bareos: bareos-18.2 ff56949f

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
pstorz arogge bareos-18.2 2019-02-26 12:14 bareos-18.2 eb53d609 Pending
Changeset gfapi-fd: avoid "missing config.h" problem on Debian 8 and Ubuntu 16

On Debian 8 and Ubuntu 16, /usr/include/glusterfs/compat-errno.h
contains the following lines:

 #ifndef _CONFIG_H
 #define _CONFIG_H
 #include "config.h"

As config.h is not existent, building fails.

By defining _CONFIG_H we avoid this problem and can successfully build
the gfapi-fd plugin.

(cherry picked from commit a09298ebb9f976efb5da28f2476994c64c3a59ee)
mod - core/src/plugins/filed/ Diff File