bareos: master 0223f20f

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
joergs joergs master 2020-10-02 21:50 master 2b861762 Pending
Changeset core: configparser: CFG_TYPE_STR_VECTOR* read all entries

Generally, config directives in Bareos that can contain multiple values (list)
can be written in multiple lines and/or been seperated by comma (,):

TlsAllowedCn = cn1a, cn1b
TlsAllowedCn = cn2a, cn2b

The config types CFG_TYPE_STR_VECTOR and CFG_TYPE_STR_VECTOR_OF_DIRS are lists.
However, before this change, directive using these types
silently ignores all characters after the first comma.

This change fix this.
mod - core/src/lib/ Diff File