bareos: master c4bab8b5

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
Frank Bergkemper Frank Bergkemper master 2016-05-04 19:56 master bddf6e24 Pending
Changeset Fix: Wrong cookie lifetime

Sets the cookie lifetime to zero to reset session lifetime to it's maximum with every click,
this was set to a wrong value. Also session maximum life- and idle-time is now set to
one hour by default. These settings should be configurable via an ini file in future.
In addition, the session idle-timeout controller plugin is probably no longer needed,
which would require some code cleanup.

Fixes 0000648: Timeout way too short and other options that need to be configurable
mod - config/autoload/global.php Diff File
mod - module/Application/src/Application/Controller/Plugin/SessionTimeoutPlugin.php Diff File