bareos: master a40bb072

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
pstorz pstorz master 2021-12-14 19:15 master ace013a7 Pending
Changeset dird: prune and purge send messages to console

... and to the job log when a job is calling the functions.

Before, most messages were created via Jmsg().
On interactive usage, the logs were stored in the message buffer
instead of showing up immediately.

With these changes, the logs created during pruning and purging show up
immediately when being used interactively in the console, and will be
logged into the job log if pruning and purging are called during a job
mod - core/src/cats/ Diff File
mod - core/src/dird/ Diff File
mod - core/src/dird/ua.h Diff File
mod - core/src/dird/ Diff File
mod - core/src/dird/ Diff File
mod - core/src/dird/ Diff File