bareos: master 4adffb6e

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
mvwieringen mvwieringen master 2014-02-18 16:48 master 297cd69b Pending
Affected Issues  0000274: bareos-fd on windows 7 struggles with unix-style pathes
Changeset Use proper filename for windows paths.

For ASCII paths you need to use unix_name_to_win32() and for UTF8 paths

We were always doing first a unix_name_to_win32() and that output as
input for UTF8 make_win32_path_UTF8_2_wchar() that ain't going to work.

Fixes 0000274: bareos-fd on windows 7 struggles with unix-style pathes
mod - src/win32/compat/compat.c Diff File
mod - src/win32/compat/include/compat.h Diff File