bareos: master 99cbd596

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
Alaa Eddine Elamri arogge master 2021-09-21 13:15 master 2d6b11bb Pending
Changeset daemons: changed how pidfiles are created

The default is now not to create a pidfile. Daemons can be run with
parameter `-p <file>` where <file> is the full path to a pidfile that
should be created.

Previously pidfiles were created in a rather unsafe manner in a location
determined by Bareos' parameters.
mod - core/src/dird/ Diff File
mod - core/src/filed/ Diff File
mod - core/src/lib/ Diff File
mod - core/src/lib/bsys.h Diff File
mod - core/src/lib/ Diff File
mod - core/src/lib/daemon.h Diff File
mod - core/src/stored/ Diff File