bareos: dev 5d886931

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
joergs joergs dev 2019-01-11 13:52 dev 4d3752ef Pending
Changeset docs: improve converting Latex to Sphinx

  * remove number of sphinx warnings from ca. 3000 to 1947.
  * latex environments: keep indentation fpr captions
  * use :command: instead of :program:, as it is intendent for system commands.
  * don't use :option:, as this has special meaning (tries to refer to '.. option::', which is not defined and produces warnings).
  * fix labels
  * improve converting \warning marco
mod - docs/manuals/en/main/bareos.sty Diff File
mod - docs/manuals/en/main/configure.tex Diff File
mod - docs/manuals/en/new_main_reference/ Diff File
mod - docs/manuals/en/new_main_reference/ Diff File