bareos: master e9bf7643

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
bruno-at-bareos bruno-at-bareos master 2023-11-21 09:19 master 718eba52 Pending
Changeset plugin: fd mariabackup add support for mariadb 11+

- cmake introduce consistent cmake variable MARIADB_BACKUP_BINARY
- cmake replace all call of mysql cmd to their mariadb equivalent
  Mariadb >11 start echoing deprecated warning.
  + mysql -> mariadb
  + mysqld -> mariadbd
  + mariabackup -> mariadb-backup
- split testrunner to setup,cleanup,default
- fileset replace hardcoded mysql by @MARIADB_CLIENT_BINARY@
- add function check_plugin_mariadb_version()
  this is needed to pick the right stream filename depending of
  the version. (xbstream or mbstream)
- refactor start_backup_job() function
- add function get_lsn_by_command()
- add function parse_innodb_status(res) which can be used by cmd
  and mysqlclient
- re-add self.restorecommand init in parse_plugin_definition
  so restore directory is new for each file
- reword xbstream to mbstream expect for the protocol name
- improve logging placement statements
- use black for formating
- fix my.cnf usage

mariadb package hard require python3-mysqlclient module on SUSE.
The code using this module is then used during testing; to be
able to connect to the right instance we need to provide a default
config file.

Signed-off-by: Bruno Friedmann <>
mod - core/cmake/BareosFindPrograms.cmake Diff File
mod - core/src/plugins/filed/python/mariabackup/ Diff File
mod - systemtests/ Diff File
mod - systemtests/tests/py3plug-fd-mariabackup/CMakeLists.txt Diff File
mod - systemtests/tests/py3plug-fd-mariabackup/etc/bareos/bareos-dir.d/fileset/ Diff File
rm - systemtests/tests/py3plug-fd-mariabackup/testrunner Diff File
add - systemtests/tests/py3plug-fd-mariabackup/testrunner-default Diff File