Device { Name = S3_Dev1 Media Type = S3_T1 Archive Device = S3 Object Storage # # Device Options: # profile= - Droplet profile path, e.g. /etc/bareos/bareos-sd.d/device/droplet/droplet.profile # acl= - Canned ACL # storageclass= - Storage Class to use. # bucket= - Bucket to store objects in. # chunksize= - Size of Volume Chunks (default = 10 Mb) # iothreads= - Number of IO-threads to use for upload (use blocking uploads if not defined) # ioslots= - Number of IO-slots per IO-thread (0-255, default 10) # retries= - Number of retires if a write fails (0-255, default = 0, which means unlimited retries) # mmap= - Use mmap to allocate Chunk memory instead of malloc(). # location= - Deprecated. If required (AWS only), it has to be set in the Droplet profile. # # testing: #Device Options = "profile=/etc/bareos/bareos-sd.d/droplet/droplet.profile,bucket=bareos-backup-test1-bucket1,chunksize=100M,iothreads=0,retries=1" # performance: Device Options = "profile=/etc/bareos/bareos-sd.d/device/droplet/droplet.profile,bucket=bareos-backup-test1-bucket1,chunksize=100M" Device Type = droplet Label Media = yes # lets Bareos label unlabeled media Random Access = yes Automatic Mount = yes # when device opened, read it Removable Media = no Always Open = no Description = "S3 device on bareos-backup-test1-bucket1" Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 2 }