bareos: bareos-18.2 8313d88a

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
arogge arogge bareos-18.2 2020-03-04 13:35 bareos-18.2 76c4b6d2 Pending
Changeset univention: revise sources.list template

Previously the sources.list template in univention required building in
open build-service, as one of the OBS variables had been used. This
patch now makes the template independent of OBS and also ensures that
you'll get a reasonable error-message in the generated sources.list if
something goes wrong (e.g. you provided wrong credentials).

(cherry picked from commit f94b5699de5cfe076178d6ffd89f78f087b52f8d)
mod - core/platforms/univention/conffiles/etc/apt/sources.list.d/ Diff File