bareos: master 4b2e151f

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
arogge arogge master 2023-11-30 16:48 master 387d6b95 Pending
Changeset python-fd: avoid colons in encoded values

We now encode with b85encode instead of a85encode. The major difference
is the set of characters used to represent the result. While a85encode
will use a colon (:) that is also used as an option separator in the
plugindef, b85encode will not.
As a result values encoded with b85encode will be simpler to use.
mod - core/scripts/ Diff File
mod - core/src/plugins/filed/python/pyfiles/ Diff File
mod - systemtests/tests/py3plug-fd-basic/etc/bareos/bareos-dir.d/fileset/ Diff File
mod - systemtests/tests/py3plug-fd-basic/etc/bareos/bareos-fd.d/plugin_defaults.ini Diff File