debian/bareos-vmware-plugin.install Diff File
rm - debian/bareos-vmware-vix-disklib.install Diff File
rm - debian/compat Diff File
rm - debian/control Diff File
rm - debian/copyright Diff File
rm - debian/rules Diff File
rm - packaging/bareos-vmware.changes Diff File
rm - packaging/bareos-vmware.dsc Diff File
rm - packaging/bareos-vmware.spec Diff File
rm - packaging/debian.debtransform Diff File
rm - vadp_dumper/CMakeLists.txt Diff File
rm - vadp_dumper/bareos_vadp_dumper.cpp Diff File
rm - vadp_dumper/ Diff File
rm - vadp_dumper/cbuf.cpp Diff File
rm - vadp_dumper/cbuf.hpp Diff File
rm - vadp_dumper/copy_thread.cpp Diff File
rm - vadp_dumper/copy_thread.hpp Diff File
rm - vmware-vix-disklib/CMakeLists.txt Diff File
rm - vmware_cbt_tool/CMakeLists.txt Diff File
rm - vmware_cbt_tool/ Diff File
rm - vmware_plugin/ Diff File
rm - vmware_plugin/CMakeLists.txt Diff File
rm - vmware_plugin/ Diff File

master 691f58b4

2017-12-03 21:36


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
adding bareos-vmware-plugin-compat package

This is useful, when upgrading from Bareos <= 16.2.
mod - CMakeLists.txt Diff File
add - debian/bareos-vmware-plugin-compat.install Diff File
mod - debian/bareos-vmware-plugin.install Diff File
mod - debian/control Diff File
mod - debian/rules Diff File
mod - packaging/bareos-vmware.spec Diff File
mod - vmware_plugin/ Diff File
mod - vmware_plugin/CMakeLists.txt Diff File
mod - vmware_plugin/ Diff File

master 4b93b575

2017-11-04 17:47


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Plugin option vcthumbprint optional

As of VDDK 6.5, passing the SSL certificate thumbprint is mandatory.
For ease of use, the vcthumbprint plugin option is now optional, if it
is not given as a plugin option, it will be retrieved from the vCenter
server. This is less secure, but will just work in most cases.

Also added the optional plugin option transport was added, which can be
used to force bareos_vadp_dumper to use the specified transport method.

The plugin and now disables SSL certificate
verification in python versions >= 2.7.5, this was >= 2.7.9 before, but
CentOS/RHEL 7.4 changed the python default to verify SSL certificates
while the python version stayed at 2.7.5
mod - vmware_cbt_tool/ Diff File
mod - vmware_plugin/ Diff File
mod - vmware_plugin/ Diff File

master a8c7509e

2017-11-03 16:41


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Fix description and variable name for -f option

The argument of this option is passed as the 4th parameter of
VixDiskLib_ConnectEx(), which means it can be used to force the
transport method. By default, when not specified, VixDiskLib
selects the best transport method.
mod - vadp_dumper/bareos_vadp_dumper.cpp Diff File

master ef91afb6

2017-11-03 15:55


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Merge pull request
mod - vadp_dumper/bareos_vadp_dumper.cpp Diff File
mod - vmware_plugin/ Diff File

master 825373ca

2017-11-03 15:49


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Merge branch 'vmware_6.5' of
mod - vadp_dumper/bareos_vadp_dumper.cpp Diff File
mod - vmware_plugin/ Diff File

bareos-17.2 51d4ba3a

2017-11-02 14:12


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
fix: add missing dir to rpm package
mod - packaging/bareos-vmware.spec Diff File

bareos-17.2 81232624

2017-10-31 19:45


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
don't create bareos-vmware-vix-disklib package

... from bareos-vmware-vix-disklib-devel,
as this will remove will original version information from the package
and set it to the version of the bareos-vmware-plugin.
mod - CMakeLists.txt Diff File
mod - debian/control Diff File
mod - debian/rules Diff File
mod - packaging/bareos-vmware.changes Diff File
mod - packaging/bareos-vmware.dsc Diff File
mod - packaging/bareos-vmware.spec Diff File

