139 2023-11-28 00:58:32 yyy-dir JobId 196538: console command: run AfterJob ".bvfs_update JobId=196538" 138 2023-11-28 00:58:32 yyy-dir JobId 196538: Bareos yyy-dir 22.1.1 (23Oct23): Build OS: Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye) JobId: 196538 Job: myclient.xxx.com-files.2023-11-27_23.05.02_37 Backup Level: Incremental, since=2023-11-27 00:38:02 Client: "myclient.xxx.com" 22.1.0 (13Jun23) Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Standard Edition (build 9200), 64-bit,Cross-compile FileSet: "windows-files" 2022-07-06 23:05:00 Pool: "AI-Incremental" (From Job resource) Catalog: "MyCatalog" (From Client resource) Storage: "AI-Incremental" (From Pool resource) Scheduled time: 27-Nov-2023 23:05:02 Start time: 28-Nov-2023 00:48:22 End time: 28-Nov-2023 00:58:32 Elapsed time: 10 mins 10 secs Priority: 10 FD Files Written: 161,364 SD Files Written: 161,364 FD Bytes Written: 7,370,765,464 (7.370 GB) SD Bytes Written: 7,416,406,426 (7.416 GB) Rate: 12083.2 KB/s Software Compression: 55.4 % (gzip3) VSS: yes Encryption: no Accurate: yes Volume name(s): vol-incr-0648 Volume Session Id: 130650 Volume Session Time: 1678051949 Last Volume Bytes: 49,153,528,316 (49.15 GB) Non-fatal FD errors: 106 SD Errors: 0 FD termination status: OK SD termination status: OK Bareos binary info: Bareos subscription release Job triggered by: Scheduler Termination: Backup OK -- with warnings 137 2023-11-28 00:58:32 yyy-dir JobId 196538: Insert of attributes batch table done 136 2023-11-28 00:58:25 yyy-dir JobId 196538: Insert of attributes batch table with 161363 entries start 135 2023-11-28 00:58:24 yyy-sd JobId 196538: Elapsed time=00:09:45, Transfer rate=12.67 M Bytes/second 134 2023-11-28 00:58:24 yyy-sd JobId 196538: Releasing device "AI-Incremental0005" (/var/lib/bareos/storage). 133 2023-11-28 00:58:24 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: VSS Writer (BackupComplete): "COM+ REGDB Writer", State: 0x1 (VSS_WS_STABLE) 132 2023-11-28 00:58:24 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: VSS Writer (BackupComplete): "Registry Writer", State: 0x1 (VSS_WS_STABLE) 131 2023-11-28 00:58:24 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: VSS Writer (BackupComplete): "Shadow Copy Optimization Writer", State: 0x1 (VSS_WS_STABLE) 130 2023-11-28 00:58:24 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: VSS Writer (BackupComplete): "ASR Writer", State: 0x1 (VSS_WS_STABLE) 129 2023-11-28 00:58:24 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: VSS Writer (BackupComplete): "WMI Writer", State: 0x1 (VSS_WS_STABLE) 128 2023-11-28 00:58:24 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: VSS Writer (BackupComplete): "SqlServerWriter", State: 0x1 (VSS_WS_STABLE) 127 2023-11-28 00:58:24 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: VSS Writer (BackupComplete): "System Writer", State: 0x1 (VSS_WS_STABLE) 126 2023-11-28 00:58:24 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: VSS Writer (BackupComplete): "Performance Counters Writer", State: 0x1 (VSS_WS_STABLE) 125 2023-11-28 00:58:24 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: VSS Writer (BackupComplete): "VSS Metadata Store Writer", State: 0x1 (VSS_WS_STABLE) 124 2023-11-28 00:58:24 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: VSS Writer (BackupComplete): "Task Scheduler Writer", State: 0x1 (VSS_WS_STABLE) 123 2023-11-28 00:58:21 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "E:/SQLLogs/vtldata_log.ldf": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 122 2023-11-28 00:58:21 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "E:/SQLLogs/VFData_log.ldf": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 121 2023-11-28 00:58:21 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "E:/SQLLogs/SQLTestDB_log.ldf": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 120 2023-11-28 00:58:21 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "E:/SQLLogs/rsnetdata_rd_log.ldf": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 119 2023-11-28 00:58:21 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "E:/SQLLogs/rsnetdata.LDF": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 118 2023-11-28 00:58:21 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "E:/SQLLogs/Ramasoft Externen/rsnetdata_vijverman.ldf": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 117 2023-11-28 00:58:21 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "E:/SQLLogs/Ramasoft Externen/rsnetdata_stas.ldf": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 116 2023-11-28 00:58:21 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "E:/SQLLogs/Ramasoft Externen/rsnetdata_Solmat_1.LDF": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 115 2023-11-28 00:58:21 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "E:/SQLLogs/Ramasoft Externen/rsnetdata_Snels_log.ldf": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 114 2023-11-28 00:58:21 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "E:/SQLLogs/Ramasoft