bareos: master 714cfce5

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
pstorz pstorz master 2021-02-20 21:11 master cc64e440 Pending
Changeset ctest: run ctest in scripted mode

- run "ctest -V -S CTestScript.cmake"
- run "start", "test" and "coverage" steps
- skip "configure", "build" and "submit" steps
- do not "make clean" before ctest
- skip second run of ctest on debian based os
- skip "bareosfd-python2-module-tester" test on MacOS(Darwin) as it
mod - core/CMakeLists.txt Diff File
add - core/ Diff File
mod - core/platforms/freebsd/bareos-freebsd/ Diff File
mod - core/platforms/packaging/bareos.spec Diff File
mod - core/src/plugins/filed/python/CMakeLists.txt Diff File
mod - debian/rules Diff File