; ; Bareos WebUI Configuration File ; ; File: /etc/bareos-webui/directors.ini ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Section localhost-dir ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [localhost-dir] ; Enable or disable section. Possible values are "yes" or "no", the default is "yes". enabled = "yes" ; Fill in the IP-Address or FQDN of you director. ; E.g. alice.example.com, or [::1] diraddress = "localhost" ; Default value is 9101 dirport = 9101 ; Set catalog to explicit value if you have multiple catalogs ;catalog = "MyCatalog" ; Set the console name and password for a dedicated pam console. ; Make sure, that "UsePamAuthentication = yes" is set in the ; counterpart Director console configuration. ;pam_console_name = "username" ;pam_console_password = "password" ; TLS verify peer ; Possible values: true or false tls_verify_peer = false ; Server can do TLS ; Possible values: true or false server_can_do_tls = false ; Server requires TLS ; Possible values: true or false server_requires_tls = false ; Client can do TLS ; Possible values: true or false client_can_do_tls = false ; Client requires TLS ; Possible value: true or false client_requires_tls = false ; Path to the certificate authority file ; E.g. ca_file = "/etc/bareos/tls/BareosCA.crt" ;ca_file = "" ; Path to the cert file which needs to contain the client certificate and the key in PEM encoding ; E.g. ca_file = "/etc/bareos/tls/restricted-named-console.pem" ;cert_file = "" ; Passphrase needed to unlock the above cert file if set ;cert_file_passphrase = "" ; Allowed common names ; E.g. allowed_cns = "host1.example.com" ;allowed_cns = "" ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Section another-host-dir ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [another-host-dir] enabled = "no" diraddress = "" dirport = 9101 ;catalog = "MyCatalog" ;pam_console_name = "username" ;pam_console_password = "password" ;tls_verify_peer = false ;server_can_do_tls = false ;server_requires_tls = false ;client_can_do_tls = false ;client_requires_tls = false ;ca_file = "" ;cert_file = "" ;cert_file_passphrase = "" ;allowed_cns = ""