Externen/rsnetdata_raamprof_log_new.ldf": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 113 2023-11-28 00:58:21 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "E:/SQLLogs/Ramasoft Externen/rsnetdata_PetersLeon_1.LDF": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 112 2023-11-28 00:58:21 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "E:/SQLLogs/Ramasoft Externen/rsnetdata_Maes_1.LDF": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 111 2023-11-28 00:58:21 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "E:/SQLLogs/Ramasoft Externen/rsnetdata_lindebrings.ldf": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 110 2023-11-28 00:58:21 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "E:/SQLLogs/Ramasoft Externen/rsnetdata_Jlk_1.LDF": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 109 2023-11-28 00:58:21 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "E:/SQLLogs/Ramasoft Externen/rsnetdata_cope.ldf": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 108 2023-11-28 00:58:21 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "E:/SQLLogs/Ramasoft Externen/rsnetdata_Cbro_log.ldf": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 107 2023-11-28 00:58:21 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "E:/SQLLogs/Ramasoft Externen/rsnetdata_America_1.LDF": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 106 2023-11-28 00:58:21 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "E:/SQLLogs/Ramasoft Externen/rsnetdata_Aludesign_log.ldf": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 105 2023-11-28 00:58:21 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "E:/SQLLogs/Ramasoft Externen/rsnetdata_Alucoplast_1.LDF": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 104 2023-11-28 00:58:21 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "E:/SQLLogs/Ramasoft Externen/Nuyts/rsnetdata_Nuyts.ldf": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 103 2023-11-28 00:58:21 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "E:/SQLLogs/Ramasoft/rsnetdata_dealer_1.LDF": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 102 2023-11-28 00:58:21 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "E:/SQLLogs/Planning_log.LDF": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 101 2023-11-28 00:58:21 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "E:/SQLLogs/Planning/PlanningTest_Log": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 100 2023-11-28 00:58:21 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "D:/SQLData/vtldata.mdf": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 99 2023-11-28 00:58:21 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "D:/SQLData/VFData.mdf": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 98 2023-11-28 00:58:21 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "D:/SQLData/SQLTestDB.mdf": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 97 2023-11-28 00:58:21 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "D:/SQLData/rsnetdata_rd.mdf": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 96 2023-11-28 00:58:21 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "D:/SQLData/rsnetdata.mdf": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 95 2023-11-28 00:58:21 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "D:/SQLData/Ramasoft Externen/rsnetdata_vijverman.mdf": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 94 2023-11-28 00:58:21 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "D:/SQLData/Ramasoft Externen/rsnetdata_stas.mdf": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 93 2023-11-28 00:58:21 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "D:/SQLData/Ramasoft Externen/rsnetdata_Solmat.mdf": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 92 2023-11-28 00:58:21 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "D:/SQLData/Ramasoft Externen/rsnetdata_Snels.mdf": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 91 2023-11-28 00:58:21 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "D:/SQLData/Ramasoft Externen/rsnetdata_raamprof.mdf": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 90 2023-11-28 00:58:21 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "D:/SQLData/Ramasoft Externen/rsnetdata_PetersLeon.mdf": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 89 2023-11-28 00:58:21 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "D:/SQLData/Ramasoft Externen/rsnetdata_Maes.mdf": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 88 2023-11-28 00:58:21 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "D:/SQLData/Ramasoft Externen/rsnetdata_lindebrings.mdf": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 87 2023-11-28 00:58:21 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "D:/SQLData/Ramasoft Externen/rsnetdata_Jlk.mdf": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 86 2023-11-28 00:58:21 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "D:/SQLData/Ramasoft Externen/rsnetdata_cope.mdf": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 