bareos-17.2 0f541194

2017-10-27 20:23


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
optimize package building

* integrate packaging information (RPM/DEB)
* use cmake
* create distributable bareos-vmware-vix-disklib package from bareos-vmware-vix-disklib-devel
mod - AUTHORS Diff File
add - CMakeLists.txt Diff File
add - debian/bareos-vadp-dumper.install Diff File
add - debian/bareos-vmware-plugin.install Diff File
add - debian/bareos-vmware-vix-disklib.install Diff File
add - debian/compat Diff File
add - debian/control Diff File
add - debian/copyright Diff File
add - debian/rules Diff File
add - packaging/bareos-vmware.changes Diff File
add - packaging/bareos-vmware.dsc Diff File
add - packaging/bareos-vmware.spec Diff File
add - packaging/debian.debtransform Diff File
add - vadp_dumper/CMakeLists.txt Diff File
rm - vadp_dumper/Makefile Diff File
add - vmware-vix-disklib/CMakeLists.txt Diff File
add - vmware_cbt_tool/CMakeLists.txt Diff File
add - vmware_plugin/CMakeLists.txt Diff File

master 5ccfb05f

2017-10-25 13:09

Renout Gerrits

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
added free of thumbprint param
mod - vadp_dumper/bareos_vadp_dumper.cpp Diff File

master bd060010

2017-10-17 11:45

Renout Gerrits

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
change vcthumbprint from space seperation to no seperation
mod - vmware_plugin/ Diff File

master 79cf642f

2017-10-16 17:10

Renout Gerrits

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
added thumbprint for vmware 6.5 support
mod - vadp_dumper/bareos_vadp_dumper.cpp Diff File
mod - vmware_plugin/ Diff File

bareos-15.2 434494e4

2016-06-25 21:15


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Use json_integer_value() instead of json_number_value()

json_number_value() returns a double json_integer_value() returns a
proper 64 bits integer.
mod - vadp_dumper/bareos_vadp_dumper.cpp Diff File

master be5637b0

2016-02-01 11:07


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
First changes for allowing to clone a VMDK on backup.

We allocate now either a read or write handle. So we can later
on read on backup the data and clone it to the write handle and
as such clone the VMDK.
mod - vadp_dumper/bareos_vadp_dumper.cpp Diff File

master 3b7536db

2016-01-28 16:19


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
mod - AUTHORS Diff File

master 024ee184

2016-01-28 15:51

Committer: mvwieringen

Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Allow to clone content of VMDK to local raw device.

This adds support to the vadp_dumper to write the content of the backup
being taken next to stdout for backup also to a raw device on which the
CBT information is replayed so it contains the new state.
mod - vadp_dumper/bareos_vadp_dumper.cpp Diff File

master 45060f58

2016-01-28 15:37


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Work around VDDK exit handling.

We always get an exit code of 0 although we exit with other values
when we are in error.

It seems the VDDK registers an atexit(3) handler. This code adds our own
atexit handler and as things are called in reverse order we should be
the first one called.

It also seems with older VDDKs it even more broken so we now call _exit
and hope that by bypassing the VDDK cleanup we don't break to much.
mod - vadp_dumper/bareos_vadp_dumper.cpp Diff File

master bdb4b9f8

2016-01-25 19:50


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Restore to local VMDK File and Snapshot Naming.

When passing the option localvmdk=yes the plugin will run
bareos_vadp_dumper to restore to local VMDK file(s) instead
of restoring the original VM. In this case, the replace modes "Always"
and "Never" are handled properly.

The Snapshots that are created on backup now contain the JobId in the
snapshot name and both jobId and JobName in the snapshot description.

Also temporary files that are created on backup and restore are now
cleaned up.
mod - vmware_plugin/ Diff File

master 119581fa

2016-01-25 12:19


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
dumper: Don't check size when restoring to local VMDK.
mod - vadp_dumper/bareos_vadp_dumper.cpp Diff File

master 43c8f644

2015-12-17 20:01


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Merge branch 'master' of
mod - Diff File

master 7c8c2086

2015-12-10 15:17


Ported: N/A

Details Diff

The plugin is now part of the bareos-15.2 release and therefore supported.
mod - Diff File

master 346d6b8b

2015-10-24 18:30


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Where = / is passed as empty string.

We try to determine the name of the restore object based on the name of
the VM disk we are restoring. When the where is set to something other
then '/' the restorepkt.ofname is relative to the given where path but
when no where is specified its not and we should not try to determine
the releative path but just use the restorepkt.ofname directly.
mod - vmware_plugin/ Diff File

master ed86ede8

2015-10-16 18:35


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Add "accurate" support to VMWARE plugin.

As we want all files to be restored in the same order that the backups
are taken of the VM we have to fool the accurate code to think that all
previous "virtual files" are also found again. We can fake this by
returning bRC_Seen on each question to the check_file method of the
plugin which gets invoked for each file on the accurate Seen bitmap when
building the so called deleted files list.
mod - vmware_plugin/ Diff File

master b594f3b2

2015-10-14 13:04


Ported: N/A

Details Diff
Update copyright.
mod - vadp_dumper/bareos_vadp_dumper.cpp Diff File
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