bareos: bareos-14.2 3a09212c

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
pstorz mvwieringen bareos-14.2 2015-11-12 18:39 bareos-14.2 88a28279 Pending
Affected Issues  0000414: Bareos storage daemon crashes during backups
 0000522: storage daemon crashes ocassionally when starting a new job
 0000552: SD crashes in -current
Changeset Fix random crashes on sd

The block variable was set to the dcr->block, but that can be altered in
the call to dev->set_label_blocksize(dcr).

When that happens, the code goes on with the wrong block.
We removed the whole local variable as it makes no sense and is only
referenced 3 times when calling empty_block()

Fixes 0000414: Bareos storage daemon crashes during backups
Fixse 0000483: bareos-sd crash during backup
Fixes 0000522: storage daemon crashes ocassionally when starting a new job
Fixes 0000552: SD crashes in -current

Signed-off-by: Marco van Wieringen <>
mod - src/stored/label.c Diff File