85 2023-11-28 00:58:21 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "D:/SQLData/Ramasoft Externen/rsnetdata_Cbro.mdf": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 84 2023-11-28 00:58:21 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "D:/SQLData/Ramasoft Externen/rsnetdata_America.mdf": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 83 2023-11-28 00:58:21 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "D:/SQLData/Ramasoft Externen/rsnetdata_Aludesign.mdf": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 82 2023-11-28 00:58:21 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "D:/SQLData/Ramasoft Externen/rsnetdata_Alucoplast.mdf": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 81 2023-11-28 00:58:21 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "D:/SQLData/Ramasoft Externen/Nuyts/rsnetdata_Nuyts.mdf": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 80 2023-11-28 00:58:21 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "D:/SQLData/Ramasoft/rsnetdata_dealer.mdf": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 79 2023-11-28 00:58:21 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "D:/SQLData/Planning.mdf": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 78 2023-11-28 00:58:21 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "D:/SQLData/Planning/PlanningTest": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 77 2023-11-28 00:58:21 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Could not stat "D:/DumpStack.log.tmp": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. 76 2023-11-28 00:53:07 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "C:/Windows/System32/LogFiles/Sum/Svctmp.log": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 75 2023-11-28 00:53:07 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "C:/Windows/System32/LogFiles/Sum/Svc.log": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 74 2023-11-28 00:53:07 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "C:/Windows/System32/LogFiles/Sum/Current.mdb": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 73 2023-11-28 00:53:07 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "C:/Windows/System32/LogFiles/Sum/Current.jfm": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 72 2023-11-28 00:52:43 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "C:/Windows/System32/config/systemprofile/AppData/Local/DataSharing/Storage/DSTokenDB2.jfm": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 71 2023-11-28 00:52:43 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "C:/Windows/System32/config/systemprofile/AppData/Local/DataSharing/Storage/DSTokenDB2.dat": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 70 2023-11-28 00:52:43 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "C:/Windows/System32/config/systemprofile/AppData/Local/DataSharing/Storage/DSS.log": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 69 2023-11-28 00:52:43 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "C:/Windows/System32/config/SYSTEM.LOG2": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 68 2023-11-28 00:52:43 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "C:/Windows/System32/config/SYSTEM.LOG1": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 67 2023-11-28 00:52:43 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "C:/Windows/System32/config/SYSTEM": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 66 2023-11-28 00:52:43 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "C:/Windows/System32/config/SOFTWARE.LOG2": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 65 2023-11-28 00:52:43 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "C:/Windows/System32/config/SOFTWARE.LOG1": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 64 2023-11-28 00:52:43 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "C:/Windows/System32/config/SOFTWARE": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 63 2023-11-28 00:52:43 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "C:/Windows/System32/config/SECURITY.LOG2": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 62 2023-11-28 00:52:43 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "C:/Windows/System32/config/SECURITY.LOG1": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 61 2023-11-28 00:52:43 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "C:/Windows/System32/config/SECURITY": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 60 2023-11-28 00:52:43 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "C:/Windows/System32/config/SAM": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 59 2023-11-28 00:52:43 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "C:/Windows/System32/config/DEFAULT.LOG2": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 58 2023-11-28 00:52:43 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "C:/Windows/System32/config/DEFAULT.LOG1": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 57 