bareos: bareos-18.2 e1650a4d

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
joergs joergs bareos-18.2 2019-01-14 15:11 bareos-18.2 04978f89 Pending
Changeset docs: improve converting Latex to Sphinx

  * clarify double table comments
  * replace encapsulated \\verb\|path:(.*?)\| entries
  * fix Windows paths (\ must be written as \\)
  * handle releasenotes sections and subsections in prepandoc
  * handle ticket, releaseUrlDownloadBareosOrg, releaseUrlDownloadBareosOrg in postpandoc
mod - docs/manuals/en/main/configure.tex Diff File
mod - docs/manuals/en/new_main_reference/ Diff File
mod - docs/manuals/en/new_main_reference/ Diff File
mod - docs/manuals/en/new_main_reference/source/ Diff File