bareos: master 5f10e231

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
mvwieringen adm mvwieringen adm master 2013-08-07 19:25 master dde173bd Pending
Changeset Some keywords are only allowed in fileselection mode.

We now always send the BNET_START_RTREE and BNET_END_RTREE signals
even when the api mode is not enabled. This way bconsole also knows
when its in file selection mode and the tab expansion can show the
only expand keywords allowed in a certain mode. e.g. no more cd
and ls expansion when not in file selection mode which leads to
the dreaded "*cd .lsdir: is an invalid command." and
"*ls .ls: is an invalid command."
mod - src/dird/ua_tree.c Diff File
mod - src/console/console.c Diff File