2023-11-28 00:52:43 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "C:/Windows/System32/config/DEFAULT": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 56 2023-11-28 00:52:42 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "C:/Windows/System32/config/BBI.LOG2": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 55 2023-11-28 00:52:42 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "C:/Windows/System32/config/BBI.LOG1": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 54 2023-11-28 00:52:42 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "C:/Windows/System32/config/BBI": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 53 2023-11-28 00:52:40 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "C:/Windows/System32/catroot2/{F750E6C3-38EE-11D1-85E5-00C04FC295EE}/catdb.jfm": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 52 2023-11-28 00:52:40 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "C:/Windows/System32/catroot2/{F750E6C3-38EE-11D1-85E5-00C04FC295EE}/catdb": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 51 2023-11-28 00:52:40 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "C:/Windows/System32/catroot2/{127D0A1D-4EF2-11D1-8608-00C04FC295EE}/catdb.jfm": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 50 2023-11-28 00:52:40 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "C:/Windows/System32/catroot2/{127D0A1D-4EF2-11D1-8608-00C04FC295EE}/catdb": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 49 2023-11-28 00:52:40 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "C:/Windows/System32/catroot2/edbtmp.log": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 48 2023-11-28 00:52:40 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "C:/Windows/System32/catroot2/edb.log": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 47 2023-11-28 00:50:30 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "C:/Windows/ServiceProfiles/SQLTELEMETRY/ntuser.dat.LOG2": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 46 2023-11-28 00:50:30 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "C:/Windows/ServiceProfiles/SQLTELEMETRY/ntuser.dat.LOG1": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 45 2023-11-28 00:50:30 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "C:/Windows/ServiceProfiles/SQLTELEMETRY/NTUSER.DAT": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 44 2023-11-28 00:50:30 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "C:/Windows/ServiceProfiles/SQLTELEMETRY/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/UsrClass.dat": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 43 2023-11-28 00:50:30 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "C:/Windows/ServiceProfiles/NetworkService/NTUSER.DAT.LOG2": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 42 2023-11-28 00:50:30 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "C:/Windows/ServiceProfiles/NetworkService/NTUSER.DAT": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 41 2023-11-28 00:50:30 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "C:/Windows/ServiceProfiles/LocalService/NTUSER.DAT": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 40 2023-11-28 00:49:41 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "C:/Windows/appcompat/Programs/Amcache.hve.LOG2": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 39 2023-11-28 00:49:41 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "C:/Windows/appcompat/Programs/Amcache.hve.LOG1": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 38 2023-11-28 00:49:41 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "C:/Windows/appcompat/Programs/Amcache.hve": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 37 2023-11-28 00:49:39 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "C:/Users/gsma_SQLrama$/ntuser.dat.LOG2": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 36 2023-11-28 00:49:39 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "C:/Users/gsma_SQLrama$/NTUSER.DAT": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 35 2023-11-28 00:49:12 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "C:/ProgramData/Microsoft/Windows Defender/Scans/MpDiag.bin": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 34 2023-11-28 00:49:06 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "C:/ProgramData/Microsoft/Windows Defender/IMpService77BDAF73-B396-481F-9042-AD358843EC24.lock": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 33 2023-11-28 00:49:06 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "C:/ProgramData/Microsoft/Windows Defender/IMpDlpService77BDAF73-B396-481F-9042-AD358843EC24.lock": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 32 2023-11-28 00:48:50 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "C:/Program Files/Microsoft SQL Server/MSSQL15.MSSQLSERVER/MSSQL/DATA/templog.ldf": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 31 2023-11-28 00:48:50 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "C:/Program Files/Microsoft SQL