bareos: master 61ee062b

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
frank frank master 2018-04-20 14:04 master 59eccff7 Pending
Changeset Warnings handled seperately

Jobs with a status 'Warning' or 'Canceled' are handled seperately now.
Following Job Status fall into the category warning.

JS_Warnings - W - Terminated normally with warnings
JS_Canceled - A - Canceled by user
mod - module/Dashboard/src/Dashboard/Controller/DashboardController.php Diff File
mod - module/Dashboard/view/dashboard/dashboard/index.phtml Diff File
mod - module/Dashboard/view/partial/JobsPast24h.phtml Diff File
mod - module/Job/src/Job/Controller/JobController.php Diff File
mod - module/Job/src/Job/Form/JobForm.php Diff File