Server/MSSQL15.MSSQLSERVER/MSSQL/DATA/tempdb_mssql_8.ndf": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 30 2023-11-28 00:48:50 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "C:/Program Files/Microsoft SQL Server/MSSQL15.MSSQLSERVER/MSSQL/DATA/tempdb_mssql_7.ndf": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 29 2023-11-28 00:48:50 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "C:/Program Files/Microsoft SQL Server/MSSQL15.MSSQLSERVER/MSSQL/DATA/tempdb_mssql_6.ndf": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 28 2023-11-28 00:48:50 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "C:/Program Files/Microsoft SQL Server/MSSQL15.MSSQLSERVER/MSSQL/DATA/tempdb_mssql_5.ndf": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 27 2023-11-28 00:48:50 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "C:/Program Files/Microsoft SQL Server/MSSQL15.MSSQLSERVER/MSSQL/DATA/tempdb_mssql_4.ndf": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 26 2023-11-28 00:48:50 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "C:/Program Files/Microsoft SQL Server/MSSQL15.MSSQLSERVER/MSSQL/DATA/tempdb_mssql_3.ndf": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 25 2023-11-28 00:48:50 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "C:/Program Files/Microsoft SQL Server/MSSQL15.MSSQLSERVER/MSSQL/DATA/tempdb_mssql_2.ndf": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 24 2023-11-28 00:48:50 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "C:/Program Files/Microsoft SQL Server/MSSQL15.MSSQLSERVER/MSSQL/DATA/tempdb.mdf": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 23 2023-11-28 00:48:50 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "C:/Program Files/Microsoft SQL Server/MSSQL15.MSSQLSERVER/MSSQL/DATA/MSDBLog.ldf": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 22 2023-11-28 00:48:50 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "C:/Program Files/Microsoft SQL Server/MSSQL15.MSSQLSERVER/MSSQL/DATA/MSDBData.mdf": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 21 2023-11-28 00:48:50 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "C:/Program Files/Microsoft SQL Server/MSSQL15.MSSQLSERVER/MSSQL/DATA/modellog.ldf": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 20 2023-11-28 00:48:50 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "C:/Program Files/Microsoft SQL Server/MSSQL15.MSSQLSERVER/MSSQL/DATA/model.mdf": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 19 2023-11-28 00:48:50 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "C:/Program Files/Microsoft SQL Server/MSSQL15.MSSQLSERVER/MSSQL/DATA/mastlog.ldf": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 18 2023-11-28 00:48:50 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Cannot open "C:/Program Files/Microsoft SQL Server/MSSQL15.MSSQLSERVER/MSSQL/DATA/master.mdf": ERR=The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. . 17 2023-11-28 00:48:42 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: VolumeMountpoints are not processed as onefs = yes. 16 2023-11-28 00:48:42 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: VolumeMountpoints are not processed as onefs = yes. 15 2023-11-28 00:48:42 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: VolumeMountpoints are not processed as onefs = yes. 14 2023-11-28 00:48:41 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Generate VSS snapshots. Driver="Win64 VSS", Drive(s)="CDE" 13 2023-11-28 00:48:39 yyy-sd JobId 196538: Ready to append to end of Volume "vol-incr-0648" size=41724904576 12 2023-11-28 00:48:39 yyy-sd JobId 196538: Volume "vol-incr-0648" previously written, moving to end of data. 11 2023-11-28 00:48:39 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Encryption: TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256 TLSv1.3 10 2023-11-28 00:48:39 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Connected Storage daemon at yyy.hosted-power.com:9103, encryption: TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256 TLSv1.3 9 2023-11-28 00:48:22 myclient.xxx.com JobId 196538: Created 18 wildcard excludes from FilesNotToBackup Registry key 8 2023-11-28 00:48:39 yyy-dir JobId 196538: Using Device "AI-Incremental0005" to write. 7 2023-11-28 00:48:22 yyy-dir JobId 196538: Sending Accurate information. 6 2023-11-28 00:48:21 yyy-dir JobId 196538: Encryption: TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256 TLSv1.3 5 2023-11-28 00:48:21 yyy-dir JobId 196538: Handshake: Immediate TLS 4 2023-11-28 00:48:21 yyy-dir JobId 196538: Using Client Initiated Connection (myclient.xxx.com). 3 2023-11-28 00:48:21 yyy-dir JobId 196538: Encryption: TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256 TLSv1.3 2 2023-11-28 00:48:21 yyy-dir JobId 196538: Connected Storage daemon at yyy.hosted-power.com:9103, encryption: TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256 TLSv1.3 1 2023-11-28 00:48:21 yyy-dir JobId 196538: Start Backup JobId 196538, Job=myclient.xxx.com-files.2023-11-27_23.05.02_37